
Ramsay MacDonald

  • ️Thu Mar 28 2024

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Ramsay MacDonald

Ramsay MacDonald was the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom in the 1930s.

Biography[[edit] | [edit source]]

Like all other Prime Ministers postdating 1918, MacDonald was told about the captive Sontaran Brak after his election, and allowed to meet and converse with him. (AUDIO: Old Soldiers [+]Loading...["Old Soldiers (BBV audio story)"])

By 14 July 1930, MacDonald, being the prime minister, was one of the very few people to own a television set, which at the time were experimental devices. (PROSE: The Wheel of Ice [+]Loading...["The Wheel of Ice (novel)"])

On 5 October 1930, Charley Pollard named a Vortisaur "Ramsay" after him as she believed that it resembled him. (AUDIO: Storm Warning [+]Loading...["Storm Warning (audio story)"])

MacDonald's position as Prime Minister overlapped with Adolf Hitler's rise to power in Germany in 1933. The Seventh Doctor claimed he was an idiot for ignoring the threat posed by the Nazi government, being more concerned instead with domestic unemployment rates and with keeping the Conservative Party in line. (PROSE: Log 384 [+]Loading...["Log 384 (short story)"])

MacDonald was succeeded as prime minister by Neville Chamberlain, who had a more difficult time dealing with Nazi Germany as Europe drew closer to war. (PROSE: Illegal Alien, One Wednesday Afternoon, AUDIO: An Eye For Murder)

Behind the scenes[[edit] | [edit source]]

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Prime Ministers of the United Kingdom
17th century
18th century
19th century
20th century
21st century

Inferno Earth
Pete's World
The Year That
Never Was
River Song's World

Holy Roman Emperor Winston Churchill

Alternate timeline
Alternate timeline
Alternate timeline
Alternate timeline
Parallel universe
Parallel universe
Not considered
part of the DWU
The Prime Ministers are listed in rough chronological order by their first term in office.
Please note that this template only uses information from fictional sources. Real world information should not enter into this.