Rory's Stag (short story)
- ️Tue Mar 26 2024
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Rory's Stag was a short story published in The Brilliant Book 2011.
Summary[[edit] | [edit source]]
to be added
Characters[[edit] | [edit source]]
- Rory Williams
- Eleventh Doctor
- Barry Whitaker
- Bradley Davis
- Jake Johnson
- Jamie Thompson
- Karen Jenkins
- Tim Salisbury
Worldbuilding[[edit] | [edit source]]
- Rory, Amy Pond, the Doctor, Bradley, Jake, Barry, Jamie, and Karen use Twitbook.
- The Doctor confirms his attendance on 26 June.
- The Horse & Jockey is the only pub in Leadworth.
- Jake played darts.
Notes[[edit] | [edit source]]
- Twitbook is a pastiche of Twitter and Facebook.
- Due to the nature of social media formatting, this story is essentially written as non-linear.
Continuity[[edit] | [edit source]]
- The events being discussed were featured in the opening scene of TV: The Vampires of Venice.
- Rory is a medic. (TV: The Eleventh Hour, The Power of Three)
- The stag party is in The Horse & Jockey. (PROSE: Stop, Thief!)