

  • ️Thu Feb 27 2025

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Scrolls were a medium for writing and keeping text or knowledge. (AUDIO: The Roof of the World [+]Loading...["The Roof of the World (audio story)"], PROSE: Dalek Saturn Probe [+]Loading...["Dalek Saturn Probe (short story)"]) Some scrolls were made of papyrus, and were sealed utilising wax with a seal. (PROSE: The Sword of Forever [+]Loading...["The Sword of Forever (novel)"], The Sorcerer's Apprentice [+]Loading...["The Sorcerer's Apprentice (novel)"])

Uses of scrolls[[edit] | [edit source]]

Scrolls were often used to the recording and subsequent proclamation of information. (TV: The Happiness Patrol [+]Loading...["The Happiness Patrol (TV story)"], PROSE: Cold Fusion [+]Loading...["Cold Fusion (novel)"])

Additionally prophetical information was recorded on scrolls. (AUDIO: The Doomsday Quatrain [+]Loading...["The Doomsday Quatrain (audio story)"], TV: Silver Nemesis [+]Loading...["Silver Nemesis (TV story)"], The Fires of Pompeii [+]Loading...["The Fires of Pompeii (TV story)"])

Plans for machines, or buildings were often kept in scrolls. The plans for the source manipulator were kept in scroll-form. (TV: The Keeper of Traken [+]Loading...["The Keeper of Traken (TV story)"])

Scrolls could be found with fairy circles. (TV: 73 Yards [+]Loading...["73 Yards (TV story)"])

Species' use of scrolls[[edit] | [edit source]]

Humans, Kromon, Draconians Daleks, Guerners, and Time Lords have used scrolls to record information through their history. (AUDIO: The Roof of the World [+]Loading...["The Roof of the World (audio story)"], The Creed of the Kromon [+]Loading...["The Creed of the Kromon (audio story)"], Paper Cuts [+]Loading...["Paper Cuts (audio story)"], PROSE: Dalek Saturn Probe [+]Loading...["Dalek Saturn Probe (short story)"], The Sleeping Beast [+]Loading...["The Sleeping Beast (short story)"], TV: The Five Doctors [+]Loading...["The Five Doctors (TV story)"])

Technology-linked[[edit] | [edit source]]

A scroll linked was linked to The Foretold, and wherever the scroll was placed the solider would follow, until the Twelfth Doctor freed the soldier from the technology. The scroll was destroyed when Gus destroyed the Orient Express where the scroll was being displayed. (TV: Mummy on the Orient Express [+]Loading...["Mummy on the Orient Express (TV story)"])

See also specific scrolls[[edit] | [edit source]]