
Spaceship (Praxeus)

  • ️Sat Apr 20 2024

From Tardis Wiki, the free Doctor Who reference

A spaceship was a shuttle of a lab ship, piloted by Suki Cheng and her crew. It used reverse pulse proton engines. Among its components it had organic fuel cells, engine vents, that could be set to automated time venting, manual bypass, dials, comms, spatial regulators and autopilots.

After Suki's home planet was devastated by Praxeus the survivors were assigned to lab ships to find an antidote for the few of them left alive. By the early 2020s, Suki's spaceship travelled across three galaxies to find Earth, which was the perfect living laboratory.

While trying to land on Earth, the crew lost control of the shuttle on entry and crash-landed on the bottom of the Indian Ocean. Praxeus flooded out from the spacecraft, irradiated and formed a construct. The spaceship was sending out pulses of energy from the bottom of the ocean which caused the frazzle of a Soyuz spacecraft, piloted by Adam Lang.

When the Thirteenth Doctor found the construct, Suki Cheng was trying to fix her ship. The Doctor examined it and proposed a plan, but Suki succumbed to Praxeus and died. With the help of Team TARDIS, Gabriela Camara, Adam Lang and Jake Willis the Doctor fixed the ship and filled organic fuel cells with Praxeus antidote. The autopilot system was set for the Earth's stratosphere.

During the initiation of the autopilot take off autopilot failure occured. The Doctor told everyone to escape the construct to the TARDIS, but Jake Willis decided to return to the ship so that he could pilot it manually to make sure that Praxeus antidote is dropped in the stratosphere. He managed to do this, but the shuttle started breaking up. He was saved by the Doctor, who moved her TARDIS right to his position before the shuttle was destroyed. (TV: Praxeus [+]Loading...["Praxeus (TV story)"])