Steffan Morris
- ️Sun Dec 01 2024
Steffan Morris has been part of the BBC Wales production crew of Doctor Who and Torchwood television stories, in a variety of positions.
He was a 1st assistant director, 2nd assistant director and production manager for Doctor Who and Torchwood, a production manager for The Sarah Jane Adventures, and a line producer for Doctor Who.
Credits[[edit] | [edit source]]
Doctor Who[[edit] | [edit source]]
As 2nd assistant director[[edit] | [edit source]]
- Rose
- The End of the World
- The Unquiet Dead
- Aliens of London
- World War Three
- The Long Game
- The Empty Child
- The Doctor Dances
- Boom Town
- Bad Wolf
- The Parting of the Ways
- The Christmas Invasion
- New Earth
- School Reunion
- Rise of the Cybermen
- The Age of Steel
- The Idiot's Lantern
- The Impossible Planet
- The Satan Pit
- Fear Her
- Army of Ghosts
- Doomsday
- The Runaway Bride
- Smith and Jones
- The Shakespeare Code
- Daleks in Manhattan
- Evolution of the Daleks
- 42
- Human Nature
- The Family of Blood
- Utopia
- The Sound of Drums
- Last of the Time Lords
As 1st assistant director[[edit] | [edit source]]
As production manager[[edit] | [edit source]]
- Planet of the Dead
- Cold Blood
- The Pandorica Opens
- The Big Bang
- The Impossible Astronaut
- Day of the Moon
- The Curse of the Black Spot
- The Doctor's Wife
- The Rebel Flesh
- The Almost People
- A Good Man Goes to War
- Night Terrors
- The Girl Who Died
- The Woman Who Lived
- The Zygon Invasion
- The Zygon Inversion
- Sleep No More
- Face the Raven
- Heaven Sent
As line producer[[edit] | [edit source]]
- The Return of Doctor Mysterio
- The Pilot
- Smile
- Thin Ice
- Knock Knock
- Oxygen
- Extremis
- The Doctor Falls
- Twice Upon a Time
- The Woman Who Fell to Earth
- The Ghost Monument (with Alan Shearer)
- Rosa (with Alan Shearer)
- Arachnids in the UK
- The Tsuranga Conundrum
- Demons of the Punjab
- Kerblam!
- The Witchfinders
- It Takes You Away
- The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos
- Resolution
- Spyfall
- Orphan 55
Torchwood[[edit] | [edit source]]
As 2nd assistant director[[edit] | [edit source]]
As production manager[[edit] | [edit source]]
- Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang
- To the Last Man
- Adam
- Reset
- Dead Man Walking
- A Day in the Death
- Something Borrowed
- Children of Earth: Day One
- Children of Earth: Day Two
As 1st assistant director[[edit] | [edit source]]
The Sarah Jane Adventures[[edit] | [edit source]]
As production manager[[edit] | [edit source]]
- Prisoner of the Judoon
- The Mad Woman in the Attic
- The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith
- The Eternity Trap
- Mona Lisa's Revenge
- The Gift
- The Nightmare Man
- The Vault of Secrets
- Death of the Doctor
- The Empty Planet
- Lost in Time
- Goodbye, Sarah Jane Smith