
Substitute weaponry

  • ️Fri Jan 05 2024

Substitute weaponry was the primitive modification to the Daleks' gunstick, which fired bullets instead of energy beams.

History[[edit] | [edit source]]

A group of Daleks whose armament circuits were disabled on Exxilon were forced to use substitute weaponry.

The Third Doctor managed to dismantle one from a destroyed Dalek and convert it into a gun, which was later given to Bellal. (TV: Death to the Daleks)

Behind the scenes[[edit] | [edit source]]

Prop from A New Hope

The weapons were created from a Beretta M38 with the flights from two-inch mortar bombs and shot actual pellets.[1]

The props were later used as early props for the original Star Wars movie though this original design appears not have been used on-screen. The mortar fins were re-used on Ponda Baba's custom DL-21 blaster pistol prop (not seen on-screen either). This blaster type with the fins was eventually used on screen for Hoth soldiers in Empire Strikes Back.

Footnotes[[edit] | [edit source]]

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Dalek variants

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