

  • ️Fri Aug 30 2024


Though rarely if ever used in the narrative of Doctor Who itself, the term TARDIS team is sometimes used by fandom and documentaries to describe a particular group of travellers in the Doctor's TARDIS.[1] For instance, the "TARDIS team" in The Sensorites was comprised of the First Doctor, Susan, Ian and Barbara.

Precise definition is as difficult for this term as for that of companion since dramatic situations vary considerably. In a story like The Masque of Mandragora, it's perfectly obvious that the only TARDIS travellers are the Fourth Doctor and Sarah, so they're the "TARDIS team". But when Sarah comes back after her tenure was over, things get tricky. In both The Five Doctors and School Reunion she's not really a part of the incumbent "TARDIS team", but she's still generally regarded as a companion in those episodes. Equally, during the Third Doctor's exile on Earth, was it even possible to have a "TARDIS team", since the TARDIS was on the fritz?

Regardless of these complexities, it is usually possible to assert a definition for the "TARDIS team" in a particular story.

List of TARDIS teams[[edit] | [edit source]]

TARDIS teams are often defined by the current combination of companions and thus over the years these change. As companions stay for different lengths of time, sometimes a companion can be present in more than one combination, as shown below. Stories featuring both a companion departure and a companion introduction are counted toward both the outgoing and incoming teams.

Doctor Companion(s) No. of stories
(original run)[nb 1]
First Susan N/A miscellaneous
Susan/Barbara/Ian 10 TV: An Unearthly Child - The Dalek Invasion of Earth
Barbara/Ian N/A miscellaneous
Barbara/Ian/Vicki 6 TV: The Rescue - The Chase
Steven/Vicki 4 TV: "The Planet of Decision" - The Myth Makers
Steven/Katarina 2 TV: "The Nightmare Begins" - "The Traitors"
Steven/Sara 1 TV: "The Traitors" - "Destruction of Time"
Steven/Oliver 3 AUDIO: The Perpetual Bond - The First Wave
Steven 1 TV: The Massacre
John/Gillian 31 COMIC: The Klepton Parasites - The Experimenters
Alan/George/Helen/Ida 1 PROSE: Doctor Who and the Invasion from Space
Dot/Harroll/Jack 2 PROSE: The Devil-Birds of Corbo - The Playthings of Fo
Steven/Dodo 5 TV: The Ark - The Savages
Dodo 1 TV: The War Machines
Ben/Polly 3 TV: The War Machines - The Tenth Planet
Second Ben/Polly 1 TV: The Power of the Daleks
Ben/Polly/Jamie 5 TV: The Highlanders - The Faceless Ones
Jamie/Victoria 7 TV: The Evil of the Daleks - Fury from the Deep
Gillian/John 30 COMIC: The Extortioner - Invasion of the Quarks
Jamie 6 COMIC: Invasion of the Quarks - Martha the Mechanical Housemaid
Jamie/Zoe 8 TV: The Wheel in Space - The War Games
Jamie TBD AUDIO: Jamie - TBD
Third Liz/(The Brigadier/Benton/Yates) 4 TV: Spearhead from Space - Inferno
Jo/(The Brigadier/Benton/Yates) 15 TV: Terror of the Autons - The Green Death
Arnold 3 COMIC: Children of the Evil Eye - The Amateur
Douglas N/A N/A
Sarah Jane/(The Brigadier/Benton/Yates) 5 TV: The Time Warrior - Planet of the Spiders
Sarah Jane/Jeremy 2 AUDIO: The Paradise of Death - The Ghosts of N-Space
Fourth Sarah Jane/Harry 6 TV: Robot - Terror of the Zygons
Sarah Jane 7 TV: Planet of Evil - The Hand of Fear
Margaret 1 AUDIO: The Ravencliff Witch
Harry/Naomi TBD AUDIO: Storm of the Sea Devils - TBD
Leela 4 TV: The Face of Evil - Horror of Fang Rock
Leela/Margaret 6 AUDIO: Ice Heist! - TBD
Leela/K9 Mark I 5 TV: The Invisible Enemy - The Invasion of Time
Wibbsey TBD AUDIO: The Stuff of Nightmares - The Demon of Paris
Wibbsey/Yates TBD AUDIO: A Shard of Ice - TBA
"Ann Kelso" 8 AUDIO: The Sinestran Kill - The Perfect Prisoners
K9 Mark II N/A miscellaneous
(K9 Mark II)/Romana I 6 TV: The Ribos Operation - The Armageddon Factor
(K9 Mark II)/Romana II 7 TV: Destiny of the Daleks - Meglos
K9 Mark II/Sharon 6 COMIC: Doctor Who and the Star Beast - Dreamers of Death
K9 Mark II/Romana II/Adric 3 TV: Full Circle - Warriors' Gate
Adric 1 TV: The Keeper of Traken
Adric/K9 Mark III 5 PROSE: Inter-Galactic Cat - Just a Small Problem
Adric/Nyssa/Tegan 1 TV: Logopolis
Fifth Adric/Nyssa/Tegan 6 TV: Castrovalva - Earthshock
Nyssa N/A miscellaneous
Justin 1 TV: The Tides of Time
Gus 3 COMIC: Lunar Lagoon - The Moderator
Maxwell 1 COMIC: Stars Fell on Stockbridge
Nyssa/Brewster 3 AUDIO: The Boy That Time Forgot - A Perfect World
Nyssa/Hannah 3 AUDIO: Moonflesh - Masquerade
Nyssa/Tegan 3 TV: Time-Flight - Snakedance
Nyssa/Tegan/Marc 9 AUDIO: Tartarus - Nightmare of the Daleks
Nyssa/Tegan/Turlough 2 TV: Mawdryn Undead - Terminus
Tegan/Turlough 6 TV: Enlightenment; The Five Doctors - Resurrection of the Daleks
Tegan/Turlough/Kamelion 1 TV: The King's Demons
Turlough/Peri/Kamelion 1 TV: Planet of Fire
Peri 1 TV: The Caves of Androzani
Peri/Erimem 12 AUDIO: The Eye of the Scorpion - The Eye of the Scorpion
Abby 3 AUDIO: The Judgement of Isskar - The Chaos Pool
Leela/Abby/Zara 3 AUDIO: The Garden of Storms - The People Made of Smoke
Sixth[nb 2] Peri 9 TV: The Twin Dilemma - Mindwarp
Peri/Joe 4 AUDIO: Blood on Santa's Claw - Brightly Shone The Moon That Night
Frobisher 6 COMIC: The Shape Shifter - Funhouse
Frobisher/Peri 12 COMIC: Kane's Story - Nature of the Beast!;
Salad Daze - The Gift
Frobisher/Peri/Jamie 1 COMIC: The World Shapers
Grant 2 PROSE: Time of Your Life - Killing Ground
"Mathew" 1 AUDIO: The Lure of the Nomad
Evelyn 11 AUDIO: The Marian Conspiracy - Medicinal Purposes
Frobisher/Peri/Actis/Carf 1 COMIC: The Age of Chaos
Jamie/Zoe 1 AUDIO: Last of the Cybermen
Evelyn/Brewster 3 AUDIO: The Crimes of Thomas Brewster - Industrial Evolution
Jago/Litefoot 2 AUDIO: Voyage to Venus - Voyage to the New World
Charley 7 AUDIO: The Girl Who Never Was - Blue Forgotten Planet
Mila 3 AUDIO: Patient Zero - Blue Forgotten Planet
"Jamie" 4 AUDIO: City of Spires - Legend of the Cybermen
Flip 6 AUDIO: The Curse of Davros - Scavenger
Chaudhry/Hoffman 3 PROSE: The Terror of the Darkness - Defining Patterns
Jason/Crystal/Zog 2 AUDIO: The Ultimate Adventure - Beyond the Ultimate Adventure
Constance 5 AUDIO: Criss-Cross - Absolute Power
Constance/Flip (TARDIS Gang) 8 AUDIO: Quicksilver - The End of the Beginning
Mari 1 AUDIO: Together in Eclectic Dreams
Mel 2 TV: The Ultimate Foe; Terror of the Vervoids
Mel/Evelyn 1 AUDIO: Thicker Than Water
Mel/Hebe TBD AUDIO: The Rotting Deep - Chronomancer;
Girl in a Bubble - TBD
Seventh Mel 3 TV: Time and the Rani - Delta and the Bannermen
Mel/Ace 1 TV: Dragonfire
Ace 8 TV: Remembrance of the Daleks - Survival
Frobisher/Olla 1 COMIC: A Cold Day in Hell!
Olla 1 COMIC: Redemption!
Ly-Chee 1 COMIC: The Enlightenment of Ly-Chee the Wise
Sarah Jane 1 COMIC: Train-Flight
Ace/Raine 3 AUDIO: Crime of the Century - Earth Aid
Benny 4 PROSE: Love and War - The Pit
Benny/Ace 22 PROSE: Deceit - Set Piece
Benny/Chris/Roz 12 PROSE: Original Sin - Happy Endings
Chris/Roz 6 PROSE: GodEngine - So Vile a Sin
Chris 4 PROSE: Bad Therapy - Lungbarrow
Ace/Hex 19 AUDIO: The Harvest - Protect and Survive
Sally 1 AUDIO: House of Blue Fire
Sally/Lysandra 1 AUDIO: Project: Nirvana
Ace/Hex/Sally/Lysandra 3 AUDIO: Black and White - Gods and Monsters
Ace/Hector 4 AUDIO: Afterlife - Signs and Wonders
Ace/Mel 9 AUDIO: A Life of Crime - The Quantum Possibility Engine
Mags 3 AUDIO: The Monsters of Gokroth - An Alien Werewolf in London
Klein 4 AUDIO: A Thousand Tiny Wings - The Architects of History
Raine 1 AUDIO: Dominion
Klein/Will 3 AUDIO: Persuasion - Daleks Among Us
Catherine 1 PROSE: Companion Piece
Harry/Naomi TBD AUDIO: London Orbital - TBD
Eighth Grace 1 TV: Doctor Who
Stacy 1 COMIC: Dreadnought
Stacy/Ssard 4 COMIC: Descendance - Coda
Sam 17 PROSE: The Eight Doctors - The Face-Eater
Sam/Fitz 8 PROSE: The Taint - Interference - Book Two
Fitz/Compassion 11 PROSE: Interference - Book Two - The Ancestor Cell
Miranda 1 PROSE: Father Time
Fitz/Anji 18 PROSE: Escape Velocity - Camera Obscura
Fitz/Anji/Trix 6 PROSE: Time Zero - Timeless
Fitz/Trix 8 PROSE: Emotional Chemistry - The Gallifrey Chronicles
Izzy 15 COMIC: Endgame - By Hook or By Crook;
Happy Deathday - TV Action!;
The Autonomy Bug - Children of the Revolution; Oblivion
Izzy/Fey 3 COMIC: Tooth and Claw - Wormwood
Izzy/Kroton 2 COMIC: The Company of Thieves - The Glorious Dead
Feyde/Destrii 2 COMIC: Uroboros - Oblivion
Destrii 3 COMIC: Bad Blood - The Flood
Samson/Gemma N/A miscellaneous
Mary 4 AUDIO: Mary's Story - Army of Death
Charley 13 AUDIO: Storm Warning - Scherzo; The Girl Who Never Was
Audacity 2 AUDIO: The Devouring - The Great Cyber-War
Charley/Audacity TBD AUDIO: Twenty-Four Doors in December - TBD
Charley/C'rizz 14 AUDIO: The Creed of the Kromon - Absolution
Lucie 23 AUDIO: Blood of the Daleks - Death in Blackpool
Tamsin 5 AUDIO: Situation Vacant - The Resurrection of Mars
Molly 5 AUDIO: The Great War - X and the Daleks; The White Room
Molly/Liv 2 AUDIO: Time's Horizon - Eyes of the Master
Liv 8 AUDIO: Rule of the Eminence -
Liv/Helen 36 AUDIO: The Red Lady - Stop the Clock;
Sweet Salvation - Day of the Master;
Paradox of the Daleks - Slow Beasts
Liv/Helen/Tania 16 AUDIO: Lost Property - Best Year Ever
Josie 5 COMIC: The Pictures of Josephine Day - A Matter of Life and Death
Sheena 1 AUDIO: The Starship of Theseus
Bliss 8 AUDIO: The Starship of Theseus - Restoration of the Daleks
Cass TBD AUDIO: Meanwhile, Elsewhere - TBD
War Fey/Ohila 1 COMIC: The Clockwise War
Petrella 1 COMIC: Ambush
Case 9 AUDIO: Saviour - Destroyer;
A Mother's Love - Exit Strategy
The Squire/Child Master 3 COMIC: The Organ Grinder - Fast Asleep
War Ollistra 3 AUDIO: TBA
War Ollistra/Kalan 2 AUDIO: The Eternity Cage - Eye of Harmony
War Ollistra/Leela 2 AUDIO: The Lady of Obsidian - The Enigma Dimension
Cinder 1 PROSE: Engines of War
Ninth Ali 1 PROSE: The Beast of Babylon
Rose 4 TV: Rose - World War Three
Rose/Adam 2 TV: Dalek - The Long Game
Rose/Jack 3 TV: The Doctor Dances - The Parting of the Ways
Rose/Jack/Tara 2 COMIC: Official Secrets - Slaver's Song
Rose/Tara 2 COMIC: Sin-Eaters - The Bidding War
Tenth Rose 8 TV: The Christmas Invasion - Tooth and Claw;
The Idiot's Lantern - Doomsday
Rose/Mickey 3 TV: School Reunion - The Age of Steel
Martha 9 TV: Smith and Jones - Last of the Time Lords
Donna 8 TV: Partners in Crime - Planet of the Ood;
The Unicorn and the Wasp - Journey's End
Donna/Martha 2 TV: The Sontaran Stratagem - The Doctor's Daughter
Gisella 7 PROSE: The Depths of Despair - The End of Time
Heather 43 COMIC: The Chromosome Connection - The Blue Star Bomb;
City of Light - Dead-line
Heather/Wolfie 13 COMIC: Flight of the Giurgeax - Bad Wolfie
Majenta 8 COMIC: Thinktwice - The Crimson Hand
Emily/Matthew 4 COMIC: Silver Scream - Don't Step on the Grass
Emily 2 COMIC: Old Friend - Final Sacrifice
Gabby 8 COMIC: Revolutions of Terror - Medicine Man
Gabby/Cindy 6 COMIC: Arena of Fear - Old Girl; Vortex Butterflies
Cleo 1 COMIC: Revolving Doors
Gabby/Cindy/Noobis 4 COMIC: Breakfast at Tyranny's - Vortex Butterflies; The Good Companion
Anya/Mark 5 AUDIO: Buying Time - The Trojan Dalek
Anya 4 AUDIO: The Lost - The Triumph of Davros
Wilf 1 TV: The End of Time
Eleventh Amy 6 TV: The Eleventh Hour - Flesh and Stone;
Vincent and the Doctor - The Pandorica Opens
Amy/Rory 18 TV: The Vampires of Venice - Cold Blood;
The Big Bang - The God Complex;
Asylum of the Daleks - The Angels Take Manhattan
Kazran/Abigail 1 TV: A Christmas Carol
Amy/Rory/Kevin 3 COMIC: When Worlds Collide - Space Squid
Alice 2 COMIC: After Life - The Friendly Place; Remembrance
Alice/Jones 1 COMIC: What He Wants...
Alice/Jones/ARC 8 COMIC: Whodunnit? - The Comfort of the Good
Alice/Daak/The Squire 4 COMIC: The Then and the Now - The Judas Goatee
Alice/Daak/The Squire/River 4 COMIC: The One - First Rule
Alice/Daak/River 3 COMIC: Fast Asleep - Physician, Heal Thyself
Alice/The Sapling 6 COMIC: The Scream - Hungry Thirsty Roots
Decky 20 COMIC: Meteorite Meeting - The Tail of Decky Flamboon
Valarie 14 AUDIO: The Inheritance - Victory of the Doctor
Clara 10 TV: The Bells of Saint John - The Time of the Doctor
Twelfth Clara 25 TV: Deep Breath - Hell Bent
Jess/Devina/Lloyd/Maxwell 5 COMIC: The Pestilent Heart - Doorway to Hell
Hattie 3 COMIC: The Twist - Playing House; Beneath the Waves
Julie 1 COMIC: Terror of the Cabinet Noir
Sonny/Val 1 COMIC: Invasion of the Mindmorphs
Jata 6 COMIC: From the Horse's Mouth - Killer App
Alex/Brandon 4 AUDIO: The Lost Angel - The Lost Flame
Nardole 1 TV: The Return of Doctor Mysterio
The Ghost/Lucy/Jennifer 1 COMIC: Ghost Stories
Keira TBD AUDIO: Flight to Calandra - TBD
Bill 4 TV: The Pilot - Knock Knock
Bill/Nardole 6 TV: Oxygen - The Eaters of Light
Bill/Nardole/Missy 1 TV: World Enough and Time / The Doctor Falls
Thirteenth Graham/Ryan/Yaz (Team TARDIS) 22 TV: The Woman Who Fell to Earth - Revolution of the Daleks
Yaz N/A miscellaneous
Yaz/Dan 9 TV: The Halloween Apocalypse - The Power of the Doctor
Fourteenth Donna 3 TV: The Star Beast - The Giggle
Fifteenth Ruby TBD TV: The Church on Ruby Road - TBD

Footnotes[[edit] | [edit source]]

Notes[[edit] | [edit source]]

  1. Indicates number of stories this TARDIS Team appeared in their original medium, not the number of adventures had.
  2. "Peri, Frobisher, Peri and Frobisher, Peri, Grant, Peri again, Mathew Sharpe, Evelyn, Frobisher; Frobisher, Peri, Actis and Carf; Jamie and Zoe, Evelyn, Evelyn and Brewster, Evelyn, Mel, Jago and Litefoot, Mila, Jamie, Flip, Peri; Jason, Crystal and Zog; Constance, Constance and Flip, Mari, Mel, Mel and Evelyn, and Mel [again]". (AUDIO: The Firstborn)

References[[edit] | [edit source]]