
The Death of the Daleks (audio story)

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The Death of the Daleks was the first story in The Second Doctor: Volume Three, produced by Big Finish Productions. It was written by George Mann and featured Frazer Hines as Jamie McCrimmon.

Publisher's summary[[edit] | [edit source]]

There is a creature loose on the war-torn planet of Tersimmon. It has just destroyed an entire race, and following its arrival, others are dying too. Only one person will defend this killer, this murderer, this destroyer: because Jamie McCrimmon knows the Doctor isn't himself...

Plot[[edit] | [edit source]]

to be added

Cast[[edit] | [edit source]]

Crew[[edit] | [edit source]]

Worldbuilding[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • Victoria is asleep in the TARDIS whilst the Doctor and Jamie are exploring Tersimmon.
  • Jamie struggles to understand why the Doctor has been so affected by the genocide on Skaro. The Doctor compares it with the chance of destroying the English during his own time. On the one hand, Jamie's people would be free to live their lives, but on the other hand, they would never have met Victoria, who is an innocent.

Notes[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • This story was recorded on 18 October 2018. The following day, Emma Samms tweeted a photo of herself, Frazer Hines and George Mann at the studio recording.[1] Hines recommended Samms for the role of Anya. (BFX: The Death of the Daleks)
  • George Mann stated that this story was written to address certain questions he had when he first watched Genesis of the Daleks; specifically, how the Fourth Doctor questions whether he could commit genocide when he had previously done so in The Evil of the Daleks, seemingly without a thought. This story, which is a direct sequel to The Evil of the Daleks, sees the Doctor struggling to come to terms with the fact that he has recently committed genocide. (BFX: The Death of the Daleks)
  • Ian Atkins had previously conceptualised the idea of the Dalek Death as a character and finally decided to go forward with the concept when plotting out The Second Doctor: Volume Three. (BFX: The Death of the Daleks) Mann described the brief he was given by Atkins:

The brief from Ian was to write a very different type of Dalek story about a very different type of Dalek! Ian had come to me with the idea of a Dalek Grim Reaper – or at least a mysterious Dalek figure that the other Daleks are wary of. One that uses its temporal shift to visit battlefields throughout time, ‘cleaning up’ after any Dalek defeats to make it look as though they never happened. The idea is that the Daleks, being the supreme beings in the universe, cannot possible be defeated so when they do find themselves in that position, this is the ‘Winston Wolf’ type figure who swoops in to sort out the mess. From there we started bouncing around ideas and settled on a Second Doctor and Jamie story set soon after the events of the television episode The Evil of the Daleks.

  • This is one of the rare releases in The Companion Chronicles in which no narration is used. With four actors comprising its cast, the story is, in all respects, a full-cast audio. with Frazer Hines doubling as Jamie and the Doctor. In line with the more traditional structure of the range, however, Part One is mostly framed as a flashback while Anya questions Jamie. Anya also recounts a much-briefer flashback in Part Two.
  • Nicholas Briggs compared coming up with a distinctive kind of voice for the Dalek Death with his earliest days voicing the Daleks in the Audio Visuals, trying out newer voices when he was brought on to voice them for the revived series, and his performance as the "giggly" Dalek Caan. Given this story's links to The Evil of the Daleks, Briggs decided to use a voice reminiscent of the Dalek Emperor, but "nastier and more deadly". (BFX: The Death of the Daleks)
  • The Daleks had originally been planned to feature in a Jamie-centric story in The Second Doctor: Volume One but it could not be successfully integrated into the boxset's ongoing arc. The concept was repurposed as Across the Darkened City in The First Doctor: Volume Two instead. (VOR 100)

Continuity[[edit] | [edit source]]

External links[[edit] | [edit source]]

Footnotes[[edit] | [edit source]]

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The Companion Chronicles
First Doctor
Susan, Barbara, Ian
Barbara, Ian
Barbara, Ian, Vicki
Vicki and Steven
Steven, Sara
Steven, Oliver
Steven, Dodo
Polly, Ben
Second Doctor
Polly, Ben
Polly, Ben, Jamie
Jamie, Victoria
Jamie, Zoe
Third Doctor
The Brigadier
Solo travels
Fourth Doctor
Leela, K9 Mark I
Romana I
Romana II
Romana II, K9 Mark II
Romana II, Adric
Fifth Doctor
Adric, Nyssa, Tegan
Tegan, Turlough
Sixth Doctor
Jason, Crystal
Seventh Doctor
Ace, Zara
Sally, Lysandra
Eighth Doctor
Iris Wildthyme, Jo Grant
Other adventures
Jago and Litefoot
Polly, the Brigadier, Brewster
The Master

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Dalek audio stories
For the purposes of this list, a "Dalek audio story" is one in which one living, authentic Dalek plays a part within the confines of the story, outside of flashbacks to previous stories and cliffhangers that lead into the following story.
Main Range
Bernice Summerfield
I, Davros
Bonus Releases
The Eighth Doctor Adventures
Dark Eyes
The Companion Chronicles
The Stageplays
Doctor Who Unbound
Doctor of War
The Lost Stories
The Fourth Doctor Adventures
The New Adventures
of Bernice Summerfield
The War Doctor
The Churchill Years
The Third Doctor Adventures
The Eighth Doctor: Time War
UNIT: The New Series
The War Master
Class: The Audio Adventures
The Early Adventures
The First Doctor Adventures
The New Counter-Measures
Susan's War
The Tenth Doctor Adventures
Dalek Universe
Time Lord Victorious
The War Doctor Begins
The Fifth Doctor Adventures
The Audio Novels
The Second Doctor Adventures
The Seventh Doctor Adventures
The Eleventh Doctor Chronicles
Once and Future
BBC Doctor Who audio stories
Because of the ubiquity of this race, no attempt will be made here to list every appearance in every medium. Instead, we focus on audio appearances here, except for Dalek Empire, which has its own template, and invite you to explore a complete list of appearances elsewhere.