
The Eighth Doctor Adventures (audio series)

  • ️Thu Dec 19 2024


The Eighth Doctor Adventures was an audio series produced by Big Finish Productions from 2006 to 2011 which was revitalized from 2019 onwards as a range encompassing Big Finish's various Eighth Doctor stories.

BBC Radio era (2007-2011)[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Eighth Doctor Adventures was an audio series produced by Big Finish Productions beginning in 2006. It starred the Eighth Doctor, played by Paul McGann, Lucie Miller, played by Sheridan Smith and Tamsin Drew, played by Niky Wardley. The audios differed substantially in price and format from Big Finish's monthly line. On the Big Finish podcast, these stories were sometimes informally called "the eighth Doctor and Lucie adventures".

The series first debuted on BBC Radio 7 with the first part of Blood of the Daleks on 31 December 2006. However, the second, third and fourth series debuted on CD prior to their radio broadcasts, carrying over to Radio 7's rebranded successor, BBC Radio 4 Extra.

For the third series, Big Finish introduced a unique release method. The series format changed to a series of 16 25 minute episodes as opposed to 50 minute episodes. In absence of a 2009 TV series, a new episode was released as a download every Saturday evening on a weekly basis, and subscribers would be able to receive the physical CD upon release. However, this release method did not carry over to the fourth season. In the case of the third season, its radio broadcast was heavily condensed and only stories which did not feature returning monsters (Orbis, The Beast of Orlok, The Scapegoat and The Cannibalists) were presented in edited forms.

The first four series were notable for driving the Eighth Doctor towards the darker personality as seen in Dark Eyes onwards. Additionally, it introduced a third variation on the Eighth Doctor's theme tune composed by Nicholas Briggs, although the David Arnold arrangement was used during the first series.

Series 1[[edit] | [edit source]]

Main article: Series 1 (8DA)

The Eighth Doctor Adventures began as an eight-part series titled "The Eighth Doctor BBC7 Stories". [1]

The series first debuted on BBC Radio 7 with the first part of Blood of the Daleks on 31 December 2006. Each episode of the first season was broadcast alongside a 10 minute making of entitled Beyond the Vortex.

# Title Author Featuring Released
1.1 / 1.2 Blood of the Daleks Steve Lyons Lucie, Daleks January 2007
1.3 Horror of Glam Rock Paul Magrs Lucie, Pat March 2007
1.4 Immortal Beloved Jonathan Clements Lucie April 2007
1.5 Phobos Eddie Robson May 2007
1.6 No More Lies Paul Sutton June 2007
1.7 / 1.8 Human Resources Eddie Robson Lucie, Cybermen, the Headhunter, Karen, Straxus July - August 2007

Series 2[[edit] | [edit source]]

Main article: Series 2 (8DA)

With its second series, "The Eighth Doctor BBC7 Stories" were renamed to "The New Eighth Doctor Adventures". The new series was called "Season 2" and the previous one named "Season 1".[2] Although the name was dropped shortly after the end of this series, "The New Eighth Doctor Adventures" remained in use by some fans in order to distinguish this series from the novel series of the same name.

# Title Author Featuring Released
2.1 Dead London Pat Mills Lucie January 2008
2.2 Max Warp Jonathan Morris February 2008
2.3 Brave New Town Jonathan Clements Lucie, Nestene March 2008
2.4 The Skull of Sobek Marc Platt Lucie April 2008
2.5 Grand Theft Cosmos Eddie Robson Lucie, the Headhunter, Karen May 2008
2.6 The Zygon Who Fell to Earth Paul Magrs Lucie, Pat, Zygons June 2008
2.7 Sisters of the Flame / The Vengeance of Morbius Nicholas Briggs Lucie, Morbius, Sisterhood of Karn, Straxus July 2008
2.8 August 2008

Series 3[[edit] | [edit source]]

Main article: Series 3 (8DA)

In August 2008, shortly after the end of Season 2, the webpage for the series was renamed "The Eighth Doctor Adventures". [3]

# Title Author Featuring Released
3.1 Orbis Alan Barnes, Nicholas Briggs Lucie, the Headhunter March 2009
3.2 Hothouse Jonathan Morris Lucie, Krynoids April 2009
3.3 The Beast of Orlok Barnaby Edwards Lucie May 2009
3.4 Wirrn Dawn Nicholas Briggs Lucie, Wirrn June 2009
3.5 The Scapegoat Pat Mills Lucie July 2009
3.6 The Cannibalists Jonathan Morris August 2009
3.7 The Eight Truths / Worldwide Web Eddie Robson Lucie, Karen, the Headhunter, Eight Legs September 2009
3.8 October 2009

Series 4[[edit] | [edit source]]

Main article: Series 4 (8DA)

An Earthly Child, a story in Special Releases accompanying this season, was later retroactively included in The Eighth Doctor Adventures in 2019.

# Title Author Featuring Released
4.1 Death in Blackpool Alan Barnes Lucie, Pat, Zygons December 2009
4.2 Situation Vacant Eddie Robson Tamsin July 2010
4.3 Nevermore Alan Barnes August 2010
4.4 The Book of Kells Barnaby Edwards Tamsin, the Monk, Lucie September 2010
4.5 Deimos Jonathan Morris Tamsin, Ice Warriors October 2010
4.6 The Resurrection of Mars Tamsin, Lucie, Ice Warriors, the Monk November 2010
4.7 Relative Dimensions Marc Platt Susan, Alex, Lucie December 2010
4.8 Prisoner of the Sun Eddie Robson January 2011
4.9 Lucie Miller / To the Death Nicholas Briggs Daleks, Lucie, Susan, Alex, the Monk, Tamsin February 2011
4.10 31 March 2011

Dark Eyes (2012-2015)[[edit] | [edit source]]

Main article: Dark Eyes (audio series)

The next period of The Eighth Doctor Adventures was the subseries Dark Eyes.

Dark Eyes began as a boxset called Dark Eyes which was announced to be the "New Eighth Doctor Box Set 1" and released as part of The Eighth Doctor Adventures.[4] The success of the first boxset led to Dark Eyes becoming a larger series which was considered its own range, a sequel to The Eighth Doctor Adventures. At this point, The Eighth Doctor Adventures were renamed Classic Doctor Who - Eighth Doctor Adventures. [5] However, despite being its own series, Dark Eyes continued to also be collected under the Eighth Doctor Adventures banner.[6]

Following Dark Eyes, with the release of Doom Coalition, Big Finish Productions began a period of releasing new Eighth Doctor releases entirely separate from the Eighth Doctor Adventures branding. From 2015 to 2019, the Eighth Doctor Adventures were adjusted to no longer include Dark Eyes, being defined as just the radio-broadcast stories.[7]

Boxset # Title Author Featuring Released
Dark Eyes 1.1 The Great War Nicholas Briggs Molly, Straxus, Kitty Donaldson, Daleks, Kotris 10 November 2012
1.2 Fugitives Molly, Straxus, Daleks, Dalek Time Controller, Kotris, Sally Armstrong
1.3 Tangled Web Molly, Straxus, Daleks, Dalek Time Controller, Kotris
1.4 X and the Daleks
Dark Eyes 2 2.1 The Traitor Nicholas Briggs Liv, Daleks, Dalek Time Controller 12 February 2014
2.2 The White Room Alan Barnes Molly, David Walker, Viyrans
2.3 Time's Horizon Matt Fitton Liv, Molly, the Eminence, Dalek Time Controller, the Reborn Master, Sally Armstrong
2.4 Eyes of the Master Liv, Molly, the Eminence, Dalek Time Controller, The Master, Sally Armstrong, David Walker
Dark Eyes 3 3.1 The Death of Hope Matt Fitton Molly, the Reborn Master, Sally Armstrong, the Eminence, Narvin, Hope Gardner 17 November 2014
3.2 The Reviled Liv, the Master, Sally Armstrong, the Eminence, Narvin
3.3 Masterplan
3.4 Rule of the Eminence Molly, Liv, the Master, the Eminence, Narvin, Hope Gardener
Dark Eyes 4 4.1 A Life in the Day John Dorney Liv, Kitty Donaldson 2 March 2015
4.2 The Monster of Montmartre Matt Fitton Liv, Daleks, Dalek Time Controller, Dalek Time Strategist, the Reborn Master
4.3 Master of the Daleks John Dorney Liv, Molly, the Master, Daleks, Dalek Time Controller, Dalek Time Strategist, Sontarans
4.4 Eye of Darkness Matt Fitton Liv, Molly, Daleks, Dalek Time Controller, Dalek Supreme, the Eminence

The Eighth Doctor Adventures (2015-present)[[edit] | [edit source]]

In the 2015 to 2019 period in which boxsets were released without the Eighth Doctor Adventures branding, the narrative of Dark Eyes was continued in the series Doom Coalition and Ravenous. Additionally, The Eighth Doctor: Time War began being released.

From 1 April 2019 onwards, the various Eighth Doctor series were once more collected in a range titled The Eighth Doctor Adventures after a period of there being several separate ranges. Ravenous continued as a subseries of this range, narratively followed by Stranded; unlike in the era of Dark Eyes, these series were more primarily part of The Eighth Doctor Adventures rather than distinct ranges of their own. The Eighth Doctor: Time War also continued as a subseries of this one, with its own subseries Uncharted being the next Eighth Doctor ongoing boxset narrative after Stranded.

Doom Coalition[[edit] | [edit source]]

Boxset # Title Author Featuring Released
Doom Coalition 1 1.1 The Eleven Matt Fitton Liv, Seventh Doctor, the Eleven, Padrac 12 October 2015
1.2 The Red Lady John Dorney Liv, Helen, the Red Lady
1.3 The Galileo Trap Marc Platt Liv, Helen, Galileo
1.4 The Satanic Mill Edward Collier Liv, Helen, the Eleven, Padrac, Galileo
Doom Coalition 2 2.1 Beachhead Nicholas Briggs Liv, Helen, The Voord 3 March 2016
2.2 Scenes From Her Life John Dorney Liv, Helen, Caleera
2.3 The Gift Marc Platt
2.4 The Sonomancer Matt Fitton Liv, Helen, River Song, the Sonomancer, the Eleven
Doom Coalition 3 3.1 Absent Friends John Dorney Liv, Helen 22 September 2016
3.2 The Eighth Piece / The Doomsday Chronometer Matt Fitton Liv, Helen, River Song, the Clocksmith, the Eight
3.4 The Crucible of Souls John Dorney Liv, Helen, River Song, Padrac, the Nine
Doom Coalition 4 4.1 Ship in a Bottle John Dorney Liv, Helen 7 March 2017
4.2 Songs of Love Matt Fitton Liv, Helen, River Song, Padrac, Caleera, the Eleven
4.3 The Side of the Angels Liv, Helen, Ollistra, the Monk, Weeping Angels, the Eleven
4.4 Stop the Clock John Dorney Liv, Helen, Padrac, Caleera, the Eleven

Ravenous[[edit] | [edit source]]

Boxset # Title Author Featuring Released
Ravenous 1 1.1 Their Finest Hour John Dorney Liv, Churchill 10 April 2018
1.2 How to Make a Killing in Time Travel Liv
1.3 World of Damnation / Sweet Salvation Matt Fitton Liv, Helen, the Eleven, Kandyman
Ravenous 2 2.1 Escape from Kaldor Matt Fitton Liv, Helen, Kaldor androids 9 October 2018
2.2 Better Watch Out / Fairytale of Salzburg John Dorney Liv, Helen
2.4 Seizure Guy Adams Liv, Helen, the Eleven, Ravenous
Ravenous 3 3.1 Deeptime Frontier Matt Fitton Liv, Helen 9 April 2019
3.2 Companion Piece John Dorney Liv, Helen, River, Charley, Bliss, Jamie, Jo, Leela, Margaret, Romana II, Adric, the Nine
3.3 L.E.G.E.N.D. Matt Fitton Liv, Helen, the Eleven
3.4 The Odds Against John Dorney Liv, Helen, the Nine, the Eleven
Ravenous 4 4.1 Whisper Matt Fitton Liv, Helen, the Eleven 9 October 2019
4.2 Planet of Dust Liv, Helen, the Eleven, the Decayed Master, Ravenous
4.3 Day of the Master John Dorney Liv, Helen, the Eleven, the Bruce Master, the War Master, Missy, Ravenous

Stranded[[edit] | [edit source]]

Boxset # Title Author Featuring Released
Stranded 1 1.1 Lost Property Matt Fitton Liv, Helen, the Curator, Tania, Ken, Robin, Tony, Ron, Aisha, Zakia 17 June 2020
1.2 Wild Animals John Dorney Liv, Helen, Tania, Aisha, Zakia
1.3 Must-See TV Lisa McMullin Liv, Helen, Tania, Andy, Ken, Robin, Tony, Ron, Aisha, Zakia
1.4 Divine Intervention David K Barnes
Stranded 2 2.1 Dead Time Matt Fitton Andy, Liv, Helen, Tania, Robin 10 March 2021
2.2 UNIT Dating Roy Gill Andy, Liv, Helen, Ron, Tony, the Brigadier
2.3 Baker Street Irregulars Lisa McMullin Liv, Helen, Tania, Zakia, Aisha
2.4 The Long Way Round John Dorney Liv, Helen, Andy, Tania, Robin, the Curator
Stranded 3 3.1 Patience Tim Foley Liv, Helen, Tania, Andy, Judoon 2 December 2021
3.2 Twisted Folklore Lizzie Hopley Liv, Helen, Tania, Andy
3.3 Snow James Kettle Liv, Helen, Tania, Andy, Ron, Zakia
3.4 What Just Happened? John Dorney Liv, Helen, Tania, Andy, Robin
Stranded 4 4.1 Crossed Lines Matt Fitton Liv, Helen, Tania, Robin, Mr Bird, the Curator 6 April 2022
4.2 Get Andy Lisa McMullin Liv, Helen, Andy, Mr Bird
4.3 The Keys of Baker Street Roy Gill Liv, Helen, Tania, Andy, Robin, Tony, Aisha, Zakia, Mr Bird, The Curator
4.4 Best Year Ever John Dorney Liv, Helen, Tania, Andy, Robin, Tony, Aisha, Zakia, Ken

Standalone sets (Liv and Helen)[[edit] | [edit source]]

Boxset # Title Author Featuring Released
What Lies Inside? 1 Paradox of the Daleks John Dorney Liv, Helen, Daleks 2 November 2022
2 The Dalby Spook Lauren Mooney, Stewart Pringle Liv, Helen
Connections 1 Here Lies Drax John Dorney Liv, Helen, Drax 6 December 2022
2 The Love Vampires James Kettle Liv, Helen
3 Albie's Angels Roy Gill Liv, Helen, Albie, Weeping Angels
Echoes 1 Birdsong Tim Foley Liv, Helen 16 May 2024
2 Lost Hearts Lauren Mooney & Stewart Pringle
3 Slow Beasts Dan Rebellato

Standalone sets (Audacity and Charley)[[edit] | [edit source]]

Boxset # Title Author Featuring Released
Audacity 1 The Devouring Lisa McMullin Audacity 2 November 2023
2 The Great Cyber-War Tim Foley Audacity, Vogans, Cybermen
3 Audacity, Vogans, Cybermen, Charley
In the Bleak Midwinter 1 Twenty-Four Doors in December John Dorney Charley, Audacity 5 December 2023
2 The Empty Man Tim Foley
3 Winter of the Demon Roy Gill
Deadly Strangers 1 Puccini and the Doctor Matthew Jacobs Charley, Audacity 10 December 2024
2 Women's Day Off Lisa McMullin
3 The Gloaming Lauren Mooney, Stewart Pringle Charley, Audacity, The Mara

The Eighth Doctor: Time War[[edit] | [edit source]]

Main article: The Eighth Doctor: Time War

Special Releases[[edit] | [edit source]]

With the redesign of the Big Finish website on 1 April 2019, releases from the Special Releases and Doctor Who Magazine Free Gifts retroactively included in The Eighth Doctor Adventures.

Title Author Featuring Released
Living Legend Scott Gray Charley 13 November 2003
An Earthly Child Marc Platt Susan, Alex 8 December 2009
The Stuff of Legend Robert Valentine Charley, Reborn Master, Daleks 14 September 2024

The Eighth Doctor: The Further Adventures of Lucie Miller[[edit] | [edit source]]

Main article: The Eighth Doctor: The Further Adventures of Lucie Miller: Volume One
# Title Author Featuring Released
1 The Dalek Trap Nicholas Briggs Lucie, Daleks 10 July 2019
2 The Revolution Game Alice Cavender Lucie
3 The House on the Edge of Chaos Eddie Robson
4 Island of the Fendahl Alan Barnes Lucie, Fendahl

Charlotte Pollard: The Further Adventuress[[edit] | [edit source]]

Main article: Charlotte Pollard: The Further Adventuress (audio anthology)
# Title Author Featuring Released
1 The Mummy Speaks! Alan Barnes Charley 19 January 2022
2 Eclipse Lisa McMullin
3 The Slaying of the Writhing Mass Eddie Robson
4 Heart of Orion Nicholas Briggs Charley, Deeva Jansen

Notes[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • The first season aired on BBC7 as BBC Radio dramas before their release on CD.

Cover gallery[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • Dark Eyes

  • Dark Eyes 2

  • Dark Eyes 3

  • Dark Eyes 4

  • Doom Coalition 1

  • Doom Coalition 2

  • Doom Coalition 3

  • Doom Coalition 4

  • Ravenous 1

  • Ravenous 2

  • Ravenous 3

  • Ravenous 4

  • Stranded 1

  • Stranded 2

  • Stranded 3

  • Stranded 4

  • What Lies Inside?

  • Connections

  • Audacity

  • In the Bleak Midwinter

  • Echoes

  • Deadly Strangers

Special Releases[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • Living Legend

  • An Earthly Child

  • The Eighth Doctor: The Further Adventures of Lucie Miller: Volume One

  • Charlotte Pollard: The Further Adventuress

  • The Stuff of Legend

Collections[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • Series 1 in the collection The Eighth Doctor and Lucie Miller

  • Series 2 in the collection The Eighth Doctor and Lucie Miller

    Series 2 in the collection The Eighth Doctor and Lucie Miller

  • Series 3 in the collection The Eighth Doctor and Lucie Miller

    Series 3 in the collection The Eighth Doctor and Lucie Miller

Footnotes[[edit] | [edit source]]

External links[[edit] | [edit source]]

v  e

Big Finish Eighth Doctor Adventures
Eighth Doctor Adventures S1-4
Series 1
Series 2
Series 3
Series 4
Dark Eyes
Dark Eyes
Dark Eyes 2
Dark Eyes 3
Dark Eyes 4
Doom Coalition
Doom Coalition 1
Doom Coalition 2
Doom Coalition 3
Doom Coalition 4
Ravenous 1
Ravenous 2
Ravenous 3
Ravenous 4
Stranded 1
Stranded 2
Stranded 3
Stranded 4
Standalone sets (Liv and Helen)
What Lies Inside?
Standalone sets (Audacity and Charley)
In the Bleak Midwinter
Deadly Strangers
Special releases
The Eighth Doctor: The
Further Adventures of
Lucie Miller: Volume One
Charlotte Pollard:
The Further Adventuress

v  e

Big Finish Doctor Who series and spin-offs
Classic Series
New Series
Series that have never starred the Doctor are excluded from this list.
Time War
"New Series"
The Worlds
of Doctor Who
These anthologies were released to celebrate anniversaries.
These stories feature Doctor Who characters, but do not primarily star the Doctor.
Special Releases
The Worlds
of Big Finish
Special Releases
These DWU characters have never been owned by the BBC.