The Oncoming Storm
- ️Wed Oct 02 2024
- You may be looking for the audio story.
The Oncoming Storm was an epithet applied to the Doctor by the Draconians, (PROSE: Love and War [+]Loading...["Love and War (novel)"]) the Eighth Doctor, (PROSE: Vampire Science [+]Loading...["Vampire Science (novel)"]) and in "the ancient legends of the Dalek homeworld". (TV: The Parting of the Ways [+]Loading...["The Parting of the Ways (TV story)"]) In Draconian, the title was pronounced "Karshtakavaar". (PROSE: Love and War [+]Loading...["Love and War (novel)"])
After being told of the title by the Ninth Doctor, (TV: The Parting of the Ways [+]Loading...["The Parting of the Ways (TV story)"]) Rose Tyler called the Tenth Doctor by the "Oncoming Storm" when she and Mickey Smith were being prepared for dissection by the Clockwork Droids. (TV: The Girl in the Fireplace [+]Loading...["The Girl in the Fireplace (TV story)"])
The Tenth Doctor later introduced himself as the "Oncoming Storm" to a Dalek aboard of the Wayfarer, (PROSE: Prisoner of the Daleks [+]Loading...["Prisoner of the Daleks (novel)"]) and referred to the title when confronting a rabbit he thought was a Zygon. (TV: The Day of the Doctor [+]Loading...["The Day of the Doctor (TV story)"])
The Eleventh Doctor began calling himself the "Oncoming Storm" when he misinterpreted Sean's request to help the King's Arms football team "annihilate" another team at a match. (TV: The Lodger [+]Loading...["The Lodger (TV story)"]) He later referred to the title when the Daleks forgot him. (TV: Asylum of the Daleks [+]Loading...["Asylum of the Daleks (TV story)"])