The Water Thief was a novel in the Doctor Who 2 in 1 books range.
An ancient artefact awakes, trapping one of the Doctor's companions on an archaelogical dig in Egypt. The only way to save his friend is to travel hundreds of years back in time to defeat The Water Thief.
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- Amy asks if they can meet the real Cleopatra, not River Song pretending to be her. (TV: The Pandorica Opens) The Doctor mentions Cleopatra might not recognise him. (TV: The Girl in the Fireplace, The Husbands of River Song, PROSE: The English Way of Death, The Lonely Computer, Ghosts of India, AUDIO: Loups-Garoux)
- Amy gives the Doctor a makeover and echoes a variation on one of his favourite phrases, "You wear eyeshadow now. Eyeshadow is cool". (TV: The Eleventh Hour et al)
- The Doctor is poisoned with cyanide, but recovers shortly after. When Amy asks him how he survived, he explains he was poisoned before, that it happened at a country house and Agatha Christie was there. (TV: The Unicorn and the Wasp)
- Amy reiterates her enthusiasm for and knowledge of history. She previously said her favourite subject in school was the "invasion of the hot Italians". (TV: The Pandorica Opens / The Big Bang) She's especially excited by the idea of Pharaohs. She would later tell Nefertiti she learned everything about her in school and was a "big fan". (TV: Dinosaurs on a Spaceship)