

  • ️Sun Jan 26 2025



You may be looking for Tin-Tin Kyrano.

Tintin was a Belgian cartoon character created by Georges Prosper Remi. (PROSE: Torchwood: The Encyclopedia [+]Loading...{"page":"175","1":"Torchwood: The Encyclopedia (reference book)"}) The character was an enthusiastic young explorer and adventurer with a shock of unruly hair and a dog for a companion. (TV: A Day in the Death [+]Loading...["A Day in the Death (TV story)"]) He was depicted in The Adventures of Tintin. (WC: Untitled 3 [+]Loading...["Untitled 3 (2021 Paul Magrs webcast)"])

Biography[[edit] | [edit source]]

As a fictional character[[edit] | [edit source]]

Toshiko Sato's mother suggested Tin-Tin as a bedtime story for young Toshiko as she was growing up in Osaka. Toshiko instead requested a fairy story. (PROSE: Trace Memory [+]Loading...["Trace Memory (novel)"])

Ianto Jones compared his Torchwood colleague Owen Harper to Tintin and engaged in a talk about the character to the annoyance of the rest of the team. Owen said he never liked Tintin but Ianto was a bit of a fan. When Harper was sent on an infiltration mission, Jack Harkness gave Owen a t-shirt to insulate his hand from electrical burns when he disabled a security system; he later discovered that the t-shirt had Tintin on it. Owen remarked that since Tintin never had a girlfriend, he was actually "shagging the dog". (TV: A Day in the Death [+]Loading...["A Day in the Death (TV story)"])

Ianto later joked that Paul Talbot looked like Tintin, a comment which aggravated Owen. (PROSE: Monster [+]Loading...["Monster (short story)"])

The Sixth Doctor had Tintin books in the TARDIS library. (AUDIO: Time-Burst [+]Loading...["Time-Burst (audio story)"])

Tintin was depicted on the cover of The Adventures of Tintin book Explorers on the Moon, along with a bearded individual, and a dog on the Moon with a rocket. (WC: Untitled 3 [+]Loading...["Untitled 3 (2021 Paul Magrs webcast)"])

Behind the scenes[[edit] | [edit source]]

External links[[edit] | [edit source]]

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The Adventures of Tintin
Some categorisation may be based upon conjecture.
Real world information should not enter into this.