
Tony Blair

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Tony Blair

Tony Blair was a Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. (TV: Rise of the Cybermen [+]Loading...["Rise of the Cybermen (TV story)"]) According to the Eighth Doctor, Blair served between Major and Clarke, (PROSE: Interference - Book One [+]Loading...["Interference - Book One (novel)"]) although by most accounts, he was succeeded by Harriet Jones. (TV: World War Three [+]Loading...["World War Three (TV story)"], PROSE: Number Ten [+]Loading...["Number Ten (short story)"], Mars [+]Loading...["Mars (WiDW short story)"])

Biography[[edit] | [edit source]]

20th century[[edit] | [edit source]]

In 1972, while studying at Fettes College in his teenage years — with long hair and the nickname "Cynthia" — he met the Ninth Doctor, who tried to convince him to stick with the college's drama group and not to pursue a career in politics as it would have "global implications". Winnie Malcolm Smith witnessed this exchange, and later documented it on Clive Finch's conspiracy website about the Doctor in early 2005. (PROSE: Have You Seen This Man? [+]Loading...{"writer":"Unknown","1":"Have You Seen This Man? (short story)"})

21st century[[edit] | [edit source]]

By the 21st century, Blair was Prime Minister. During the Canisian invasion, Prime Minister Blair assured a confused President Bush that Britain had countermeasures after Tannis threatened to destroy London. He then ordered an attack by a weaponised computer virus and UNIT space shuttles. (WC: Death Comes to Time [+]Loading...["Death Comes to Time (webcast)"])

In November 2001, Blair went to York and visited several local businesses and tourist attractions. (AUDIO: Project Twilight [+]Loading...["Project Twilight (audio story)"])

In March 2006, he went missing. Following the London UFO crash, the Opposition criticised the Prime Minister for his "lack of leadership", and when Harriet Jones tried to get through to the PM, she said she was "hardly one of the Babes"

Blon Fel-Fotch Passameer-Day Slitheen, disguised as Margaret Blaine, informed Indra Ganesh that she had escorted him from the Cabinet to his car, which "Oliver Charles", himself also a Slitheen, said had vanished. He had actually been killed by the Slitheen family and was left in a cupboard inside the Cabinet Room, which was later discovered by Rose Tyler and Harriet Jones. (TV: Aliens of London [+]Loading...["Aliens of London (TV story)"]) The deaths of the PM and his Cabinet were covered up as accidents. (PROSE: Mars [+]Loading...["Mars (WiDW short story)"])

Upon arriving in London of a parallel Earth in 2007, Mickey Smith suggested a possible difference being Tony Blair never getting elected. (TV: Rise of the Cybermen [+]Loading...["Rise of the Cybermen (TV story)"])

References[[edit] | [edit source]]

Jack Harkness suggested, perhaps jokingly, that Tony Blair was a Rutan spy in disguise. (WC: Monster File: Sontarans [+]Loading...["Monster File: Sontarans (webcast)"])

Behind the scenes[[edit] | [edit source]]

New Statesman cover 7-13 November 2014

  • Blair also appeared, albeit unnamed, in Death Comes to Time [+]Loading...["Death Comes to Time (webcast)"], where he interacts with George W. Bush, also unnamed, acting as a nod to the popularity of Culshaw's Bush and Blair sketches in Dead Ringers.
    • In a Dead Ringers sketch named Tony Blair Regenerates [+]Loading...["Tony Blair Regenerates (TV story)"], as the name suggests, Blair regenerates into the Tenth Doctor.
  • Tony Blair was a member of the Labour Party, which is referenced in the aforementioned Dead Ringers skit, but this is yet to be mentioned in any DWU valid source.
  • Prime Minister Terry Brooks in Millennium Shock [+]Loading...["Millennium Shock (novel)"] is a pastiche of Tony Blair.
  • While not identified by name in Have You Seen This Man? [+]Loading...["Have You Seen This Man? (short story)"], Blair is identifiable from attended Fettes College in the early 1970s to the fact he had long hair.
  • The "Blair Babes" (or Blair's Babes) was a media term for the newly-elected female Labour MPs in 1997. In context, Harriet Jones is saying she's been in an MP before then and is overlooked.
  • Jocrassa Fel-Fotch Passameer-Day Slitheen's claim that "massive weapons of destruction" could be launched on Earth in "45 seconds" (TV: World War Three [+]Loading...["World War Three (TV story)"]) parodies Blair's claim that Iraq could launch weapons of mass destruction within 45 minutes.
    • Rose Tyler thought people would believe him, saying "they did last time".
  • On DVD commentary, producer Phil Collinson said that Aliens of London had intended to show a Blair look-a-like (Roderick Mair[1]) as the Prime Minister's corpse. When the resemblance proved disappointing, they decided to avoid showing the body clearly. Other hints and jabs at Blair remain, but the show avoids saying outright that he's the Prime Minister: the 2005 general election had not occurred during filming, and Rose and the Doctor are unaware who won so the show can avoid being in error.
  • He has been played by Michael Sheen in several films and by Bertie Carvel in The Crown.
  • The New Statesman cover for 7-13 November 2014 featured Tony Blair as the Fifth Doctor amongst other Labour Party leaders.

Information from invalid sources[[edit] | [edit source]]

"New Labour... that's weird." - David Tennant as Tony Blair. (TV:

Tony Blair Regenerates [+]Loading...["Tony Blair Regenerates (TV story)"])

According to one account, Blair regenerated into the Tenth Doctor. (TV: Tony Blair Regenerates [+]Loading...["Tony Blair Regenerates (TV story)"])

Footnotes[[edit] | [edit source]]

v  e

Prime Ministers of the United Kingdom
17th century
18th century
19th century
20th century
21st century

Inferno Earth
Pete's World
The Year That
Never Was
River Song's World

Holy Roman Emperor Winston Churchill

Alternate timeline
Alternate timeline
Alternate timeline
Alternate timeline
Parallel universe
Parallel universe
Not considered
part of the DWU
The Prime Ministers are listed in rough chronological order by their first term in office.
Please note that this template only uses information from fictional sources. Real world information should not enter into this.

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