Vampire (mythology)
- ️Mon Oct 21 2024
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Vampires were mythical creatures that were feared for their dependence on sucking the blood of other beings to survive. One of their common names was Nosferatu. (COMIC: The Swords of Kali) A wide variety of other lifeforms shared traits with these creatures and either inspired or made use of the legends.
It was commonly believed that wooden stakes could kill vampires. (WC: Monster File: Vampires)
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The Doctor's TARDIS had records of vampire legends on at least seventeen planets, particularly Earth, but myths of vampires existed on almost every civilised world. Common traits were that they drank blood, could turn others into vampires, feared sunlight, had no reflections, feared crosses, couldn't cross running water and could only be killed by a stake to the heart or beheading. They could supposedly only enter a room or house upon being invited, which was why they were so charming. (TV: State of Decay, The Vampires of Venice, PROSE: Goth Opera, AUDIO: Son of the Dragon, WC: Monster File: Vampires) Vlad III was thought by the people of Wallachia to be a monster, which led to a popular fictional representation of him; (AUDIO: Son of the Dragon) although the popular fictional Count Dracula was also a real person. (PROSE: The Dreadful Flap, The Found World)
Vampires were represented differently across various cultures. Chinese vampires had long fingernails. (PROSE: The Shadow of Weng-Chiang) In a 1992 survey, the thing that frightened Russians the most was vampires, specifically ones that lived on life energy. (PROSE: The Left-Handed Hummingbird)
Vampire-like creatures[[edit] | [edit source]]
The Great Vampires from the Dark Times inspired many vampire legends. They were also able to turn humans into vampires (TV: State of Decay) and spawned many vampiric races, including the Saturnyns (PROSE: The Multi-Faceted War) and the Mal'akh, which inspired vampire legends on Earth. (PROSE: The Book of the War)
When humans were transformed into Haemovores, they became vampiric. (TV: The Curse of Fenric)
Plasmavores behaved like vampires. (TV: Smith and Jones)
Axos was "a space-vampire," draining all energy from planets. (TV: The Claws of Axos)
Vlad III the Impaler inspired the fictional vampire Dracula. Bram Stoker, who wrote the novel Dracula, was said to be inspired by a Haemovore, (PROSE: The Curse of Fenric) his wife Florence Stoker, (COMIC: Bat Attack!) the Draxis, (AUDIO: The Woman in White) or tales about the Mal'akh from his friend Richard Francis Burton. (PROSE: The Book of the War)
A vampiric infection came to Earth in the 19th century, with the first human host being Oscar Wilde. (COMIC: Bat Attack!)
Several vampiric individuals existed in Europa. (PROSE: Managra)
An alien race customised androids to have all the traits of vampires, including a dislike of garlic. (AUDIO: Situation Vacant)
Dark Space 8 once encountered a sweat vampire in one of their many adventures. (AUDIO: Bang-Bang-a-Boom!)
The Forge had obtained vampire DNA from South America in 1911. They attempted to create Vampire/Human hybrids. (AUDIO: Zagreus, PROSE: Project: Valhalla)
The Vampire Warriors were another vampire-like species. (PROSE: Snowfall)
Psychevores were a vampire-like species that fed on the mind/life energy. (TV: Image of the Fendahl)
Datavores were a vampire-like species that fed on information. (PROSE: Cat's Cradle: Time's Crucible)
The Foretold leeched energy on a cellular level from its victims, causing heart attacks as a side-effect. According to Perkins, the Foretold was "not just a mummy, but a vampire as well, metaphorically speaking." (TV: Mummy on the Orient Express)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (in-universe) | |
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Some categorisation may be based upon conjecture. Real world information should not enter into this. |
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