
About Temple David

About Temple David

The Temple David Strategic Plan

This plan outlines our vision and the areas where we will focus our efforts over the next two years. Sitting beneath this Strategic Plan is an action plan of many tasks that will guide the Board, Rabbi and Temple Staff and Volunteers in the short to long term. Please read through the plan, and should you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in contact.

With the assistance of this plan we aim to ensure that Temple David Congregation continues to be a welcoming and inclusive home where Jews can connect with our religious heritage, affirm our cultural identity, and practise our Progressive Jewish values.


Temple David, celebrating contemporary Jewish life in Western Australia.


Temple David’s purpose is to provide a welcoming and inclusive home where Jews can connect with our religious heritage, affirm our cultural identity, and practise our Progressive Jewish values.

We accomplish this by making the principles, values and ethics of Torah relevant to our everyday life and incorporating our Jewish traditions into contemporary living. Temple David offers opportunities to enrich ourselves, our families and our communal life through:

  1. Religious services and life cycle events;
  2. The study of Judaism, its language and traditions;
  3. Socialising and celebrating together;
  4. Pastoral care and support;
  5. Social action;
  6. Strengthening our ties with Israel;
  7. Promoting and supporting Progressive Judaism in Western Australia.

History of Temple David.

In 1951, Dr. Ronald Taft, an active member of Temple Beth Israel in Melbourne, joined the Psychology Department of the University of Western Australia. Dr. Taft recognised that the support for Progressive Judaism in Western Australia would come from the new rather than the older members of the Community, and especially from the Central European Jews who had fled the Nazi Regime between 1933 and 1938, and had settled in Western Australia.

In April, 1952, a meeting was convened in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Gottschalk, to investigate the possibility of conducting periodical Progressive Services. On 5th May 1952, a further meeting was held, attended by 40 people, and it was decided to establish the “Liberal Jewish Group” and to hold services in a suitable hall.

On 18th July 1952, the Inaugural Erev Shabbat Service was held in the Women’s Service Guild in Sherwood Court, attended by 100 worshippers. Rabbi Dr. Herman Sanger of Temple Beth Israel, Melbourne, visited Temple David and conducted a Service in August, 1952 that attracted 300 worshippers. From February, 1953, Manchester Unity Hall was chosen for a new venue to accommodate the ever increasing number of worshippers.

On the 20th June 1954, the Congregation purchased 34 Clifton Crescent, and converted this property into a synagogue, religion school and social centre. On the 18th June 1956, Rabbi George W. Ruben became the first Rabbi of the Liberal Jewish Group. The Group then changed its name to what it remains known today as - Temple David.

The growth of Temple David was rapid, and its premises proved far too small for High Holyday Services. Consequently these services had to be held in the North Perth Town Hall.

This prompted the Congregation to build a sanctuary and a school on the property. The Foundation Stone of the new buildings was laid on the 22nd July 1962, and the building was dedicated on the 27th October 1963.

Since then Temple David Congregation (Inc.) has gone from strength to strength, with many generations of Progressive Jews praying, studying, celebrating, socialising, mourning, comforting, and calling Temple David their ‘Jewish Home’ in Perth.

We welcome you to our warm and inclusive community, Jews can connect with our shared religious heritage, affirm our cultural identity, and practise our Progressive Jewish values.

Memorial Czech Scroll

Temple David has, on permanent loan from The Memorial Scrolls Trust, a Holocaust Torah Scroll (identifying number: MST#63) with an amazing history. The Scroll formerly belonged to a Czechoslovakian Jewish Congregation in the town of Vlasim that was destroyed by the Nazis during WWII. The Memorial Scrolls Trust has taken on the task of restoring Scrolls damaged during the Nazi era. A detailed history of this Torah Scroll can be found hanging on the wall in the foyer of Temple David.

For more information about what was lost, what was saved and their good work please visit The Memorial Scrolls Trust website

Addressing the Future

By Hilary Silbert

Who would have thought that a congregation just two years old from formation could actually acquire a permanent address? But that is what happened for Temple David Congregation.

In May 1954 the home of Mr and Mrs Courthope-Giles at 34 Clifton Crescent Mount Lawley was offered for sale at the price of £8,500. A cash deposit of £500 was required by the vendors. It was believed this location was suitable and the spacious grounds of 2277m2 offered the option for expansion. On June 20th, 1954 the option on the purchase was exercised. The minutes of the time recorded that Lionel Tate and Eric Silbert were named as being on the Purchasing Committee.

Rabbi Dr Herman Sanger who visited from Melbourne to consecrate the building commented on the congregation’s “invincible enthusiasm”. He hoped “the congregation always keeps it as your greatest asset “. In my time, my childhood memories of attending Religion School, include playing in a very large garden complete with a fishpond! So 70 years on, evidence exists to this day of the private residence of 1954: just look up at the ceiling in the small sitting room off the foyer and you will see beautiful wood panelling. Perfect squares of jarrah. Our Founders certainly were addressing the future.

Photo from 1954 of 34 Clifton Cres