Anthropoid - Transformers Wiki
Millions of years ago in a valley in eastern Africa, there lived tribes of anthropoids (also referred to as early humans, protohumans, and Neanderthals). At the time of initial contact with Transformers, there was little obvious external difference between the protohumans and other animals sharing their environment. But since the protohumans were destined to evolve into the modern human race, which would in turn play a key role in the Great War, these simple creatures were targeted for destruction by the time-travelling Predacons.
Known anthropoids include:
Beast Wars cartoon continuity
Beast Wars cartoon
By the time of the Beast Wars, the anthropoids were clearly in a pre-civilization state, living as hunter-gatherers, unable to use tools, wear clothes, or defend themselves from predators, and communicating only by animalistic grunting and body language. After Megatron had conclusively proven that he could use the information on the Golden Disk to shape the unfolding of future events, he decided to exterminate the anthropoids and thus prevent their descendants from helping the Autobots win the Great War. The Predacons began a heavy assault on the anthropoid valley, and succeeded in injuring some of them, but their plan was foiled by Dinobot, who not only saved the creatures but also inspired them to use tools in self-defense and food-gathering. Code of Hero
The surviving anthropoids scattered across a wide area. Since Transformer scanners had a hard time tracking organic lifeforms, this meant it would be impossible for a similar attack to be attempted again; consequently, Megatron was forced to resort to his final plan for victory. The Agenda (Part 1)
Later, Megatron created the Cyber raptors, vicious clones of Dinobot, using experimental Transmetal 2 technology. He sent them to roam the land, killing any anthropoids they encountered. By that point, anthropoid culture had advanced significantly: rudimentary tool use was widespread, individuals garbed themselves in animal skins, and both walking and communication had become more sophisticated. They had not, however, advanced to the point where they could defend themselves from laser-shooting cyborg dinosaurs, so the Maximals had to save them again. Cutting Edge
As the anthropoids observed and interacted with Transformers more and more frequently, their own ability to use technology grew more sophisticated. Cheetor held regular lessons teaching the young Protohumans Chak and Una how to use simple machines such as levers, pulleys, and hinges. He also taught them the basics of combat, including how to defend themselves from Transformers, though he preferred that they be constructive and non-violent. Megatron sought to take advantage of the anthropoids' ingenuity by kidnapping one and forcing her to complete the construction of an unstable energon cannon, but the young primate actually outsmarted him. Go with the Flow
Eventually, the anthropoids developed the knowledge to create complex dwelling structures in cliff caves and freestanding houses, as well as mastery of fire, division of labor, gender roles, and mass-production of musical instruments and sturdy weapons such as spears. With that technology and training on their side, a tribe of anthropoid warriors was able to repulse the (admittedly scatterbrained) team of Inferno and Quickstrike. Nemesis Part 1
Megatron's continuing obsession with the anthropoids eventually hastened his own defeat. Believing that "no score is too small to settle", he ordered Dinobot to unleash the full firepower of the Nemesis upon a lone anthropoid—a command so unfair and dishonorable that it sowed the seeds of the clone Dinobot's eventual revolt against his master. After the Predacons were finally defeated, Waspinator lived among the "fleshybots" and was worshipped as a ruler or deity. Nemesis Part 2
Beast Machines cartoon
After Waspinator angered them by flicking rocks at their heads, the anthropoids revolted against him, chasing him out of their camp and catapulting him off a palm tree. Waspinator spun it another way, though, saying he got bored and left, and that the anthropoids begged him not to leave. The Catalyst
Beast Wars Metals comic
When Dinobot was separated from the Maximals on Energoa, he was taken in by a tribe of primitive humans who nursed him back to health. Jaguar soon arrived and began firing at the villagers to draw Dinobot out. Dinobot defended the village but was killed by Jaguar. Optimus Primal arrived immediately afterward and ended Jaguar's threat. Beast Wars Metals #3
Shattered Glass
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Transformers: Beast Wars Transmetals (N64)
After defeating everybody else in the Beast Wars and them leaving Earth, Waspinator became god to a tribe of protohumans. Beast Wars Transmetals
- The Vok were aware of the existence and importance of the anthropoids, since one of the relief images on the Alien Disk is a humanoid figure standing next to a tree. Precisely what their goals were for humanity is unknown. Beast Wars story editor Bob Forward later said that among the many unrealized ideas behind the Vok was the notion that they had put Earth's mysterious energon supplies there as a clean energy source to be used by eventual human descendants.
- It is not possible to correlate the Beast Wars anthropoids with any real prehistoric hominid. The era in which Beast Wars is set has varied wildly throughout different media, but for any of the purported time periods the level of physical and cultural advancements among the anthropoids does not match what the fossil record actually shows. Megatron refers to them as "early anthropoids" and "early humans", Cheetor calls them "advanced anthropoids", the first draft of the "Code of Hero" script calls them "apes", and scripts onward call them "Neanderthals". The Nintendo 64 Beast Wars Transmetals game uses the term "protohumans".
Foreign names
- Japanese: genjin (原人, "primitive man"), ningen no sosen (人間の祖先, "human ancestor"), jinrui no sosen (人類の祖先, "ancestor of humanity"), saru (猿, "monkey")