Ark (SG) - Transformers Wiki

The name or term "Ark" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Ark (disambiguation).

The Ark is an evil Autobot starship from the Shattered Glass continuity family.


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To enable their evil plan to invade Earth and plunder its resources, Optimus Prime's evil Autobots constructed a mighty spacefaring vessel known as the Ark. It is armed with a neutron cannon and plasma blasters, and it is run by the sinister, female-voiced supercomputer known as Teletraan-X.


Fun Publications Shattered Glass continuity

The Ark was built by the Autobots under Optimus Prime's orders. However, he ordered so much weaponry to be added onto the warship that the launch platform was in danger of collapsing. It was the news that Optimus Prime had additional gun ports added to the Ark that drove Megatron to attack the ship's launch site.

Starscream had devised a way to use the newcomer Cliffjumper's glass gas to sabotage the platform. However, the Decepticons' "glass gas bombs" merely weakened the platform, and it did not collapse as planned. Even so, the Ark was damaged, preventing it from taking off...temporarily, at least. Shattered Glass

The Ark was repaired and due to take off in fairly short order. However, the launch did not go as planned.

Ricochet's plan to keep the Decepticons from following the Autobots in the Nemesis by kidnapping Megatron had not only failed, it had also caused Optimus Prime and several others to leave the launch site, thus allowing Rodimus and his mutineers to hijack the Ark and leave for Earth.

The Decepticons still followed Rodimus's Autobots in the Nemesis, but the Ark severely outgunned the Decepticon ship and would have destroyed it, if it wasn't for the intervention of Astrotrain, and his personal squad of Micromasters. They attacked the Ark, tore across its hull, and used its own neutron cannon against it, causing the Ark to plummet into the ocean just off the West Coast. It was presumed destroyed by the Decepticons. Do Over

However, the Ark had, in fact, survived, and Rodimus's Autobots used it as a base of operations. Eye in the Sky