Autopedia - Transformers Wiki
Autopedia is a "personal data repository" compiled by the Autobots and used by the Wreckers (or those with the proper security level) to analyze potential recruits. Psycho-biographical files on individual Autobots list their function, status, a psych-screening report by Rung, and a campaign history extracted from compulsory biographical download.
Many articles are stubs. Can you expand them? Last Stand of the Wreckers
Known articles
- Brainstorm How to Say Goodbye and Mean It
- Crankcase of Scowlex
- Fulcrum of Chinnex
- Guzzle
- Impactor
- Ironfist
- Misfire of Pretendia
- Pyro
- Rotorstorm
- Vice Admiral Spinister
- Tailgate How Ratchet Got His Hands Back
2005 IDW continuity
Tailgate's Autopedia page helpfully informed everyone about how cool and badass he was, and definitely not a mere sluicer. Ultra Magnus read it and was impressed. How Ratchet Got His Hands Back
The Scavengers have been known to vandalize Autopedia. The fiends! Some Of My Best Friends Are Autobots Adding to the perversity of their crime, innocent law-enforcers using Autopedia in the pursuit of their duties have been misled by these incorrect articles. Animals
Beast Wars: Uprising
Autopedia was still around on Cybertron three hundred years after the war ended. It contained the many, many nonsensical laws the Builder Assembly passed down. When confronted by a pair of MCSF officers looking to arrest him for violating one such law, Noctorro tried checking Autopedia, only to find all local transmissions were jammed. Broken Windshields
- It's how Last Stand of the Wreckers presented character profiles. Sweet!
- An additional two profiles were included in the Last Stand of the Wreckers trade paperback. Snare's profile was presented as his "Personnel Evaluation 91-111". Overlord's profile was in the form of "Prisoner Clemecy Request 8612-d" in which the Decepticon Gorelock pleads for clemency from Megatron for his crime of giving aid to Overlord.