Blast Off (ROTF) - Transformers Wiki
The name or term "Blast Off" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Blast Off (disambiguation).
- Blast Off is a Decepticon in the Revenge of the Fallen portion of the movie continuity family.
The arrogant Combaticon Blast Off prefers solitude to the company of his fellow Decepticons. He holds the function of "astronaut", which is odd for someone who turns into a tank—you'd expect him to be a space shuttle or something.
Blast Off can merge with the other Combaticons to form the mighty Bruticus Maximus.
Revenge of the Fallen
- Bruticus Maximus (2009)
- Accessories: Energon Gun-radar/hand, Decepticon-type energon star
- Revenge of the Fallen Blast Off is a redeco of Energon Blight and Kickback, transforming into an anti-aircraft tank similar to a Gepard. He was available with the Revenge of the Fallen Bruticus Maximus giftset, and when combined with the other Combaticons, Blast Off forms a limb. He is decorated with both his initials and a five-pointed star.