Blot (G1) - Transformers Wiki
- ️Mon Oct 17 2005
- Blot is a Decepticon Terrorcon from the Generation 1 continuity family.
There's only one thing Autobots and Decepticons both agree on with no war or argument, and it's this: Blot (alias Blight) is the most vile and disgusting Transformer ever assembled. He oozes fluids of questionable nature from various joints on his frame, and has a rank odor that usually keeps foes and allies far away from him. Naturally, all this scorn and insult has given the less-than-smart Blot quite the inferiority complex. Stuck with a hygiene problem he can't control and a central processor a few hertz too slow, Blot is both unable to solve the problems of his own stench and talk back to the insulting comments from his peers. Brutish and slow-witted, Blot is the classic dumb bully to those who don't give him respect... although he's not sharp enough to tell when said respect is faked. He's immensely loyal to those who at the very least pretend he's worth something, and Hun-Gurrr in particular is a Decepticon to whom he shows unwavering support.
The other Terrorcons, on the other hand, tolerate Blot enough, but are apprehensive about combining into Abominus with him, as it takes far too long to remove the stench he's passed on to them after they're finished.[1]
“ | I'm not as bad as I look—I'm worse. | ” |
—Blot's bio quote sums him up accurately. |
Marvel Comics continuity
Marvel The Transformers comics
Blot served Scorponok on Cybertron with his fellow Terrorcons, until the disappearance of Fortress Maximus, their greatest nemesis. After being alerted to the presence of Fortress Maximus and the Autobots on the distant planet Nebulos, Blot and the Decepticons tracked down their quarry at the planet's capital city, Koraja. Unfortunately for the Decepticons, the newly minted Autobot Headmasters were more than tough enough to drive off the invaders. Broken Glass! The Decepticons were only temporarily deterred, however, and continued their reign of terror on Nebulos. Scorponok sent Blot and the Terrorcons, along with the Horrorcons, to attack the resort city of Splendora. When the Autobots arrived to defend the city, the Terrorcons merged to form Abominus, but the united Technobots became Computron, who used a combination of acid pellets and brute force to disassemble the robot and drive off the Decepticons. Love and Steel! Blot and the Terrorcons also joined Scorponok in an attack on the Nursery, where they encountered another new kind of Autobot/Nebulon fusion: Targetmasters. Blot held his own with the aid of his slimegun, and the Autobots eventually realized that the battle was bringing ruin to the agricultural facility. They fled from Blot and the rest of the Decepticons to bring an end to the carnage. Brothers in Armor!!
The Decepticons eventually traveled to Earth, and came into conflict with both Autobot and Decepticon alike. After a brief Decepticon Civil War, the united forces of Ratbat and Scorponok turned their rage on the Autobots under Optimus Prime's command. Blot gleefully joined in the battle, blasting the veteran Autobot Tracks with his acid spray. All parties eventually joined forces, however, against the Underbase-enhanced might of Starscream. The Terrorcons attempted to confront Starscream in Buenos Aires, Argentina, but were annihilated with a single wave of his hand. Dark Star
Marvel UK future timelines
In 2007, Blot was sent to the freelance peacekeeping agent known as Death's Head as an emissary for the Decepticon army. Death's Head had sought a bounty against Galvatron months earlier, only to have the offerrer, Rodimus Prime, interfere with the collection and rescind the offer. Blot proposed the mechanoid use Decepticon resources to enter Cybertron undetected and track Rodimus Prime's predicted movements to get his revenge. Death's Head was unconvinced by this appeal to his sense of pride, so then Blot appealed to his wallet and instantly the mech was interested in the deal. Headhunt
Frothing at the mouth (and the neck, and the ankle joints, and...), Blot enjoyed terrorizing the human population on 2009 while on his way to the latest energon extraction site the Decepticons had rigged up. Unfortunately for them, Soundwave and the Terrorcons proved incapable of fending off an Autobot strike team, who quickly destroyed their laboriously assembled drill. Seeking revenge, Blot and the others chased their foes back to Autobot City, only to end up passing through a trans-time dimensional portal and getting caught up in fighting for the fate of the universe. It seems the former 21st century Decepticon leader Galvatron had been active in the 20th century for too long, causing a timestorm which threatened both ends of the timeline, at 1989 and 2009.
Soundwave ostensibly agreed to help their 20th century counterparts, but in reality kept Blot and the other Terrorcons in reserve, hoping the other various factions present would do the heavy lifting for them. In the end, Soundwave and the 2009 Terrorcons chose the better part of valor and fled back to their home time rather than face the fighting mad Galvatron. Time Wars
Hun-Grrr was framed by the Seacons as a traitor in the Decepticon ranks. When Bludgeon and the Seacons confronted him about it, the Terrorcon leader summoned Blot and the others to form Abominus and defend his name. Ultimately, though, Abominus fell in battle with Piranacon. At Fight's End
Regeneration One
By 2012 Blot had been partially revived and pressed into service as part of Megatron's lobotomised zombie army. Loose Ends, Part 4 When the Autobots arrived from Cybertron to confront Megatron, Blot was shot down by Hound. Loose Ends, Part 5
Transformers '84
Following the departure of the Ark and Nemesis from Cybertron, Blot fell in amongst Lord Straxus's troops and helped him carve out his own Decepticon empire by attempting to purge every surviving Autobot on the planet. Secrets & Lies #3 When Straxus later planned to reactivate Project Dreadnought, he sent Abominus to defend the planetary turbines' control hub in Stanix, where the combiner encountered Punch and the Wreckers. After a blow from Rack'n'Ruin's hammer brought Abominus crashing down, Blot and the other Terrorcons separated to battle the Wreckers individually but the Autobots disengaged and retreated as the explosives they had already laid inside the base detonated. Secrets & Lies #4
Generation 1 cartoon continuity
The Transformers cartoon
- Voice actor: Tony St. James (English), Ken Yamaguchi (Japanese)
Blot's first appearance was with his fellow Terrorcons inside Unicron's head. Galvatron used them to blast into Unicron so he could retrieve more anti-electrons for an attack against the Autobots. Blot and the others did a decent job in keeping the Autobots at bay, but were quickly forced into retreating when Grimlock finished building the Technobots and gave them the ability to merge into Computron. Grimlock's New Brain
Later, the Terrorcons were seen under the service of the Quintessons. Dirk Manus had sold the Quintessons a Molecular Disassembler/Reassembler. Eager to test the device, they had Blot act as the volunteer. The test proved that the device not only disassembled and reassembled matter like the name implied, but also cured whatever it had been used on of all broken parts, maladies, and other flaws. Cured of his imperfections, Blot felt sick.
When Dirk and his Technobot escorts were on their way through space, Abominus swooped down and attacked, shooting them from the sky. The automatic timer in Abominus, placed within by the Quintessons, forced Abominus to separate into his Terrorcon components. The team was upset they couldn't finish the task of destroying the Autobots, though Blot and the team did get a second chance at going against Computron later. Money Is Everything
Blot was one of the Primitives summoned to fight Tornedron. Blot joined the other Terrorcons in a last-ditch stand against the energy creature, but the group was surrounded and drained of their energy. They, like the rest of Tornedron's victims, were restored thanks to Grimlock's actions. Call of the Primitives
Blot, along with the rest of the Terrorcons, stole heat-resistant alloy from the Morgan/Swofford lab. The Return of Optimus Prime, Part 1
In 2007, Blot participated in an attack on Autobot City in order to draw the Autobots' attention while Wingspan and Pounce stole the Key to the Plasma Energy Chamber.The Rebirth, Part 1 He later took part in the battle on Cybertron, assaulting the Autobots' positions. The Rebirth, Part 3
Japanese cartoon continuity
The Headmasters cartoon
In 2011, Blot and the Terrorcons journeyed to Cybertron over the long-abandoned Decepticon Space Bridge. They were part of the first wave of Galvatron's siege, hoping to gain control of Vector Sigma. Blot's team combined into Abominus to battle Superion. Four Warriors Come out of the Sky Later on, Abominus teamed up with his fellow combiners to wage war on their Autobot counterparts. Their victory seemed assured until the Battleship Maximus swooped in and scattered the Decepticon combiners. They barely survived the encounter. The Mystery of Planet Master On Earth, Blot and the Terrorcons intervened on Hot Rod's search for the Matrix of Leadership. Chromedome and the Autobot Headmasters kept the Terrorcons busy so that Hot Rod could complete his mission. Even after the Terrorcons formed Abominus, the Headmasters stood against them, and the arrival of Computron swung the odds firmly on the Autobots' side. Abominus was last seen with his head buried in the sand, being kicked in the side by Computron. Birth of the Fantastic Double Prime
When Galvatron launched a metal-warping meteorite at the Autobots on Athenia, he brought along Blot and the Terrorcons to occupy the Autobot forces. Linking up as Abominus, they once again battled Computron and the Headmasters. Approach of the Demon Meteorite
Scorponok devised a scheme to harvest plasma energy from the planet Mars by setting off a series of explosives that would utterly destroy the planet, releasing its stored energies. Blot and the Terrorcons were responsible for planting the bombs. Hun-Gurrr was spotted by Daniel Witwicky, Wheelie, and Shouki of the Trainbots, but the other Terrorcons managed to take them hostage. Explosion on Mars!! Maximus Is in Danger Blot and the Terrorcons managed to get two of the three sites set before being set upon by Raiden and the Headmasters. By forming Abominus, Blot's team held their own until Scorponok arrived with his mighty Transtector, MegaZarak. The giant scorpion occupied the Autobots long enough for the Terrorcons to finish their work, and Mars was consumed by the resultant atomic inferno. Explosion on Mars!! MegaZarak Appears
Soon after, Blot and the Terrorcons joined Sixshot the returning Galvatron on an energy raid. They sought to prevent the Autobots from re-energizing the distant world of Sandra, and steal the energy for themselves. Blot's team formed Abominus for yet another in a series of battles against Computron. SOS from Planet Sandra
After an extended mission in space, Blot returned with Galvatron and the other Decepticons, setting up shop on Earth under Sixshot's command. He joined an enormous offensive against the Autobots' facility in Miami, drawing out the troops from Autobot City so that Sixshot could kill Ultra Magnus. Body-slamming Computron as Abominus was just icing on the cake. Ultra Magnus Dies!! The warfare on Earth continued, as Blot and the Terrorcons assembled as Abominus in part of a five-fold simultaneous strike on Autobot interests engineered by Sixshot. The Emperor of Destruction Vanishes on an Iceberg As Scorponok assumed control of the Decepticons again, Blot was seen at a rally being held in his honor on Chaar. Blot and the Terrorcons later joined a Decepticon strike on the Kamchatka Peninsula, seeking to gain control of the Pacific Ring of Fire. I Risk My Life for Earth
As Scorponok abandoned Earth in favor of conquering Master, Blot was one of his many troops seen attacking the planet's fortifications. Miraculous Warriors, Targetmasters (Part 2) As part of Abominus, Blot participated in the final battle with the Autobots at the North Pole. He escaped into space with the rest of Scorponok's Decepticons. The Final Showdown on Earth (Part 2)
Zone cartoon, manga, and story pages
Seeking to create a Decepticon Zone to counter the Autobot Zone, Decepticon Emperor Violengiguar gathered together the Nine Great Demon Generals, upgrading them with powerful new armor and weaponry, then sent them forth to conquer planets. Blot was one of those summoned, but only as a part of Abominus. Zone Part 1 Zone Enter the New Supreme Commander, Dai Atlas!
Generations Selects Special Comic
Blot and his colleagues were sent by the Quintessons to help the humans in their conflict against the Selectors, Autobots, and Decepticons. Volcanicus comic 2 Due to Blot's newly acquired possession of Angolmois Energy, he began leaking anti-electron gas from his body. The dim-witted Terrorcon used his slime gun to fire anti-electron imbued oil at Orthia, forcing the all-female combiner to split up into her individual components. Blot was later seen having a wrestling match with fellow Terrorcon Cutthroat, and also participated in the counter-strike on Megatron at Hun-Gurrr's command.
Blot expressed shock when Megatron absorbed his Angolmois Energy, but later received the upper hand when Hun-Gurrr received the Terrorbreaster deployed by his Quintesson masters, allowing the Terrorcons to combine into Abominus. However, Megatron evolved into Megatron Omega from his stockpiled Angolmois Energy and briefly attacked the brutish combiner. Abominus shot a hole in his former ally's chest and left him for dead, Abominus comic 1 but Megatron Omega ultimately survived the attack.
Blot was present as part of Abominus during his attack on Neo Scramble City, and was temporarily left out of the combiner when Hun-Gurrr and Cutthroat assimilated Menasor and Bruticus's limbs to become Abomenaticus. Blot later recombined with Hun-Gurrr upon Abomenaticus's reconfiguration into Abominus to fight Megatron Omega. Following Abominus's failure to defeat Megatron and alliance with Volcanicus, the Terrorcons entered a portal with the Dinobot combiner Abominus comic 2 to the Blue Planet and split up into their individual forms. Blot was present on the planet's surface when Hun-Gurrr assisted Volcanicus in his fight against Primacron. Finale
The Great Transformer War
Blot and the Terrorcons were defeated in battle as Abominus by Computron. They switched tactics and split into their individual modes to spray Computron with "Cohesive Control Liquid", forcing him onto the Decepticon side. The Technobots were eventually freed when Spike Witwicky blasted them with a counter-spray. The now clear-minded Computron then proceeded to crush the individual Terrorcons. The Great Transformer War #2
Transformers in 3-D
The Terrorcons and Cyclonus intercepted Ultra Magnus's team during the search for Metascan Alpha. The Terrorcons united into Abominus, but the Autobots ignored them and continued with their mission. A short time later, Abominus came under attack from the Destructons and was blasted apart. The Terrorcons began a retreat and found themselves being aided by Ultra Magnus, resulting in Cyclonus agreeing to a truce between the two factions. The War Against the Destructons, Chapter 1 of 3
2005 IDW continuity
- First appearance: Spotlight: Sixshot
Blot was one of the earlier warriors seen in the bloodsport tournaments on Kaon, part of Megatron's team as the future Decepticon leader rose in prominence. Megatron Origin #2 He remained part of the movement when the pit-fighting broke out into active terrorism, and was seen dismembering security officers with his extra arms just before Sentinel Prime returned with his Apex Armor. Megatron Origin #4
During Zeta Prime's era, Blot frequented Gutcruncher's bar and threw a glass at Jetfire when the scientist entered the joint. What It's Really Like When Megatron was defeated at the hands of Optimus Prime, Scorponok disapproved and had him exiled to Junkion. Blot and the Terrorcons also disapproved, but thought his choice of punishment was lame and set out to get rid of their old leader permanently. Wreckage Unfortunately, they turned out to have vastly underestimated Megatron's power and found themselves easily dispatched, after which they were quick to re-pledge their allegiance to him. Prey After returning to Cybertron and taking back control of the Decepticons, Megatron punished Scorponok by having Blot and the Terrorcons tear him apart. The Illusion of Control
As the war went on, the Terrorcons became major fanboys of Sixshot. They were deployed to Mumu-Obscura, but were taken prisoner by the Reapers to lure Sixshot to the planet. The Reapers offered membership to their little club so long as Sixshot destroyed the Terrorcons, to which Blot offered no reaction whatsoever, nor did he react when Sixshot appeared to take the Reapers up on their offer. After Sixshot declined the invitation, the Reapers allowed the Decepticons to leave in peace. Spotlight: Sixshot
Blot later returned to Cybertron, where he was part of an angry Decepticon crowd who demanded answers from the Autobots for Ratbat's death. Stick Together He joined up with Shockwave, who was trying to lead the Decepticons back into war, only to be taken out by Arcee while guarding their base. The End of the Beginning of the World
Theft of the Golden Disk
Among the many historical artifacts the Predacon Dirge managed to acquire was the Hand of Blot. Dirge's Timelines profile
Power of the Primes marketing material
The Terrorcon Blot could wield powers of the Primes by linking with Prime Masters. Power of the Primes Terrorcon Blot packaging bio
For a list of powers manifested by Blot, see this chart.
Commercial appearances
- Blot participated in a vicious battle against the Technobots alongside his fellow Terrorcons. Technobots and Terrorcons commercial
- Blot and the Terrorcons launched an assault on Fortress Maximus, only to be blasted away by the Autobot city's battle station mode. The Terrorcons regrouped and combined into Abominus to tear into Maximus's armament. Fortress Maximus commercial
Blight and the other Terrorcons were cloned from ancient CNA by Shockwave and promptly escaped to cause havoc. Razorclaw and Divebomb were dispatched and managed to recapture the team, returning them to Shockwave's control, for now anyway. Unleash the Beasts
Fearing the Technobots would form Computron, the Terrorcons ambushed them outside Autobot City. After successfully defeating them, the Decepticon team attacked an unsuspecting Autobot City itself. Circuit Breaker Blot also was part of an assault by Trypticon on Autobot City which was halted when Metroplex received a new transformation cog and regained his robot mode. Monstrosity
Transformers: Battle Tactics
Blot participated in battles against a variety of opponents, both Autobots and Decepticons. Sometimes there were many of him! He was a Super Rare character available as a reward in the "Abominus Rampage" event. Transformers: Battle Tactics
Transformers: Earth Wars
Blot is a mess. No two ways about it. Emotionally and physically.
His unfortunate habit of leaking bodily fluids (oil, hydraulic and Primus knows what else) exacerbates his already low self-esteem, and so he presents a generally apathetic instinct to hygiene generally.
It doesn't help that Blot is unintelligent and slovenly, and prone to suffer breakdowns from lack of fluid. But he is very strong, loyal and agile, his piercing claws enabling Blot to climb virtually any vertical structure, making him overall useful for the Terrorcons to have around. In robot mode he's armed with a slime gun that fires a stream of odious corrosive liquid. Blot Bio
- Class: Warrior
- Lowest Star Rating: 2 star
- Ability: Explosive Decoy: Place a decoy that has 65% of your Health and attracts defences. When destroyed, it explodes dealing a set amount of damage in a large area. Only one decoy can be active at a time.
- Cost: 6 ability points +3 cost increase.
Blot at Transformers: Earth Wars Wiki
Transformers Roleplaying Game
Blot was a member of the Terrorcons. Decepticon Directive
The Transformers
- Blot (Terrorcon, 1987)
- Hasbro ID number: TR4
- Takara name: Butto
- Takara ID number: D-83
- Accessories: "Slime gun", laser mount
- Released in the fourth year of Hasbro's US The Transformers toyline (third year in Europe and in Takara's Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers line), Terrorcon Blot transforms into a long-armed, hunchbacked monster-thing. In monster mode, his backpack is used to mount his "slime gun" over his head. The peg for the gun also allows it to be hand-held in robot mode, but it's more or less just a cudgel if used that way.
- He can form the leg or arm of any "Scramble City"-style combiner, though he is nominally Abominus's right arm. His usefulness as a leg is highly questionable, as his extraordinary width tends to push against whoever is positioned opposite him. Even his arm mode is far from ideal, as his beast mode legs project so far out that even Abominus's specially-shaped gun only barely clears them. He can also attach to Metroplex's robot mode.
- There is a later-run variant of Blot, released in 1988, which not only lacks a rubsign, but has been retooled to fill in the indent on his beast noggin where the rubsign would have gone.
- There is also a packaging variant for all four small Terrorcons, which included a random bonus Decepticon "Decoy" mini-figurine.
- Abominus (Gift set, 1987)
- Takara ID number: D-84
- Accessories: "Slime gun", laser mount
- Blot was also available in a gift set with the rest of the Terrorcons. All of the Terrorcons are identical to their individual releases, although it is unknown if the versions without the rubsign indents were released in this format. (It's not terribly likely though.)
- Blight (Cyberverse Legion Class, 2013)
- Series / Number: 3 / 010
- Accessories: "Affliction Hammer"
- Part of the third wave of Prime: Beast Hunters Series 3 Cyberverse Legion Class toys, Blight transforms into a hulking bipedal dragonoid-like thing. His robot mode hands can hold the weapon via the latter's multiple 3 mm posts, and he and the weapon feature numerous 3 mm mounting points.
- Though not called out in the instructions, Blight combines with Cyberverse Twinstrike, Hun-Gurrr, Windrazor, and Predacon Rippersnapper, to form Abominus, with Blight forming the left leg.
- This toy was redecoed into Rot Gut, Go! Burara, and The Last Knight Gorge. His hammer accessory was also used, in varying colors, by Twinstrike, Prowl, and Rot Gut.
Power of the Primes
- Terrorcon Blot (Deluxe Class, 2018)
- TakaraTomy ID number: PP-23
- TakaraTomy release date: August 25, 2018
- Accessories: Gun, Prime Armor/combiner hand, Prime Master gap filler/gun
- Known designers: John Warden and Aaron Gray (Hasbro), Marcelo Matere (packaging artist)
- Released in the third (and Terrorcon-dense) wave of Power of the Primes Deluxes, "Terrorcon Blot" is a heavy retool of Terrorcon Rippersnapper, transforms into a hunchbacked creature based on his original toy. Like all Power of the Primes Deluxe Class figures, he comes with Prime Armor with a spot for Prime Masters (and by extension, Titan Masters, Enigmas of Combination, or Matrix cores) and can form a Combiner hand. He includes a piece that can fill the gap in the armor or be held as a gun.
- Blot can also change into a limb for any Combiner Wars-style Combiner (or into one of Legends Godbomber's legs), although he is meant to combine with Hun-Gurrr to form Abominus.
- Blot's gun has a relatively short 5 mm post. Combined with the claws that stick up above his hands, this means that he has trouble holding it securely. Blot also features an additional piece of plastic attached to the swivel that manages his monster mode head and top, primarily used to mount weapons in monster mode, though with the exception of his leg mode this part conspicuously sticks out of every one of his modes with no proper means of collapsing it.
- Despite being a retool of Rippersnapper, Blot thankfully did not inherit that toy's fragile combiner-peg-hole problem, as his is molded in much thicker plastic.
- Blot was retooled further into Generations Selects Lobclaw and Gulf. The original mold was also differently retooled into Overbite.
Generations Selects
- Abominus (Multi-pack, 2021)
- Release date: April 17, 2021
- TakaraTomy ID number: TT-GS12
- Hasbro ID number: TT-GS05
- Accessories: Gun
- Initially developed by TakaraTomy, Generations Selects "Butto" is a more cartoon-accurate redeco of his Power of the Primes release. He features a lighter shade of purple plastic, and numerous different paint applications, mostly consisting of removing the silver paint on his chest and legs and adding red accents on his "nipples". Minor deco changes include two Decepticon insignias on his shoulders, silver spots on the sides of his stomach, as well as blue accents on his knees and crotch.
- He was only available in a massive box set of Terrorcons, along with Cutthroat, Hun-Gurrr, Rippersnapper, and Sinnertwin. This set was a TakaraTomy Mall exclusive in Japan, with a small-ish number imported and made for sale through Hasbro Pulse; originally slated for release on March 27, Abominus's release was pushed back to April 17.
Power of the Primes mold: Rippersnapper |
Version 1 (Rippersnapper):
Version 2 (Blot):
Version 3 (Lobclaw):
Version 4 (Gulf):
Version 5 (Overbite):
- Blot had the evocative working name of "Slimebucket".
- In the 2010s, Hasbro lead designer John Warden asked TakaraTomy staff on behalf of all us fans what Blot's alt-mode is supposed to be. The answer they gave was "ogre". Your mileage may vary.[2] The Decepticon Directive expansion for the Transformers Roleplaying Game calls him a "goo monster".
- In the 2005 IDW continuity, Blot may or may not be alive following Arcee's attack. It all depends on how snarkily you wish to interpret John Barber's tweets. However, seeing as he never makes another appearance, things aren't looking too good for ol' Blot.[3]
- By the early 2010s, Hasbro lost the trademark "Blot", resulting in Blot's Transformers: Prime namesake having to be called "Blight". Later in the decade, Hasbro got the trademark back, but now as "Terrorcon Blot" for stronger protection.
- Due to being (probably) dead, Blot never appeared in IDW's Windblade vol. 1 #2, wherein several of his teammates appeared redesigned according to their contemporary Transformers: Prime toy namesakes. In 2013, "Blight" (toy trademark issues) did get to appear as such in the Transformers Legends mobile game. In 2024, "Blot" (trademark back, baby!) also received a pay-to-unlock aesthetic skin (at right) based on Prime Blight in the Transformers: Earth Wars mobile game.
Foreign names
- Japanese: Butto (ブット),[4] Blot (ブロット Burotto)
- French: Extermino (Canada)
- Italian: Spectrobot
- Mandarin: Wūdiǎn (China, 污点, "Stain"), Xuèwū Xióng (China, 血污熊, "Bloodstained Bear")
- Russian: Blot (Блот)
- ↑ Generation 1 Blot toy bio and Marvel The Transformers Universe profile in The Transformers #56
- ↑ "John Warden asked TakaraTomy designers what G1 Blot was supposed to be. They say he is an "ogre"."—Matthew Karpowich, Twitter, 2017/10/05
- ↑ "I think Blip would be really ticked off if I killed his brother."—John Barber, Twitter, 2012/12/21
- ↑ While usually written "Butt", Blot's Japanese name is in fact rather difficult to transliterate into English, being essentially "foot" with a "b" sound instead of an "f". In katakana, "butt" is usually rendered バット batto, while "boot" is ブート būto. It is likely that "butto" is a misspelling, intentional or otherwise, of "Blot" (ブロット Burotto).