Central Hall - Transformers Wiki
Located in the High Council Pavilions, Central Hall is the capitol of the city-state of Iacon. It is there the High Council meets and where civilians can go to if they have a question, request or complaint regarding political matters.
Dreamwave Generation One continuity
Central Hall was one of the buildings created when Iacon was rebuilt in the post-Great Shutdown era. Iacon's More Than Meets The Eye entry Over the course of 3000 years, most decisions taken there were to let Shockwave decide, making Shockwave's Tower Iacon's capitol de facto. Revelation
Perceptor and Ultra Magnus requested an audience at Central hall to discuss Shockwave's trustworthiness, particularly regarding his likely involvement in missing energy supplies and his order for the Ark crew to be executed. The High Council was divided about whether or not they should launch an investigation, but before anything could be resolved, a report requiring their attention came in that Menasor was tearing up Quadrant Epsilon. Cold War Menasor's rampage became only the first of a series of events that reignited the war, starting with a battle for Iacon. From Central Hall, the High Council observed the fight, simultaneously mulling over a piece of evidence that essentially linked Shockwave to Menasor's earlier escape from the Detention Banks. In the end, the High Council gathered their forces and joined the battle outside. Revelation
With the Decepticons removed from Iacon and various iconic Autobots back to take charge, the High Council was dissolved. The Central Hall gained a new purpose as a place for Autobots and citizens to share news and concerns about the war. Prowl was the Autobots' spokesman at first, but got overwhelmed by the crowd's barrage of criticism and questions. Ultra Magnus took over in a more efficacious attempt, leading to Prowl resigning the task. Skyfire