Chaos Part One: Lamentations - Transformers Wiki

The Autobots reach Cybertron and face off against Galvatron's forces.


Cyclonus Chaos IDW24.jpg

At the Kimia Facility, Grotusque and Cloudburst are conducting a routine security inspection of the station. Downshift is none too happy about it, believing it to be unnecessary and boasts the station's security is top-notch. Just as he says this, the wall behind him explodes. Cyclonus and his Sweeps hover in front of the newly made hole as Cyclonus announces his intent to take over the station. As Downshift notes the irony in the situation, Cyclonus punches him in the face and crushes his mouthplate. Grotusque and Cloudburst fire at Cyclonus and fall back to an armory on Level E. As they retreat, they notice Nosecone being attacked (and eaten!) by Sweeps. After blasting through some more Sweeps, they enter the armory, only to find it also occupied by Sweeps.

Elsewhere, more Sweeps claw their way into the Facility, and soon, they have it overrun. Cyclonus reports this to Galvatron, who stands triumphantly on Cybertron with his legion of Sweeps...

Inside Omega Supreme's shuttle, Megatron demands to know what's happening on Cybertron from Optimus. Prime, instead of answering, notes that he did not believe Megatron to be the sentimental type. Megatron snarls at Prime and states they both know Cybertron is more than a metal planet and begins to speak of what would happen if it fell into the wrong hands. Prime retorts that he doesn't think it's ever been in the right hands and tells Megatron what happens outside his cell is no longer of his concern. As Prime leaves, Megatron yells that Prime can't just walk away from him and that Prime doesn't know what he's capable of. Prime agrees with Megatron and leaves.

Outside Megatron's cell, Ironhide notes Prime is still letting Megatron get to him. Prime explains that he doesn't understand Megatron's recent behavior and is confused by it. Ironhide counters that there's not much to get and says Megatron is just a lunatic out to destroy everything and watch Prime suffer. Prime replies that it's good to have Ironhide back and that it's wonderful to see him so young again, but Ironhide glumly replies he doesn't feel young.

On the communications deck, Optimus asks Jetfire if he's had any luck contacting Chief Justice Tyrest. Jetfire states he hasn't and explains that Autobot communication protocols have been scrambled since the Surge and that they don't know what channels or hailing codes Tyrest is on. Optimus tells him to keep trying.

Below, Ironhide tells the tale of the time he punched Alpha Trion in the face to Silverstreak, Drift, and Cliffjumper. Sunstreaker listens from a distance and is ignored after attempting to join in on the conversation. Sunstreaker, saddened, pets Bob for comfort.

Garnak contacts Optimus and Jetfire and tells them for Rodimus they've arrived and that they're getting a message from the surface. Jetfire notes that he's been monitoring communications the whole time and they haven't gotten any messages. Garnak explains that the message was not sent over the radio.

Rodimus stands on the observation deck and looks out at Cybertron. As Ironhide, Jetfire, and Optimus come onto the bridge, he explains that the message is being sent in binary code created by Galvatron's army firing their weapons on and off. Jetfire translates the message into a request for a landing party for peace talks. Optimus notes that it's also a display of force- Galvatron is showing his sheer numbers. Cliffjumper states that it's the simplest message ever.

On Cybertron, Optimus, Ironhide, Cliffjumper, Rodimus, Sunstreaker, Bob, and Drift have landed and prepare to meet with Galvatron. Optimus tells everyone but Cliffjumper to accompany him to the talk with Galvatron. He tasks Cliffjumper with spearheading future landing parties and explains that he wants Omega's rocket to stay in space as it is their only way back home.

Galvatron welcomes Optimus to "his planet". After Prime calls him out on such a presumptuous claim, Galvatron explains he doesn't intend to keep it and merely wants it as a staging ground for his army. He then asks the Autobots to join him. Rodimus is shocked and expresses this. Optimus ignores Rodimus' outburst and asks what Galvatron is going to war against. Galvatron merely states that it is a threat that could destroy them all but elaborates no further. Rodimus states that can't be all, as Galvatron attacked him for merely being on the planet. Galvatron replies that attacking Rodimus was a mistake and that his soldiers weren't fully under his control yet. He then states that he doesn't answer to rivals or underlings and that the Autobots can be either—his word is enough. Optimus declines Galvatron's offer and states that he doesn't want things to come to violence. Galvatron begins to say that if Prime declines, things already have, and charges his gun to fire on Prime. However, he is interrupted by Ironhide tackling him, and after shaking the old bot off, orders his soldiers to attack.

An epic fight scene ensues.

During the battle, Galvatron blasts Rodimus and prepares to deal him a killing blow. However, Ironhide bludgeons Galvatron with a dead Sweep before he can. Ironhide then demands Galvatron explain what's going on. Cyclonus, appearing from nowhere, strafes Ironhide and grabs Galvatron before flying away.

As they fly, Cyclonus reports that Kimia is in orbit. Galvatron, pleased, tells his troops to begin the station's Conversion to alt-mode. Scourge begins the process with glee and Kimia begins to transform...

On Cybertron, more Autobots have landed. Sunstreaker states that he doesn't trust Galvatron and Cliffjumper notes that he would be an expert on the subject. Optimus tells them to stop and says that Galvatron obviously has a plan for Cybertron that he doesn't want anyone to know about. Drift asks why they just assume that and explains that he wouldn't mass an army to fight Autobots and then ask them to join. Cliffjumper asks if Drift has gone nuts and wonders if he has been paying attention. Before he harasses Drift any further, the Autobots are bathed in red light, and above, a transformed Kimia fires a red beam of light at Cybertron...

Featured characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)

Autobots Decepticons Others


"Well, you're not needed here. This place is tight as a drum. I do run this place, and the defenses are top notch."
"Surrender, Autobots! We've breached your meager defenses, and this installation belongs to Cyclonus now!"
"Oh man, irony really is a b-"

Downshift's life sucks.

"I didn't have you down as the sentimental type."

Optimus to a panicking Megatron.

"So, Ironhide, how do can you be sure it was Alpha Trion? I mean... how do you know it wasn't Bludgeon in disguise or something?"
"Are you serious? That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard."

Ironhide and Cliffjumper agree that the thought of Bludgeon dressing as an old guy instead of a samurai is ridiculous.


Continuity notes

  • Apparently, Grotusque left the Monsterbots in favor of the Autobots sometime between Maximum Dinobots and this issue of The Transformers. Of course, they were never portrayed as not being Autobots per se, more as a Dynobots-esque rogue unit operating on the fringes. Perhaps they came in from the cold during The Surge?
  • Cloudburst is still wearing his Pretender Shell-space suit. Too bad that despite its previously established super power level it suddenly doesn't make him a match for the Sweeps.
  • When the Sweeps attack, Cloudburst and Grotusque run past Room 113, a room mentioned in "Bullets" and a number frequently used by James Roberts for sentimental reasons.
  • After the battle at Hydrus 5, Afterburner has returned to Kimia. Sucks for Afterburner.

Lamentations KimiaMassacre.jpg

  • A damaged memorial statue to Ironfist can be seen in the aftermath of the Kimia massacre. Also, a wrecked bestial Autobot is lying among the dead. This could be either Grotusque, who was previously seen, or Animus, who was in residence as of "Bullets". Both of them turn up alive in later issues, so if it is either of them, they obviously survived this slaughter.
  • Galvatron's army was portrayed in Heart of Darkness as being made up of thousands of individual 'bots. Here he just has hordes and hordes of Sweeps. This would later be explained in Robots in Disguise #5, where it was noted that the individual robots were all gradually transformed into identical Sweeps, presumably through the Heart of Darkness' power.
  • When the Sweeps manually transform Kimia, they are seen pulling and rotating large cylindrical components like those those involved in the manual transformation of Autobot City in The Transformers: The Movie. It's not indicated whether it's Scourge or a Sweep who begins Kimia's transformation sequence; however, since this one is the only one to talk, it would make sense if it were Scourge.
  • First appearances: Chromedome, Swerve (in person; he was seen as a holographic head waaaaay back in Stormbringer).

Transformers references

  • Due to the distance, it's hard to tell if the Autobots behind Optimus and the others are generics or not, as one of them resembles Blurr. This may be a coincidence, though.

Real-world references


  • On page 2, Varas Centralus is spelled "Veras Centralus". This was later corrected by establishing Veras Centralus as a separate location that's commonly confused for Varas.


  • Chaos was all along planned by Andy Schmidt as a way to create two new ongoings, with Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning writing the other (this fell through). Chaos was also originally meant to be a mini-series, which is why it had a separate artist and ran bi-weekly with Police Action. IDW found that the Transformers mini-series didn't sell as well as the ongoing, as retailers didn't think mini-series and one-shots 'counted', so Chaos was rolled into the ongoing, resulting in the ongoing ending on issue #31 rather than the 'rounder' issue #25. Don Figueroa was intended to be the artist, Costa playing to his strengths ("on Cybertron with all Transformers") but Don had left IDW.[1]
  • This issue contains Drift's first lines of dialogue in the ongoing.

Foreign Localizations


  • Title: "Kaos Del 1: Klagovisorna" ("Chaos Part 1: Lamentations")

Covers (3)

  • Cover A: Optimus Prime in the foreground with Cybertron and Galvatron behind him; art by Livio Ramondelli.
  • Cover B: Galvatron and the sweeps in the foreground with the sweeps and Optimus Primes' head behind him; art by Ramondelli.
  • Cover RI: Optimus Prime bringing down his foot and shooting in grayscale; art by Ramondelli.
  • (thumbnail)

    The good.

  • (thumbnail)

    The bad.

  • (thumbnail)

    The ugly.



  • Transformers: Kaos och skuggor (November, 2020)
    • Collects The Transformers (2009) issues #22–24, #26, #28 & #30, The Death of Optimus Prime, and More than Meets the Eye issues #913.
    • Swedish reprint. Hardcover format.
  • (thumbnail)

    The IDW Collection Volume Eight – cover art by E. J. Su

  • (thumbnail)

    The Definitive G1 Collection: Volume 52: The Death of Optimus Prime – cover art by Don Figueroa (Prime) and Livio Ramondelli (retro)
