Christmas - Transformers Wiki


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Specifics: Merchandise


Prime's Alpha Trion disguise fooled few.

Christmas is a holiday celebrated by humans on December 25, commemorating the birth of someone called "Christ", who is considered God. It seems to revolve around the exchange of material goods, the slaughter and festooning of conifers, and the consumption of roasted avians. Autobot intelligence suggests that at this time, humans gather together and don't shoot each other.

More importantly, Christmas is the focus of a powerful "spirit" manifesting in charity, goodwill, and appreciation. Even hardened Decepticon warriors and vengeance-driven humans are subject to its influence. Such spirit is manifest in a saint, named Santa Claus, who travels over the world bearing gifts.

Some Autobots have been known to don a red outfit with a bushy, white beard, imitating Santa Claus as part of the Christmas ritual.

Another human custom, Black Friday, is rumored to be the busiest day of shopping for the material goods needed for exchange on Christmas.

Christmas: Date — December 25th. Annual festival celebrating Christ's birth. Features include family reunion, gift-giving...Starscream's "Internal Data File", "Stargazing"



Generation 1 continuity family

Woman's Day magazine

Marvel Comics continuity

Marvel The Transformers comics


"Me, Grimlock, love energo letter opener me got for Christmas."

God bless us, every one.

Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity

Macrocosmic Seekers
The Headmasters comic
  • The magic of Christmas was spread by the Autobot Headmasters when they visited a children's hospital to hand out presents. Raiden got in on the fun, carrying all the presents in a giant sack and even donning a colossal Santa hat.

2005 IDW continuity


The real miracle is that every light on that thing is on.

Transformers Facebook page


Ho, ho, this itches.

  • The magic of "the holidays" made Optimus think wearing a gaudy sweater was a good idea. [1]

Loyal Subjects Nemesis Prime figure bio

  • The magic of Christmas caused Nemesis Prime to attack Santa Claus' village on December 14. Nemesis Prime destroyed his village, burnt his reindeer alive, then defaced the corpse of an elf before Nemesis tried to choke Santa to death. Thankfully, the magic of Christmas also compelled a mysterious stranger to transport Nemesis Prime away. The magic of Christmas may have adverse effects on some entities. Nemesis Prime figure bio

Dreamwave Armada comics

Animated cartoon


"Merry Christmas to all, and to all, some good trash."

  • The magic of Christmas turned the Autobots into humans! Well, it wasn't so much the magic of Christmas as it was Soundwave plugging them into a virtual reality world, but it could have if it chose to. Human Error, Part I
  • The magic of Christmas would also free Wreck-Gar from his entrapment in the lake bed, giving Sari Sumdac another ally in stopping Soundwave. It would also entice Wreck-Gar to give garbage to all the good little girls and boys! Human Error, Part II

Live-action film series

Revenge of the Fallen film

Revenge of the Fallen Titan magazine

  • The magic of Christmas got Ironhide to give Barricade a present! From Ratchet of course, Ironhide wouldn't douse him in coolant if he was on fire. (It was a large fist shaped object he had in a cardboard box on the end of his arm...) Law and Disorder
  • The magic of Christmas was something Bumblebee was eager to experience, and it got him to sing carols while beating on some guy. The magic then saw Bumblebee give the Witwicky family presents (he seemed to think they were cars but it's the thought that counts). The Nightmare Bee-4 Christmas

The Last Knight film

  • The Decepticon Dreadbot wears some Christmas lights on his upper right arm.

Aligned continuity family

Prime cartoon

  • When Team Prime was put in stasis lock by the Nemesis, Agent Fowler, who bore witness and had hopes that this battle would win the Autobots the war, denounced his plans for a Christmas vacation in Fiji as being cancelled. Flying Mind

Prime Titan magazine

Commercial appearances


My own dog gone commercial. I can't stand it. AAUGH!


Kre-O cartoon

Kre-O comic

Ask Vector Prime

Cyberverse cartoon

BotBots cartoon

  • The Lost Bots braved Spector Halloween and succeed in slaying the boss at its heart to rid the mall of the Halloween store. The next day when they went to take credit for eliminating the Halloween plague, an upset Spud Muffin then blamed them for the Christmas stores that had appeared in its stead. Spirit of Halloween




Oh, Christmas me, oh Christmas me, how lovely are my branches.

Meltz Down (2019)

Part of the third series of BotBots, Meltz Down transforms from soft plastic robot into a snowman ornament and back.

Wizengreen (2019)

Part of the third series of BotBots, Wizengreen transforms from soft plastic robot into a Christmas tree and back.

Yule B. Bored (2019)

Part of the third series of BotBots, Yule B. Bored transforms from a TV playing a fireplace yule log video into a robot wearing a Santa Claus outfit.

Holiday Optimus Prime


On every corner there's a giant metal Santa Claus
Who watches over us with glowing red eyes.
They carry weapons and they know if you've been bad or good.
Not everybody's good but everyone tries.

  • Holiday Optimus Prime (2022)
A surprise reveal at MCM Comic-Con London 2022, "Holiday Optimus Prime" converts in 37 steps from a licensed Volvo VNR 300–known throughout the United States as an "Amazon Prime truck"–into a very Combat Hero-styled Optimus Prime with a decidedly Santa Clausish color layout, in predominantly red deco with white trim and big black boots. The truck mode is decoed so as to represent snow kicking up over the fenders and falling down onto the roof of his trailer. Said trailer is a redeco of the one included with Earthrise Optimus Prime in white with red stripes and features a tampographed Autobot insignia wearing a Santa hat. It also has a new trailer-hitch add-on part with a much further-back hitch-peg, so the trailer connects in the proper place to Optimus's new truck mode; this part is removable so you can use the trailer with the originally-compatible Earthrise toys. In terms of accessories, Prime comes with a redeco of the Earthrise toy's ion blaster in festive candy cane striping, as well as a "Matrix of Holiday Cheer" to store behind his translucent green chest windows.
Prime's box is designed to look as though it has been pre-packaged in Autobot insignia/snowflake wrapping paper and partially ripped open to reveal the toy inside, even including a printed-on to/from gift tag!
The official stock photography leaves two flaps on Prime's chest mistransformed; they should fold in to give him his iconic grille detail.
The figure was made available for sale exclusively at Hasbro Pulse on November 1, 2022, and shipped in early December 2022.
...Speaking of the "Amazon Prime" trucks, Holiday Optimus Prime appears to have been repurposed from a long-planned but ultimately never released Collaborative figure which was listed on the Australian version of the website as early as April 2021,[3] with a detailed product description following in June of that same year,[4] as well as listings on other international versions of the Amazon website such as Amazon Germany.[5] The Amazon Australia listing was later rediscovered in July 2022,[6] but photos still remained a no-show. Like Holiday Optimus Prime, the Amazon mashup was also specified to turn into a licensed Volvo truck in 37 steps. All signs point to the Volvo Optimus Prime mold being repurposed as an affiliate of a less corporate–and more public domain–gift distributor... not to mention as a release less likely to annoy other major retailers of Hasbro toys.
Earthrise mold: Optimus Prime (Leader Class)


Trailer/Combat Deck:

  • Hasbro/TakaraTomyEarthrise WFC-E11 Optimus Prime

  • Alternate Universe Optimus Prime


Holiday Ornaments

Seasonal Specialties

  • Autobot symbol
  • Bumblebee
  • Optimus Prime
  • Optimus Prime 2-pack
  • Decepticon symbol
  • Megatron
  • Megatron 2-pack
  • 5-pack

American Greetings

  • Generation 1 Heirloom Ornaments
    • Optimus Prime
    • Megatron
    • Bumblebee
  • Movie (2007)
    • Bumblebee
    • Bumblebee (flat ornament)
    • Megatron
    • Optimus Prime
    • Optimus Prime (flat ornament)
  • Animated
    • Autobot Team
    • Bumblebee
    • Optimus Prime
  • Revenge of the Fallen
    • Optimus Prime Heirloom Ornament
    • Optimus Prime/Autobot logo

Holiday Stockings

  • Megatron
  • Optimus Prime
  • Bumblebee (mini)

Child's Play Aron.jpg

If you build it, they will play.

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  • Readers sent Christmas cards to Soundwave during his time as the letters page host. (He wasn't sure what they were for, but he remained grateful all the same.)[7]
  • One Christmas season (somewhere between 1986 and 1992), Hasbro's Boys' Toys Marketing department internally passed out green-chromed Beachcomber and blue-chromed Seaspray toys as Christmas ornaments with a string attached to them. They were bagged with a card that read "Transformers Christmas ornament" on one side and "Merry Christmas from the Boys' Toys Marketing" on the other side.
  • For Christmas 2013, The Hub aired a special "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic" video yule log. This hour-long special consisted of music and cameo appearances by several characters or pieces from Hub properties in addition to the ponies themselves. Among the characters who made cameos were Beast Hunters Bumblebee (who beeped as he drove across the screen), Rescue Bots Blades (who stumbled onto the screen before being pulled back off), Strawberry Shortcake, Lil' Bat (mascot for The Aquabats), a Sorry! game piece, Niblet from "Pound Puppies", the eponymous character from "SheZow!", and several characters from the "Littlest Pet Shop" cartoon. This special was aired back-to-back for four hours on Christmas morning, possibly as a means of giving the bulk of the network staff a chance to spend Christmas morning with their families.


  1. Full presser for Holiday Optimus Prime at Ben's World of Transformers including bio and stock photos.
  2. Recording of the Transformers panel at MCM Comic-Con London 2022 with Ben MacCrae at the "Ryan Speaks Geek" YouTube channel
  3. Earliest reported Amazon Australia listing for "Amazon Optimus Prime" at TFW2005, April 2021.
  4. Product description for "Amazon Optimus Prime" at TFW2005, June 2021.
  5. Earliest documented Amazon Germany listing for "Amazon Optimus Prime" at TFW2005, June 2021.
  6. Amazon Australia listing for "Amazon Optimus Prime" reported by TFormers, July 2022.
  7. Soundwaves, issue 47

External links