Council of Peers - Transformers Wiki

The Council of Peers is a governing body from the Marvel portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.


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The Council of Peers, also known as the Nebulan Ruling Council, is the supreme governing body of the planet Nebulos. Its members include Lord Zarak, Peer Sorgen, Peer Soriza, and Peer Galen, the last of whom serves as the head of the World Watchers, a committee charged with preserving peace on Nebulos. The Council of Peers is stationed in Koraja, the capital of Nebulos.


Marvel Comics continuity

The arrival of a group of Autobots on Nebulos alarmed the Council of Peers, and they met to decide on how to handle the situation. Lord Zarak advocated swift military action to destroy the intruding robots. Initially, several peers agreed with him, but Galen spoke up and persuaded a majority that they should try talking to the visitors. Lord Zarak, not content to follow the will of the council, schemed with Krunk to undermine the talks secretly. This initially caused conflict between the Nebulans and Autobots, until five Autobots removed their heads and presented them as a peace offering to the Council of Peers. Ring of Hate!

Lord Zarak was still not content to live in peace with the Autobots, and he schemed with Grax to create civil unrest and the appearance of popular demand for a forceful response to the alien robots. The council met again to reconsider the situation and decided in favor of further peace with the Autobots. Still not content, Lord Zarak had Krunk monitor Autobot communications and discovered a transmission to Cybertron. Lord Zarak used that information to send a plea to Cybertron for help to against the Autobots. The transmission was received by Scorponok who decided to depart immediately with his Decepticons for Nebulos. When they arrived, Lord Zarak found that Scorponok had no interest in forming an alliance with fleshlings, instead taking them hostage and going off to battle Autobots without regard to Nebulan casualties. Galen's men allied themselves with the Autobots and became Headmasters to defend themselves against the Decepticons. Broken Glass!

The Council of Peers sent a delegation led by Peer Soriza in order to observe Galen's activities. Lord Zarak's daughter Llyra was part of the delegation, taking her father's place in his absence. The delegation was observing from a hovercraft when, to the surprise of everyone, Lord Zarak revealed he was a Decepticon Headmaster and attacked. The delegation was hypnotized by Mindwipe and sent into the Decepticon base, where they were placed in bubbles and sent floating into the air on their way into space. They were rescued by the Autobots, whom the Decepticons soon defeated. Thanks to the hypnosis, Llyra thought the Autobots were attacking them and that Lord Zarak had saved them. Galen and his men were taken prisoner. Love and Steel!

After that, the government of Nebulos considered Galen and anyone who supported him to be criminals. Once he was freed, Galen led his men and the Autobots to Earth in the hopes that Lord Zarak and the Decepticons would follow them and leave Nebulos in peace. The Decepticons did indeed follow. Brothers in Armor!!

After the Transformers left, Nebulos returned to peace, destroying their own weapons to prevent further war. The Council of Peers asked the top Nebulon scientists to devise a way to prevent Transformers from ever returning, so Hi-Q developed a bomb that irradiated the planet. The radiation was harmless to organic life, but poisoned fuel supplies so Nebulon fuel would be fatal to mechanical life. The plan was proven a success when two Decepticons arrived and were deactivated by the poisoned fuel. However, a colleague of Hi-Q's reactivated the two Decepticons using the Powermaster process. The Council of Peers once again asked Hi-Q to develop a counter-weapon.

The two Decepticon Powermasters tore off the roof of the council chamber and threatened the council with destruction unless they revealed where Scorponok's Decepticons were. Peer Sorgen refused, but before the Decepticons could carry out their threat, they were driven off by Autobots. Hi-Q was able to duplicate the Powermaster process with the Autobots and the Decepticons were defeated. The Council of Peers banished the Decepticon Powermasters from Nebulos forever. People Power!