Cruellock - Transformers Wiki
- ️Thu Jun 11 2015
The name or term "Dinobot" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Dinobot (disambiguation).
- Cruellock is a Decepticon-allied Terrorcon from the Energon portion of the Unicron Trilogy continuity family.
Strong and deadly in tooth and claw, gifted with terrifying speed as well as the ability to handle raw energon, Cruellock is a formidable fighter, destined to be feared by Transformer and human citizen of Tokyo alike. Singularly or in vast squadrons of identical units, this robotic raptorbot is a vital tool of war to his Decepticon masters and a seemingly mindless menace to his Autobot foes. The fact of the matter is that Cruellock truly lives up to his name, taking special delight in the suffering of enemies and even his own comrades.
Like most Terrorcons, Cruellock represents both an individual and a species. Variants include Dinobot Magma Type and Doom-Lock.
Energon cartoon
The Cruellocks were grown in steel eggs by Alpha Q, formulated from a type of "Dinobot" long thought extinct. Once they were finished, the Cruellocks were first sent against both Autobot and Decepticon alike on a frigid, ice-covered world to harvest the energon. Despite some initial shock, however, both groups defeated and escaped the horde. The Return of Demolishor
Later, several Cruellocks were released on Ironhide in a test of strength engineered by Alpha Q and Scorponok, so that the young Autobot could prove his worth to them. The Cruellocks showed themselves capable of transformation for the first time during this battle, crossing their tail blades with Ironhide's Energon Saber. Ironhide eventually defeated them when one ripped the energon star from his arm, and Ironhide blasted the energon, causing a massive explosion. A Tale of Two Heros
Scorponok brought a pair of Cruellocks with him inside Unicron during the attack on Megatron's forces. Open Fire!
Cruellocks fell into disuse for a time, but Scorponok brought them back during an open assault on Cybertron after Unicron's destruction. The Cruellocks destroyed a space port, trapping the Jones family on Cybertron under siege. Ambition They were attacked by the Autobots when Prime's crew attempted to retake Cybertron from the Decepticons. Wishes
Cruellocks patrolled the depths of Cybertron for Galvatron, hunting for the Jones family. Galvatron! When Rad White and Dr. Jones attempted to access Primus's chamber via elevator, a Cruellock spotted them and chased the humans into the elevator shaft. Break Through
While blasting their way through the train stations on the way to Central City, Kicker and the Autobots shot up a number of Cruellocks and Insecticons. Several Cruellocks also lay siege to the medical facility where Bulkhead and other Autobots were recuperating. Decepticon Army
Energon comic
Cruellock was a member of the Terrorcons, a group of former Decepticons led by Scorponok, who, unhappy with the Autobot-Decepticon alliance, struck a deal with Alpha Quintesson to raid Earth for its Energon reserves in order to restore Unicron. When Scorponok blasted Starscream into an ore-grinder in Cyber City’s eastern energon processing plant, Cruellock threw the switch that activated the machinery, crushing Starscream’s body, much to Cruellock’s delight. This Evil Reborn
Granted an energon-powered Hyper Mode by Unicron, Cruellock and the other Terrorcons went to Earth to extract the energon buried in the wilds of Australia. They were attacked by several jets, but made short work of the humans' machines. What Lies Beneath After this distraction was dealt with, Cruellock helped finish up setting the Terrorcons' Energon siphons. He was present when Scorponok announced that he planned to infuse the Terrorcons with Energon, rather than bring it to Alpha Quintesson as was originally planed. What Lies Beneath, Part Two Optimus Prime and his Autobots then arrived on Earth to oppose the Terrorcons. After energizing themselves, the Terrorcons proved themselves more than a match for their opponents, with Cruellock using his blade to chop into Inferno. What Lies Beneath, Part Three However, thanks to the intervention of the Omnicons and Kicker Jones, the Terrorcons' Energon siphons were destroyed. The Terrorcons were defeated and Alpha Quintesson forcibly pulled his team from Earth. What Lies Beneath, Part Four
Countless drones based on Cruellock's beast mode design were sent to raze Tokyo as part of a worldwide assault on Earth coordinated by Alpha Quintesson. Multiplicity Along with other Terrorcon clones, the Cruellocks wrought destruction to Earth on a massive scale. Multiplicity, Pt. 2 The Autobot forces deployed to counter the invasions were not enough to stop the hordes, and only the intervention of the newly revived and hyper-powered Megatron was able to turn the tide and send the Terrorcons back to Unicron. Multiplicity, Pt. 4
Energon ceased publication before the story could conclude. The following would have taken place in unpublished issues.
Alpha Quintesson upgraded Cruellock into Doom-Lock, and promoted him to Terrorcon commander-in-chief (presumably as a replacement for the recently-deceased Scorponok). Doom-Lock was ordered to continue the attack on Earth, which he questioned the purpose of, since the planet was protected by a shield. Regardless, Alpha Quintesson insisted. Doomsday Redux!
Ask Vector Prime
In an unspecified reality, Killswitch employed hordes of Terrorcons, including Dinobots, to guard Existimus. Ask Vector Prime, 6/11/2015
Transformers Energon: Battle for Megatron
Cruellock and his fellow Terrorcons went on a mission to retrieve Megatron, held deep within Unicron's defenses. In order to destroy the many units standing in their way, Cruellock could use many techniques, including the "Cruel Slash," and the "Cruel Stab." The Terrorcons were eventually successful in liberating Megatron from Unicron's clutches. Transformers Energon: Battle for Megatron
3D Battle-Card Game
Cruellock serves under Megatron as one of his Decepticon soldiers, battling Optimus Primal's many Autobot allies in what might possibly have been an inter-universe battle. Energon Wars Expansion Set
- Cruellock (Energon Class, 2004)
- Takara name: Dinobot (ダイノボット)
- Takara ID number: SD-12
- Takara release date: 13 May 2004
- Accessories: "Jurassmash" sword, "Raptor Gun" pistol, Decepticon energon star
- Known designers: Takio Ejima (Takara), Hirofumi Ichikawa (detailing)
- Released in the second wave of the Hasbro Energon Energon Class toys, Cruellock transforms into a dinosaur-monster somewhat reminiscent of the 1998 American movie version of Godzilla. His simple transformation scheme largely consists of either connecting or disconnecting the halves of his waist (which automatically transforms his upper torso's shoulders and dino-head into the proper positions), splitting or re-joining his tail-halves, and rotating his head around.
- He includes two clear-green energon weapons; a small blaster and a large sword, both of which store in his tail in beast mode. The sword's handle is on a (distressingly tight) pinned joint to fold out sideways, which both allows enough room to store it in his beast-mode tail (forming his beast-mode "attack mode"), and allows Cruellock to actually hold the sword in his right hand (his giant "energon" claws get in the way normally, and the handle doesn't swing the other way for proper clearance for his left hand). Connecting the blaster to it as a handle turns it into the marginally longer Ultimate Energon Weapon "Energy Blade" (only named in the Takara release) that he can actually hold properly. Both of the weapons have Mini-Con Powerlinx sockets, so they can be used to activate Mini-Con features on Armada toys. Like the other Terrorcons, he includes a clear-green Decepticon-style Energon star that can be attached to most Energon toys's spark crystals.
- An undocumented feature is the addition of pegs on the insides of the tail halves that correspond with holes in his thighs. The only reasonable explanation for this feature is to give the figure some extra stability in robot mode, so that he doesn't collapse under the weight of the sword. Utilizing this feature does remove all articulation in his legs, however.
- As far as can be told, there are no notable differences between the Hasbro Energon Cruellock and the Takara Super Link Dinobot releases, aside from the packaging.
- This mold was also used to make Doom-Lock, Dinobot Magma Type, and a Walmart-exclusive version of Age of Extinction Grimlock. In Japan, his sword was used to make the "Energy Blade Phantom Night Edition" promotional exclusive energon weapon, as well as a pack-in energon weapon with Galvatron General.
Universe (2003)
- Cruellock (Basic Class, 2005)
- Accessories: Sword, pistol, energon star
- A package refresh of Cruellock was released in the 2003 Universe line. He was sold through numerous discount chains like Big Lots! in the US.
3D Battle-Card Game
- Cruellock (2007)
- A 32-point "common" character in the 3D Battle-Card Game's "Energon Wars" expansion, Cruellock "transforms" into a red kaiju-type beast. He uses the same parts layout as Predacon Megatron and Grimlock. His color scheme more closely resembles Doom-Lock, although this could be handwaved away as the card actually representing "Dinobot Magma Type".
Foreign names
- Japanese: Dinobot (ダイノボット Dainobotto)