WildBrain - Transformers Wiki
(Redirected from DHX Media)
WildBrain (formerly known as DHX Media) is a Canadian animation and live-action production company who took over Transformers: Rescue Bots on season 3. DHX Studios Vancouver, the section of the company responsible for the show, was previously known as Studio B Productions until they were acquired by DHX Media in 2007. Among the shows they've been responsible for animating are My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, Pound Puppies (the 2010 version), Kid vs Kat, Littlest Pet Shop, George of the Jungle (the 2007 version), Being Ian, Dr. Dimensionpants, and Lego Ninjago (season 11 and later). The company's preferred sub-contractor is Top Draw Animation.
Through a convoluted chain of buyouts, they now own the television distribution and Canadian home video rights to Beast Wars.
Until 2018, their President and Chief Operating Officer was Steven DeNure, who worked as an executive producer on Beast Wars.