Dark Cybertron (prophecy) - Transformers Wiki


hello hacker fragger this is shockwave heres the deal. if you hack this prophecy i will find you where ever you are and break your legs and thats a promise

Cybertronian legend speaks of a coming apocalypse, a dire threat that will imperil the citizens of Cybertron and perhaps all of reality itself. But the origins of the Dark Cybertron prophecy are more complicated than anyone could have imagined...


A sunrise dark shall cast pall upon the empire.
And time will rust.
And he shall stand alone while not alone.
And adorned the titan will be in black metal.
And the stars shall scream.
And the symbol of the uncreator shall be clear.
And his gaze shall unravel the legacy of Primus.
Thus shall the adversary rise.
A black star. Unstopped and unstoppable.

A fretful sky,
An absent sun
A distant heat
A deathly hand
City against city
While the planet turns from gold to gray
And gray to black
No yesterday
No tomorrow
Just an everlasting now
Fleeting and forever
Circle, cycle, scythe.
And the six-sided architect
Holds the fate of all things In the palm of his hand.


2005 IDW continuity

The Dark Cybertron prophecy began as a story told by Onyx Prime to a profoundly drunk Alchemist Prime some twelve million years ago, during the initial period of unification that would later lead to the rise of the Thirteen. Onyx's newfound storytelling skills, which included talk of a "chosen one" and an insignia, were of some concern to Alpha Trion, who wondered if he had begun telling tales for his own benefit. Origin Myths Unbeknownst to the assembled Primes, "Onyx Prime" was an identity assumed by Shockwave, who had been flung back in time after attempting to bring about the same prophecy. Using his foreknowledge of Cybertron's history, he deliberately sowed the seeds of the legend that his younger self would one day discover and act upon. In doing so, he incorporated clues into the texts, even including an image of his own face as the dreaded "false prophet" who would unmake reality. The First Who Was Named

The barbarian warrior Galvatron—who was present for this unification—believed that Alchemist came up with the prophecy himself in an inebriated stupor after consuming a massive amount of supposidely-rancid Engex, and thus passed it off as complete nonsense. Signals, Calls, and Marches The prophecy was eventually recorded in the Covenant of Primes; after the fall of the Thirteen and the rise of Nova Prime it became of interest to Nova Prime's chief scientist, Jhiaxus, and eventually found its way into the hands of his student, the younger Shockwave, who was inspired to plant a "seed" of self-regenerating ore that would eventually form the basis of his Regenesis project. Shockwaves During his time as a professor at the Jhiaxian Academy of Advanced Technology, Shockwave taught some of his closest students about the prophecy, including Scoop.

Many millions of years later, following the empurata and shadowplay that left the younger Shockwave an emotionless husk of his former self, the Decepticon scientist turned his attention back towards the endgoal of his Regnesis project: inspired by the Dark Cybertron prophecy, he would combine the powers of his ores and collapse all of reality into a single point, "the black star" that the prophecy foretold, and provide Cybertron with enough energy to last forever in the timeless void. The Becoming While imprisoned, Scoop began researching the Covenant and found evidence that seemingly suggested that Starscream, the supposed "Chosen One," was referred to in the prophecy.

Thanks to the ontological nature of Shockwave's time travel, the Dark Cybertron prophecy seemingly foretold many of the events over the course of the ensuing crisis: he was met with resistance from Starscream, who was shocked to learn of his seeming involvement in the ancient prophecy, and his onslaught was indeed heralded by the rise of Necrotitan. Black Metal

Following Shockwave's defeat, and the inadvertent time travel that cast him twelve million years into the past, it was assumed that the prophecy had been negated. Years later, Optimus Prime experienced a nightmare after annexing Earth into the Council of Worlds involving the prophecy—one that seemingly cast him as the "false prophet." Once Upon a Time on Earth

In the hours before "Onyx Prime" returned to Cybertron, Alpha Trion noted that Scoop had been instrumental in uncovering the Dark Cybertron prophecy, though Scoop's internal crisis of faith led him to wonder if Starscream really was the Chosen One. Surfeit of Primes

As his mind was downloaded into a new body, Optimus Prime experienced another nightmare of the prophecy. Unstopped and Unstoppable

Before the final battle with Unicron, Arcee noted that, despite both the legendary uncreator and the prophecy itself being products of Shockwave's machinations, the Chaos Bringer's actions had quite accurately fulfilled the prophecy. A Sunrise Dark


Foreign names

  • Japanese: Dark Cybertron (ダーク・サイバートロン)