Electric-blaster gun - Transformers Wiki

G1Venom boxart.jpg

Insecticon leader Venom is armed with an electric-blaster gun, also known as an electro-blaster gun, and sometimes as an electro-blaster rifle.


Dreamwave Generation One continuity

In robot mode, Venom carried an electro-blaster rifle and an energo-scythe. Venom's More than Meets the Eye profile

When Autobot Micromasters infiltrated the Decepticon headquarters on Cybertron, he would use it to try to shoot Roadhandler, but was instead skewered by Blazemaster's helicopter blades. Victims of the Revolution


The Transformers


  • Venom (Deluxe Insecticon, 1985)
  • Accessories: electric-blaster gun, battle ax
The Transformers Venom came with a green weapon, identified as an electric-blaster gun in his instructions and as an electro-blaster gun in his packaging bio.


  • It's entirely possible that either Venom's instructions or packaging bio contained a misprint or typo but at this stage it's impossible to say which. For what it's worth, his unpublished Marvel Universe profile[1] went with the electric-blaster gun, while his Dreamwave More than Meets the Eye profile called it an electro-blaster rifle, because Dreamwave apparently wanted to add the word "rifle" to as many weapons' names as possible.

See also
