Hunters - Transformers Wiki
The name or term "Hunter" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Hunter (disambiguation).
Whilst most of the players converge on the volcano, Bumblebee undergoes a whole new transformation...
Since arriving in 1987, Death's Head has decided that the best place to get information on Galvatron's whereabouts is the present day Decepticon base. Unfortunately, his history tapes stated that it was currently the coal mine in Eastern Wyoming, costing him time, but he has now arrived at the island base. Soundwave is patrolling the beach and Death's Head attacks, demanding information. Soundwave reads Death's Head's mind and learns of Death's Head's intentions, but as he ejects Laserbeak, he declares that whilst the Decepticons want to neutralise Galvatron, they don't want "space scum" doing it. Death's Head soon subdues both, then advances on Soundwave and demands further information.
In southern Oregon, Rodimus Prime is studying Galvatron through binoculars, but Cindy berates him for not yet having done anything to save Ultra Magnus as promised. Kup, Blurr, and Rodimus all agree that they shouldn't charge in unprepared, but it is now time to act. However, Rodimus is still plagued by doubt, wondering if travelling back in time has merely compounded his other errors: not destroying Galvatron but instead throwing him into space to travel back in time, then offering a reward that drew Death's Head to the era. Now he wonders if he has deserted his troops.
At the summit of Mount Verona, Galvatron explains to a subdued Ultra Magnus that the earlier eruption was a controlled experiment to test the power siphon, and now he is preparing to become an unstoppable god. Ultra Magnus tries to fight back but is quickly knocked down. Galvatron picks him up and is about to throw him into the volcano when Rodimus Prime calls out. Galvatron cannot believe his eyes and assumes it is either a trick or an imposter, but throws Magnus at Kup and Blurr, knocking out all three. Rodimus advances on Galvatron, declaring that they'll fight to the death. However, Death's Head has now arrived and declares he is determined to claim Rodimus's bounty.
Elsewhere, Wreck-Gar has arrived in 1987 in a different location from the other Autobots and has found the remains of Bumblebee. Wreck-Gar had planned to research the era's television but decides instead that "Jim'll Fix It!"
At Mount Verona, Rodimus Prime and Death's Head argue over whether or not the contract has been cancelled. Death's Head asserts that Rodimus has contractual obligations, but Rodimus says he will not stand aside when he's about to destroy Galvatron himself. The business negotiations are abruptly halted by an angry Galvatron, who does not like being squabbled over and decides to eliminate the pair of them. Death's Head is hit in the shoulder and withdraws to repair himself, deciding that if Rodimus succeeds and refuses payment, then he will be the next target. Rodimus and Galvatron fight furiously.
Cindy has been hiding under Ultra Magnus, Kup, and Blurr and now wakes Ultra Magnus. He is confused by her babbling about Rodimus Prime, but when he sees Kup and Blurr, he starts to understand and realises he must help Rodimus. Picking up a blaster, Magnus starts firing at the power lines to the siphon, causing an explosion. Galvatron is distracted long enough for Rodimus to transform and withdraw, promising to return for round two.
Elsewhere, Wreck-Gar has finished. From the remains of Bumblebee he has created...Goldbug!
Featured characters
(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)
"Ask a civil question and what happens, eh? Get insulted! Get attacked, yes?"
- —Death's Head
"In a word - no! You lost me at about the point where you told me your name was Rodimus Prime!
- —Cindy Newell, following Rodimus Prime's explanation.
"Why am I kneeling here, amidst the the remains of this Autobot, wasting valuable viewing time? Answer...Jim'll fix it!"
- —Wreck-Gar
"Fools! Galvatron is not some commodity to be bought and sold! I am power incarnate, and I will solve your petty eliminating you both!"
- —Galvatron does not take kindly to being the object of business negotiations.
"Rodimus Prime needs help, does he? Well, seeing as how Galvatron put so much effort into building this little toy of his, I figured he'll feel constrained to come a'running...If someone starts putting holes in it!"
- —Ultra Magnus
Artwork and technical errors
- Rodimus's chest symbol regularly disappears.
- Ultra Magnus's shoulder rockets appear and disappear across different panels, although they're more consistent than in previous issues.
Continuity errors
- Although Wreck-Gar states he's come to research 1987 TV programmes, his dialogue suggests he's already familiar with them.
- Bumblebee's head has been barely damaged at all, bar losing half of one horn. So why does Wreck-Gar feel the need to rebuild it totally differently? (To sell toys...)
Continuity notes
- Soundwave and Laserbeak's fates are left unclear, but they are shown functioning once more in "Ladies' Night" in issues #137–138 and in "Buster Witwicky and the Car Wash of Doom" in issues #128–129, respectively.
- This is the only occasion in the UK comic when Rodimus transforms into his vehicle mode.
- Goldbug has a different origin in the UK comic from the US comic—see Conflicting Goldbug origins for full details. As the UK comic did not initially reprint the G.I. Joe and the Transformers mini-series, an alternative explanation had to be provided. This is one of the main points where the two continuities explicitly disagree with each other.
Real-life references
Other trivia
British Junkionisms
- The narrative captions which begin the story introduce Wreck-Gar in the style of contestant introduction from the quiz show Mastermind, listing off his name, occupation and "specialist subject".
- "And that's Blockbusters!"—This exclamation, coupled with Wreck-Gar's extensive question that precedes it ("What B is...?") refers to the alphabetic/hexagonal quiz show, or more specifically, its more successful UK incarnation.
- "Your starter for ten."—A question asked on the quiz show University Challenge. A correct answer earns you ten points (hence the name), and the chance to answer three bonus questions (hence why it's a "starter").
- "Jim'll Fix It!"—A television series in which presenter and disc-jockey Jimmy Savile "fixed it" for viewers to have their wishes come true, a series whose reputation has since been tarnished by the posthumous revelation that Savile was a prolific paedophile and sex offender.
Back-up material
Issue #117:
- Back-up strips: The Inhumanoids - "Metlar Unleashed!" and Robo-Capers
- AtoZ: Brawl and Brawn
Issue #118:
- Back-up strips: The Inhumanoids - "Metlar Unleashed!" and Robo-Capers
Covers (2)
- Issue #117 cover: Rodimus Prime, Galvatron & Death's Head, by Geoff Senior & John Burns.
- Issue #118 cover: Angry Galvatron, by Lee Sullivan.
- Transformers Comic-Magazin #12 cover: Optimus Prime fights Death's Head!
- Transformers: Fallen Angel cover: Death's Head, by Geoff Senior and Oliver Harud.
- The Transformers Classics UK Volume 4 cover: Rodimus and Galvatron fight whilst Scorponok squeezes Highbrow and Goldbug rides Wreck-Gar, by Andrew Wildman.
- Transformers: The Definitive G1 Collection: Volume 8: Wanted: Galvatron – Dead or Alive : Soundwave by ??? and Galvatron by Dan Reed