International Scientific Symposium - Transformers Wiki
The International Scientific Symposium is an effort to gather the top scientific minds of the planet Earth in one place, to share their knowledge and research in order to improve mankind's lot. For some reason this also involves marching bands, cheering crowds, and lots and lots of confetti. Humans are weird.
2001 Robots in Disguise cartoon
The first International Scientific Symposium was held in New York City. Media was out in full force, with Dorie Dutton giving a blow-by-blow report. As the first speaker, Doctor Onishi of Japan, began his speech, the proceedings were disrupted by the appearance of Megatron. The Predacon leader announced that he'd come to kidnap Doctor Onishi, and used his Sonic Pain Wave attack to render the humans present unconscious. Battle Protocol!
Foreign names
- Japanese: Millennium Shukuten (ミレニアム祝典, "Millennium Celebration")