Jack Darby - Transformers Wiki
- ️Wed Jul 15 2009
- Jack Darby is an Autobot-allied human from the Prime portion of the Aligned continuity family.
Jackson "Jack" Darby is a smart, responsible sixteen-year old dude. Before he met the Autobots, he was hard at work flipping burgers so he could save up for his first motorbike; now, he helps fight the monstrous Decepticons alongside his friends Miko Nakadai and Raf Esquivel. Only two things get past his responsibility and intelligence: badass bikes and the need to impress girls. Since his guardian Autobot is Arcee, he gets both at once! While she's not thrilled to guard him, his heroic qualities are winning her over.
Prime cartoon continuity
Prime cartoon
- Voice actor: Josh Keaton (English), Jun Fukuyama (Japanese), Zhai Wei (Chinese), Jorge Saudinós (Spain-Spanish), Sang-hyeon Eom (Korean), Paolo De Santis (Italian), Nico Sablik (German), Arturo Castañeda (Latin American-Spanish), Petrus Kähkönen (Finnish), Maxime Donnay (French), Márcio Marconato (Brazilian Portuguese), Ahmad Zulkifli Lubis (Indonesian)
Jack's menial after-school job at the drive-thru at KO Burger was getting him down, with rude customers who took food without paying. As he knocked off and reported in to his mom by phone, he spotted a sweet motorcycle in the parking lot. While he was admiring it and promising one day he'd have enough money to buy a motorcycle just like it, he was caught talking to it by Sierra and her friend, causing him to trip over his words somewhat. He was saved from further embarrassment when the motorcycle—in reality Arcee—took off with him still on board as she was being chased by two Decepticon cars. After a short chase, she warned him not to tell anyone and let him go, only for one of the Decepticons to start following him, forcing her to pick him up again. The chase ended up in a drainage canal, where Jack encountered Raf for the first time, and the pair watched Arcee and Bumblebee duke it out, before hastily making an escape when one of the Decepticons started chasing them.
Jack later met Raf outside the high school and suggested to the boy that they keep the adventure to themselves, but Bumblebee and Arcee turned up to take the pair back to the Autobot base. Jack wasn't keen, but the pair were spotted arguing by Miko, who loudly encouraged him to go, and as a result accompanied Jack on Arcee back to base. The three kids were awestruck by the Autobots and their headquarters, and Optimus Prime explained to them the whole Cybertronian war. Darkness Rising, Part 1 Jack was keen to get home, much to Miko's disgust, however they were interrupted by a visit by Agent Fowler, forcing the three kids to hide. The kids we left at base with Ratchet when the rest of the Autobots left on a mission, and tried not to get under Ratchet's feet.
When the Autobots returned empty-handed, Jack whisked Miko away before her exuberance could become too tactless. He pointed out to Optimus that he really needed to get home as it was almost 10 and he had a curfew. Prime assigned Arcee to watch over him. Of course, when Jack got home, he had a job explaining when he'd gotten the motorcycle to his mother. The next morning, Arcee woke him early, though it was a Saturday, as they had to get to the Autobot base promptly. Darkness Rising, Part 2
On the way back, Arcee showed off some fancy riding skills. They reached the base at the same time as Bulkhead and Bumblebee, however Optimus immediately left on a mission with Ratchet. Arcee, left in charge, opted to go out on patrol with Bumblebee, leaving the kids with Bulkhead as a carer. When Miko suggested they get a band going, Jack offered the use of his harmonica skills, which Miko didn't seem particularly keen on. After having his ears punished by Miko's electric guitar solo, Jack and the others had to hide behind Bulkhead to avoid being seen by Agent Fowler, but Miko's guitar gave them away. Bulkhead managed to prevent Fowler from taking the three kids into custody, but a short time later they detected a distress call from Fowler's helicopter, suggesting the agent had been captured by the Decepticons. After Bulkhead bridged out to try for a rescue, Jack and Raf realized that Miko had surreptitiously followed the Autobot. Figuring that Bulkhead might not have noticed her, the pair reactivated the ground bridge and followed Bulkhead, only to arrive near the Decepticon ship and accidentally alert the sentries stationed on it. Darkness Rising, Part 3
Bulkhead rescued the pair while they were under fire and dropped them off behind some cover before heading into the ship. Unfortunately the pair were spotted by the Decepticons a short time later, and found themselves being carried to the brig. Arcee and Bumblebee rescued them both, and they all found Bulkhead and Miko, but the kids soon discovered that the middle of a battle is not the healthiest place to be. The Autobots cleared out a room for them to hide in, and Jack immediately told Miko off for getting them involved. Their arguing upset Raf, and the pair tried to console him, before Jack noticed a computer display appeared to be showing important data. They were interrupted by a Decepticon, which led Jack to have to make a daring save to prevent Raf from being shot. Jack got Miko to take a cameraphone picture of the display before they hastily left the room. Luckily the Autobots were returning from having rescued Fowler, and Bulkhead was able to destroy the Decepticon.
Once they were back at base, Jack expressed his discontent about the hazards of hanging around the Autobots, and decided to return to his old boring life. They sent him home by ground bridge. Miko dropped by later, and attempted to talk him into returning to the excitement of helping the Autobots, but Jack preferred a more normal existence. Darkness Rising, Part 4
Arcee paid him a visit as he arrived at his KO Burger job, and managed to persuade him to return with her to the Autobot base. No sooner had they arrived than the Autobots left on a mission into space to stop the Decepticons from using their space bridge. It became apparent that the Decepticons were targeting the bridge using the Giant Sized Array radio telescope in Texas, and Jack suggested the three kids bridge there so Raf could override the system onsite. They did so, but it turned out that Soundwave was also onsite, and the Decepticon dispatched a tentacle to interfere with their attempts to stop him. Jack and Miko were knocked aside by the tentacle, however Jack was not impressed by Miko's attempts to fight back when the tentacle took the axe she was holding. They followed it to the next room to find Soundwave had locked the dishes on Cybertron. The kids returned to base where they kept track of the other Autobots' work in blowing up the space bridge, however they returned with Arcee in a bad way. After she and Jack shared a moment, she seemed much better. Darkness Rising, Part 5
Assigned to do a science project for school, Jack opted to get a motorcycle engine working, but was surprised when Arcee turned out to be clueless in the area of automotive engineering. The project was eventually taken over by Ratchet who built something which could be said to resemble an engine. When Jack switched it on at school, it promptly ran riot and it can be assumed he did not achieve a favorable grade. Masters & Students
The kids arrived at base on a Saturday just as Optimus and Arcee were preparing to go on a mission. Jack was initially keen to come along, until he found out they were headed for the Arctic. Instead, he stayed at base and played videogames with Miko. Of course, just as he was winning, the power went out momentarily and stopped the game. The cause of the malfunctions became clear when Raf returned to the control room with a small metal critter the Autobots called a Scraplet. Jack attempted to protect Ratchet as the Autobot worked on the broken ground bridge, and used a fire extinguisher to freeze the Scraplets that attacked them. Once he and the other kids had help the Autobots, a plan was formulated to get rid of the Scraplets, and the three kids repaired an energon fuel line, enabling the Autobots to send the Scraplets to the Arctic. Later, the kids helped with repairs on Bulkhead and Bumblebee. Scrapheap
Jack was surprised to learn there were more Autobots out in space when Wheeljack arrived on the planet. The Autobots celebrated his arrival, though Jack mostly hung out on the sidelines with Arcee. When Wheeljack turned out to be a Decepticon imposter, Jack wondered if there was a real Wheeljack, and was alarmed when the phony took Miko hostage. Following the Imposters ejection from the base and the arrival of the real Wheeljack, the Autobots had another party and Jack, Raf and Bumblebee busted out some dance moves. The three kids turned out to see Wheeljack off when he returned to space. Con Job
When the Autobots helped Fowler move a hi-tech device, the kids observed their progress from base with Ratchet. The Dynamic Nuclear Generation System was in danger of being captured by MECH, so Jack and Miko ground bridged to the speeding train it was on in a last-ditch attempt to defend it. Jack grabbed a fire extinguisher to wave at the incoming MECH goons, but in the end they retreated after seeing Optimus. Silas blew up the track ahead of the train, and for a few moments Jack and Miko thought they were doomed, but Optimus managed to stop the train in time. Convoy
When Miko and Bulkhead arrived at base following Miko's detention, Jack loudly asked what she had done this time. When the Autobots later discovered that an Energon Harvester was in an Earth museum, Jack and Raf found themselves volunteered by Miko to go in and retrieve it, despite Jack's protest that what they were doing was theft. They were sent in on a scissor lift via GroundBridge and successfully pinched the device from the statue holding it. During their escape, Miko was caught by a security guard, and Jack and Raf ran into Soundwave, who swiped the Harvester off them. Back at base, Jack wondered how they were going to free Miko, and Ratchet revealed the replica Harvester he was working on to replace the stolen one. Jack resigned himself to the idea of adding forgery to his list of crimes, which now already included theft. Deus ex Machina
While talking to Sierra one day after school, Jack was challenged to a race by school bully Vince. Though Arcee reminded Jack of the rules, Vince's disparaging of her vehicle mode caused her to reconsider, and Jack took up Vince's challenge. They trounced Vince in the race, though Arcee still wouldn't let Jack offer Sierra a ride and told him to keep the whole thing a secret from the other Autobots. When it turned out that Miko and Raf had already found out, Jack swore them to secrecy too. The next day, Vince challenged Jack to another street race, and with Sierra watching, Jack was compelled to agree. Arcee refused to take part, however Jack instead managed to get Bumblebee to help him. He and Bumblebee joined the street race, but so did Knock Out, and they quickly found themselves under attack by the Decepticon. Jack struggled to understand Bumblebee's beeping. They lost the 'Con, but Vince confronted them, drawing Knock Out's attention, and the bully was captured. When Arcee and Bulkhead arrived, Jack told them what had happened, and accompanied Arcee to the storage lockup where the Decepticon was hiding. He later spun a story to Vince, covering up the whole affair. The following day, Arcee allowed Jack to take Sierra for a ride. Speed Metal
How does it feel to be on the receiving end, Spider-Man?
Jack accompanied Arcee on a safe mission to a remote wooded region to scout an energon deposit. When they found a downed spacecraft, Arcee began acting cagey and dropped him off a fair distance from the ship as she believed it wasn't safe for Jack. He hiked his way back and eventually found her engaged in combat with newcomer Airachnid. After her foe pinned her to a rock with a glob of webbing, Jack attempted to free her, but fled when Airachnid recovered and began chasing him, intent on adding his head to her "trophies". Though clearly outmatched, Jack made it back to the crashed ship, where he used his pocket knife and fire starter to light a stick, igniting energon leaking from the ship and causing it to explode with Airachnid atop. Unfortunately she survived and globbed him to a tree, but Arcee arrived in time to save him, and Airachnid was forced to flee underground. Jack found that Arcee subsequently had more respect for his ability to face danger. Predatory
After Optimus was struck down with a Cybonic plague and Arcee and Bumblebee infiltrated the Decepticon ship, the three kids watched Ratchet monitor the pair's progress as Arcee patched Bumblebee into the comatose Megatron's mind to find the cure. Sick Mind Jack was a spectator for a basketball game between Bulkhead and Bumblebee, and observed that it was starting to turn into a dodge ball match instead. The next morning, he received a phone call in class from Raf, who reported that Bumblebee had failed to pick him up for school. Out of His Head
When Miko seemed totally disinterested in a mission the Autobots were going on, Jack and Raf suspected she was up to something, and sure enough, she made a break for the GroundBridge. Jack tried to stop her, but only succeeded in dislodging her cellphone, and he and Raf were forced to follow her through. Once the Autobots spotted the trio, Ratchet ordered them to return through the bridge, however interference from a Decepticon GroundBridge caused a disruption which deposited the three kids in a shadowzone dimension. Unable to be seen or heard by the Autobots, they were pursued by Skyquake who had been resurrected as a zombie by Starscream. Arcee attempted to ring Jack, but though his phone rang, they were unable to communicate through the interference. Jack was able to send a text message to Miko's phone back at base. The three kids attempted to use Starscream's severed arm to fend off Skyquake, but only succeeded in dislodging the zombie's arm, which began chasing them. They escaped back to the real world through a portal created by Ratchet. Back at base, and much to Jack's amazement, Miko offered to take responsibility for the whole mess. Shadowzone
Arriving home one night, Jack was met by his mom, who was upset that he was breaking curfew and had been neglecting his job and schoolwork. She grounded him for the next few weeks, banning him from using his motocycle. What's worse, there was no way Arcee would be able to stay in the garage, though she promised to try and get home before June Darby did each night. The next night Arcee failed to get back in time and had to sneak in after Jack's mom had already seen the empty garage. Jack ended up explaining about the Autobots, but she didn't believe him. Later that night Jack returned home to find a communicator from MECH telling him they had his mother. He and Arcee followed the Silas's instructions, finding the MECH hideout in an abandoned factory, but were shocked to discover that Airachnid was also involved. The 'Con gave Jack six minutes to rescue his mother, however he was able to pickpocket Silas's radio before he began his search. He found June in time, but Airachnid reminded him that the task was to rescue mom, and webbed his hand to the floor. While Arcee and Airachnid fought, Jack freed himself with an iron bar and helped Arcee by pouring concrete on top of the 'Con. Though it was only a temporary win, it gained them enough time for Fowler, alerted by Jack over the radio, to arrive with helicopters and force Airachnid to retreat. Jack and Arcee later look Jack's mother to the Autobot base to meet the others. Crisscross
Preparing to help Arcee with some routine maintenance, Jack was annoyed when his mom turned up at the base and her questioning about whether it was safe ended up with Arcee instead leaving on a mission with Bulkhead. Jack stayed at the base and listened as they reported back that the Decepticons had used a polarity gauntlet to stick them together. When Miko complained that Arcee was as bad as Jack's mom, June asked if she was really that bad, and Jack refused to answer. After Arcee returned, Jack went to greet her, but June interrupted him so she could give Arcee an apology. Metal Attraction
Jack and Miko accompanied Arcee and Bulkhead to an abandoned energon mine. When Miko decided to go inside, Jack persuaded Arcee to let him go in too. While exploring the mine, he and Arcee stumbled on Megatron and Starscream. A firefight ensued, during which there was a cave in and Jack lost track of the others. He found an old Decepticon mining drill and managed to activate it. In the process of digging his way out, he found Megatron, now buried in rock, who suggested Jack take the opportunity to finish him off. Jack declined, believing it was not what Optimus would have wanted, and instead used the drill to rescue Miko from Starscream. The two kids were soon reunited with their Autobot friends and escaped the mine. Rock Bottom Optimus was proud of Jack for not finishing Megatron when he had the chance. Raf's Notes
Jack helped Raf surf the web looking for conspiracy sites with photos of Autobots on and was surprised when their antics elicited a laugh from Ratchet. When Raf was severely injured during a mission, Jack called in his mom to help, and watched as she and Ratchet worked to save Raf's life. One Shall Fall
When his mom decided she was going to take Jack and Miko with her so they wouldn't be endangered by the Autobots, opted to stay, believing that they were all endangered by the Dark Energon. He was pleased when she came back safe and sound after an encounter with a tornado, though she still grounded him. Jack was thus still at the base when the Autobots and gathered humans worked out that Unicron was at the center of the Earth and likely waking up. One Shall Rise, Part 1
The humans listened as the Autobots battled giant stone Unicrons, and as Megatron arrived to offer to help the Autobots defeat Unicron. When Jack wondered about siphoning Unicron out of the Earth's core somehow, Raf and Ratchet explained that Unicron was the Earth's core and it wouldn't be possible to remove him. The humans hid as Megatron arrived, but after Raf ran out to confront the Decepticon leader, Jack had to restrain him. Megatron recognized Jack from their earlier encounter. Before leaving on the mission to the core, Optimus presented Jack with the "key to the GroundBridge power supply" for safe keeping. The humans all watched the Autobots and Megatron step through the GroundBridge into Earth's core. One Shall Rise, Part 2
Ratchet told the kids about Optimus back when he was Orion Pax, and how he got the Matrix. Jack was shocked when Ratchet revealed that the key Optimus had given him was actually the Key to Vector Sigma. The kids all took shelter underneath Ratchet when the ground started shaking, but were overjoyed when it turned out Prime's team had succeeded. They welcomed the Autobots back, but were shocked by the loss of Optimus, who had become amnesiac. One Shall Rise, Part 3
When it was determined that accessing Vector Sigma would be the only way to restore Optimus's memory, Jack was more than willing to go, but they lacked a way to reach Cybertron. He had a brief encounter with Sierra when she came to visit him at his after-school job at KO Burger, though that didn't go so well. Neither did the Autobot's hunt for Optimus, however Jack believed that they would be able to commandeer the Decepticon space bridge when it was completed and reach Cybertron. Orion Pax, Part 1 Once the Autobots located and secured the space bridge, Jack and Arcee went through, arriving on Cybertron. They soon found the Key to Vector Sigma was pointing them towards Kaon and headed in to the former Decepticon stronghold. Orion Pax, Part 2
While Arcee was kept busy by an Insecticon, Jack headed down to the Victor Sigma chamber and began downloading information into the Key. He was soon trying to fight off a swarm of scraplets, but lucked out when the Insecticon arrived and he was able to divert them to attacking it instead. With the Key fully charged with info, he and Arcee returned to Earth where he transferred it back to Optimus, restoring the Autobot leader's memory. Orion Pax, Part 3
Jack and Arcee managed to undermine Raf's cheering up of Bumblebee, after Bumblebee lost the ability to transform. Operation Bumblebee, Part 1 He and the other kids hung around for an attempted transplant, and subsequently covered for Bumblebee when he went to get his cog back. Operation Bumblebee, Part 2 The kids were racing toy cars when Fowler reported being attacked by Optimus. They stuck around as Optimus returned and it turned out he was being impersonated by a MECH creation. Nemesis Prime
After the Nemesis became sentient, the kids GroundBridged aboard with Fowler to try and download the Iacon database. When they learned the ship was heading for New York City and Fowler was rendered unconscious, they headed for the power core. Miko and Raf ended up playing hide and seek with one of the ship's manipulator arms which Jack tricked into operating the energon flow lever. After succeeding, they high-tailed it back to Fowler and Jack attempted to retrieve the transfer drive only for Knock Out to recover. He was rescued from the Decepticon by Ratchet. Flying Mind
Jack and Miko volunteered to go to Manhattan with Arcee and Bumblebee in search of one of the relics. Tunnel Vision Toxicity The two kids encountered Vogel, a sweeper train driver whom they took into their confidence. With his help, they used the sweeper train to hit Knock Out, but this resulted in the train barreling out of control. With a little assistance from Arcee, they stopped the train by running it into Knock Out, and subsequently got Fowler to draft Vogel to ensure his silence. Tunnel Vision They returned to base to find Bulkhead had been critically injured on his mission and Ratchet was frantically working to stabilize him. Hurt
While helping Raf cover up the Autobot presence on conspiracy websites, Jack spotted a crashing Cybertronian escape pod. When the team returned from investigating it having picked up Smokescreen, Jack gave the new Autobot a tour of the base, including the storeroom where they were keeping the relics. He also took Smokescreen to pick out a vehicle form, however Jasper's lack of options made things somewhat difficult. New Recruit Jack was at the Autobot base when Raf called him to report being grounded. He, Miko and Fowler were sent via GroundBridge to Raf's house when the Decepticons got control of a Project Damocles satellite, and assisted him in destroying the satellite. The Human Factor Assigned to help Smokescreen learn to fit in on Earth, Jack was pulled into playing a series of pranks. The Autobot's bad influence resulted in Jack accompanying him into the field to find an Iacon relic, and when they ran into Megatron, Jack was chased by Insecticons. Though the other Autobots came to his aid in time, Arcee was unhappy with him and sent him home. Legacy
Jack was perturbed by the Autobots increasingly leaving the three kids out of the loop. They learned that the Autobots were preparing to return to Cybertron, and later when Jack tried to ring Ratchet to find out why they hadn't been picked up from school, Ratchet merely told him the Autobots were busy. The three kids were kidnapped by Starscream, Soundwave and Knock Out, and taken to Cybertron for use as hostages. Regeneration Jack was exchanged by the Decepticons for two of the Omega Keys the Autobots possessed since Megatron noted he had been worth entrusting the Matrix of Leadership with, and he later returned to Earth after Optimus's destruction of the Omega Lock. With the Autobot base under threat from the Decepticons, Arcee and Jack left through the GroundBridge together for elsewhere in the United States. Darkest Hour
On the run, Jack figured sending a text message to his mother wouldn't hurt. Unfortunately Jack was wrong and some Decepticons immediately came to attack him. He and Arcee blew up a gas station to get rid of them before speeding off. Darkmount, NV At a stop at an abandoned farm, Jack was told by Arcee how the vast majority of the Autobots were scattered across the galaxy after the loss of Cybertron. The pair were soon stopped in the road by a landing spacecraft which turned out to be the friendly (or at least semi-friendly) Ultra Magnus. Scattered Joining Magnus on board his ship, Jack was soon reunited with the other two kids and his mother as well as the other surviving Autobots. Prey Jack then played an integral part in the Autobots' plan to turn the tide of war once more. He and Miko used their phones to attract the Decepticons' attention across the United States, spreading their forces thinly enough to launch an attack on Darkmount. The two were then bridged back to the Harbinger, where with the help of Ratchet (and some static), Jack impersonated a Decepticon calling for reinforcements at an Energon mine. The group kept in communication with the Autobots' as they invaded the fortress. At the battle's zenith, they learned from Ultra Magnus that Optimus Prime had returned, and cheered at the good news. After the fall of the Decepticons' fortress, agent Fowler thanked all participants in the victory for their selfless heroism on behalf of the government of the United States. Rebellion
As the Autobots set up their new base, Jack narrowly saved Miko from being squished by a lobbing ball. The kids were surprised to learn that the creatures of myth were actually Predacons sent to Earth by the Decepticons. Project Predacon
Jack became alarmed when Fowler started showing an interest in his mother, and tried to talk her out of going on a mission with him. This backfired, and Jack spent the next few hours pacing and worrying until he finally GroundBridged to the museum and found her discarded phone. After he contacted Arcee, she and Wheeljack were able to rescue his mother and Fowler. Though they were reunited, Jack was dismayed that Fowler and his mom were even closer than before. Plus One
Raf, Miko and Jack watched Ratchet repair Ultra Magnus's hand. Later, all three children watched the Autobots interrogate Soundwave from a distance, and were deafened by the captured Decepticon's sonic assault. Thankfully, they were out of harm's way by the time Laserbeak broke in to free its master. Minus One
After Ratchet's kidnapping by the Decepticons, Fowler told Jack that he and his mother had discussed Jack becoming a government agent, much to Jack's surprise. The conversation was cut short when the pair were buzzed by the Autobots' new drone. Persuasion Though the plan to find the warship didn't pan out, Ratchet was able to contact them and provide them with coordinates. The kids watched the Autobots head through the GroundBridge to storm the Nemesis. Synthesis When the Autobots had trouble taking the ship's bridge due to Soundwave's presence, Jack came up with a plan to deal with the wily Decepticon. He and Miko, the latter wearing the Apex Armor, bridged on board the ship. When Soundwave attempted to bridge Miko away, Jack arranged for Raf to open a second GroundBridge, trapping Soundwave in the shadowzone dimension. Jack subsequently attempted to fly the Nemesis, without much luck. Following the capture of the ship, he, Miko and Raf accompanied the Autobots to Cybertron where they used the Omega Lock to restore the planet. Back on Earth, the kids received the news that they were going to be part of Unit:E, and Jack bid farewell to Arcee before the Autobots returned home. Deadlock
Eaglemoss Prime comic
Titan Prime comic
After the Autobots found a live nuke in the base, Jack gave them more bad news by pointing out the sensors were picking up incoming Decepticons. He and Mika (an error in the comic) watched Raf try to defuse the nuclear bomb, and both cheered when he succeeded. The Safe and the Failsafe
During some downtime, the Autobots took the kids to Valley of Fire State Park to relax, and Jack was impressed by Raf's knowledge of the area. War Story
During the holidays, Jack took part in mocking Bulkhead as he tried to decorate a Christmas tree. When Arcee and Bulkhead were left at base to look after the kids, Raf suggested that they try to find something they had in common. When that seemed to be going badly, Jack asked Raf what plan B was, and it turned out to be Jenga. Ice Breaker
When Raf became hypnotised by a game and let a bunch of Vehicons into the base, Jack tried unsuccessfully to snap his friend out of his trance. It was only when Miko pointed out the Decepticon logo on the packaging for the game that Jack figured out what had happened, and once they'd brought Raf back to reality, Jack filled him in on what had transpired. Tinker, Tailor, Gamer, Spy!
Suspicious about some exploding schools, Jack and Arcee camped out at Franklin High School and were rewarded when Silas arrived to blow the school up. Realising that Silas was seeking vengeance for an earlier encounter, Jack sneaked into the school and was quickly caught by Silas, who detonated bombs to trap him. Arcee naturally came to the rescue and they followed Silas up to the roof where Jack administered a blow to the unmentionables. Despite this, Silas was able to escape, and the pair had to leap from the burning building. School Is... Out!
Jack demonstrated bobbing for apples to the Autobots and was impressed when Bulkhead bobbed for an engine block. He later helped defeat General Rufus "Mad Dog" Madison by suggesting the Autobots simply surrender. Mad Dogs & Autobots After Bulkhead went missing, Jack, Raf and Miko accompanied the Autobots on a trip to the Decepticon warship to find their friend. Jack got to help Raf disable the Ultra Prison by balancing on some boxes and boosting Raf on his shoulders, allowing them to reach its power source. The Battle for Bulkhead
Jack was present during a battle in The Wave and had to be protected by Bumblebee. He later returned to base unharmed. The Evil Shred
Following a mission where the Autobots rescued some hostages from the Decepticons, who had taken over the studio for the game show Down and Out, Jack, Miko, and Raf enjoyed watching footage of Optimus and Bulkhead's bumbling attempts to stop Knock Out and Breakdown. It's a Knock-Out
Kre-O comic
After the Autobots built a jail cell for Mega-Megatron, Jack and Miko thanked Optimus Prime. However, they were treated to a nasty sight as the jail cell collapsed, sending Optimus Prime tumbling to the ground in a crash. Defend the Blocks! Autobots, Dispatch!
Commercial appearances
Jack was weirded out by Bulkhead, Megatron, ponies, and an underage baker singing Christmas carols. The Hub Carolers
Transformers: Prime - The Game
- Voice actor: Josh Keaton (English), Nessym Guetat (French), Jorge Saudinós (Castilian Spanish)
Jack Darby and his friends stood by with Ratchet at the Autobot Outpost Omega One, eagerly awaiting the return of their partners from a space mission. Instead, the Autobots vanished from Ratchet's scanners as the asteroid they battled on fell apart while falling to Earth. Ratchet used the GroundBridge to go search for his comrades, but after he left the Autobot life signs popped up again on the sensors. Jack, Miko, and Raf decided to use the GroundBridge to recover their friends.
In Jasper, Nevada, Jack found Arcee under attack by Airachnid and the Insecticons. His arrival distracted Arcee long enough for Airachnid to snag Jack and flee from their battle. Arcee pursued them and rescued Jack, but Airachnid got away.
Once the team regrouped and Unicron's herald Thunderwing emerged from within the asteroid debris, Ratchet constructed a device to weaken the massive Transformer. Jack and Arcee sped into action, and Jack attached the device to Thunderwing's chest, allowing Optimus Prime the edge he needed to defeat the monster. Transformers: Prime - The Game
Transformers Prime: Pulsar Defense
When the Decepticons constructed an Energon Drain in an asteroid field, Jack, Raf, Miko and the Autobots countered it by building a Pulsar Dish from debris. While the dish was under construction, Arcee and Jack could help out by scanning the nearby debris for the necessary components. Transformers Prime: Pulsar Defense
Prime: First Edition
- Bumblebee and Arcee, Includes Raf Esquivel and Jack Darby (Multi-pack, 2011)
- Release date: October 13, 2011
- Accessories: Stand
- The first toy of Jack was actually released as part of a New York Comic Con 2011 exclusive set. A redeco of the "normal" PVC figurine released a few months later, this version of Jack has a NY-themed shirt on. He has exactly one point of articulation, the neck, and can be removed from his small stand if you wanna.
- Optimus Prime vs Megatron: A Rivalry Reborn (Entertainment Pack, 2011)
- Accessories: Stand
- Known designers: Eric Siebenaler (Hasbro)
- The "normal" show-colors Jack figurine was part of a retail-release "Entertainment Pack", alongside figurines of Miko Nakadai and Raf Esquivel, as well as Deluxe-Class toys of Optimus Prime and Megatron. The set also came with a DVD of the Prime cartoon episode "Masters & Students".
- Initial distribution of this set was... spotty at best, with most of the stock going to Canada. However, Toys"R"Us USA eventually picked up this set, along with most of the "First Edition" line, as part of a huge block of US market exclusives for holiday season 2012.
- Jack is named after Alex Kurtzman's son Jack and Jeff Kline's daughter Darby.[1]
- He is the first playable human in a Transformers video game.
- There were plans for him and the other humans to appear during the first season of Transformers: Robots in Disguise, but was cut.[2]
Foreign names
- Japanese: Jack Darby (ジャック・ダービー Jakku Dābī)
- Mandarin: Jack Darby (杰克·达比 Jieke Dabi)
- ↑ "Darkness Rising, Part 2" commentary
- ↑ http://news.tfw2005.com/2015/07/09/sdcc-2015-robots-in-disguise-panel-coverage-296510