Legends Comic: Bonus Edition Vol. 20 - Transformers Wiki
Conflict strikes when the dimensional investigator Skids tries to return the Legends World's interdimensional visitors to their original universes by force.
Skids, a dimensional investigator, deems there to be too many Transformers from other dimensions living in the Legends World, and sets out to send them all back home and seal off the dimension (with special "keep out" tape). This concerns Rattrap, who doesn't want to lose his new friends, and Megatron and his female soldiers have no intention of leaving and confront the investigator, who calls forth the Skids Squadron, a team made up of alternate versions of himself. He then exposits to nobody in particular that he got his power to manipulate spacetime when he discovered quantum particles able to cross dimensions and bathed himself in them, and now he's become a powerful defender of peace throughout the multiverse instead of the overlooked nobody he was before.
While the Skids Squadron battles Megatron, Skids himself takes on Nightbird Shadow and Slipstream, shrugging off the latter's pleas that only prison awaits her back home. Despite his injuries, Megatron gets between Skids and his subordinates, warning him not to lay a hand on them, but the self-assured investigator exclaims that he's now stronger than even Megatron and uses his "Full Burst Mode" to blast the Decepticon leader with a lethal barrage of firepower. As he sees Megatron's underlings crowd around his body, however, Skids realizes to his shock that a Decepticon just sacrificed his life for his comrades, something Waspinator credits to the sense of justice that awakened within him during the G-2 era.
Rattrap and his friends then form a wall around Megatron's body and tell Skids that there are no factions in the Legends world: it's a place where everyone lives in peace and harmony, and Skids isn't protecting that peace, he's ruining it! Realizing the locals are right and that he's the bad guy here, Skids undoes the seal and leaves, but says he'll continue to monitor this dimension. A mysterious, tiny, but alive Megatron then climbs out of the Decepticon leader's remains, to the pleasant surprise of everyone present.
Later at a web café, Skids looks into his own appearances in the Transformers fiction available in the Legends World and is shocked to learn he only had two lines in the whole cartoon, yet he's also kinda happy he got any at all.
Featured characters
(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)
- Skids's backstory, ability to summon alternate versions of himself, and presence alongside Screech are all from his Quantum Operative toy bio, revealing him to be the very same Skids in a different body.
- Ask Vector Prime stated that he hailed from the Henkei! Henkei! Transformers -Visualize- universe, but this story identifies him as the classic (Japanese) cartoon iteration of Skids.
- The presence of Binaltech Skids in the Squadron is especially fitting as he hails from BT World, whose Autobots served for a time as the multiversal guardians the Alternity, though it is not specified if Skids personally took part in said program.
- Megatron's business, rendered "Tera-Kura Co." in the Latin alphabet in volume 15, is rendered "Tera Craco" here.
- Clocker's name in Japan is, of course, Skids, which earns him a spot on the Skids Squadron.
- As in Vol. 13, Waspinator refers to Megatron's brief time as a good guy in the G-2 story pages.
- Megatron's inner robot (confirmed in Vol. 23 to be Headmaster-capable) is based on the toy sold in the west as Titans Return Nucleon, and is hinting at the new storyline for the Legends releases of Titans Return toys, which would begin in the next chapter.
- Skids is watching a scene from "Quest for Survival" in which he is surprised by the existence of robotic insecticide.