Legends Comic: Bonus Edition Vol. EX (Rattrap) - Transformers Wiki

During TransformersFes, the Legends World is a paid a visit by some of the original Beast Warriors!


Arcee tells the story about how the Beast Wars ended, with Cybertron saved and Megatron defeated, though Rhinox's life was lost in the conflict...

On post-Great Transformation Cybertron, Cheetor tells the other Maximals something he learned from Optimus Primal: that Rhinox's soul has drifted into a "Legends" world where the local spirit power brought him back as a ghost. Intrigued by the claim that they exist only as TV characters and toys in this alternate world, Rattrap and Waspinator volunteer to go there, the former to search for Rhinox and the latter hoping he'll be popular enough to become a king. Cheetor reformats the two into their original beast modes and sends them to the Legends World, where Rattrap arrives at the TransformersFes 2016, to the surprise of the eventgoers. He in turn is shocked to find none other than the native Rattrap, who is brought to tears by the sight of the "real Rattrap" and asks for his autograph. As he signs his name, the original Rattrap sees the cute local versions of some of his friends and figures that there must be Predacons in this world as well.

Meanwhile, the original Waspinator has contacted his own Legends counterpart at Tera-Kura Co., planning to team up with the local Megatron and become the king of the Legends World.

Featured characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)
