Legends Vol. 13 - Transformers Wiki
There's another company in town!
Rivals! Tera-Kura Co.!
Company president Megatron introduces his Tera-Kura Co., rivals of Axalon Trading Company. Unfortunately, his staff includes people like Terrorsaur, who wants to usurp his position as president; Scorponok, who has an awkward one-sided crush on him; and Waspinator, who only thinks about Transformers. Will this company really work out?
Buzz Buzz Buzz, Wasps Flyyy
Waspinator introduces himself as a Transformers fan who knows everything there is to know about the brand, but also refuses to talk about anything else. At one point he even hangs up on a customer who calls about something unrelated to Transformers, but is caught by Megatron and broken into pieces as punishment.
Featured characters
(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)