Mirror-Manifold - Transformers Wiki

The Mirror-Manifold is a starship from the 2005 IDW portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.

SpotlightDoubledealer Mirror-Manifold.JPG

The Mirror-Manifold is an Autobot science vessel. It is equipped with moderate shields and weaponry.


2005 IDW continuity

The Mirror-Manifold was crewed by Cloudburst, Waverider, Landmine, and Groundbreaker, on their way in the Benzuli Expanse to meet up with the Technobots aboard the Nightbird to be given Pretender shells. Unfortunately, the ship was spotted by Cyclonus and Galvatron, the former of which called dibs on the new target. Spotlight: Doubledealer

Though not designed for combat, the ship held out just long enough for the crew to be beamed over to the safety of the Nightbird. Spotlight: Sideswipe
