Mortal Combat - Transformers Wiki
Optimus and Galvatron wage their final brutal battle, while the rest of the Transformers deal with Unicron.
Unicron is no longer functional, his body lying dormant in space. Hot Shot lets the assembled armies return to Cybertron to begin the rebuilding.
Inside of Unicron, Galvatron holds onto the idea that he can still become the sole ruler of the universe. Now that Unicron is gone, it's left to Optimus Prime and Galvatron to finish the war. Optimus and the kids try to argue that now that the two armies are now united, there's no need to continue the fight. Still, Galvatron reminds his foe that the hatred left over from an unfinished war would repower Unicron.
On Cybertron, Side Swipe alerts the other that Unicron is in motion again. Hot Shot decides to go to Unicron to retrieve Optimus Prime, but Jetfire takes Hot Shot's place. Cyclonus follows Jetfire.
Optimus says goodbye to the children; they don't want to go, but Prime convinces them that he and Galvatron must have their final battle. After throwing away the Matrix—since this isn't a battle between Autobots and Decepticons, but Optimus' vision for peace against Galvatron's lust for conflict— Prime starts the fight with some gunfire and a knee to Galvatron's face. When Galvatron gets up, he and Prime blast their firepower at each other.
Jetfire and Cyclonus pick up the kids outside Unicron and bring them back to Cybertron. The kids report what the two leaders are doing, and it seems Unicron isn't dead either. Under heavy pressure, Hot Shot orders the attack against Unicron to be resumed, with special care taken not to harm the leaders.
Inside, Optimus Prime and Galvatron continue to rumble. Prime throws one of his wheels directly into Galvatron's primary cannon. The resulting explosion blasts Galvatron through a wall, but the ferocity of the combat only amuses the Decepticon. Unicron's words echo in Prime's mind. Galvatron uses his extending antlers to toss Prime around. Prime breaks off the blades and uses them against his rival, but Galvatron scores a critical hit through Optimus with his hidden wrist blade.
The Transformers buzz around Unicron, blasting him through his trenches. Alexis notices that a large, growing black hole has appeared on Unicron's surface during the combat.
Optimus Prime stands up, refusing to give up the fight. Decompression sends the warriors outside of Unicron onto his external surface. The Autobot and Decepticon forces notice this, but Optimus instructs Hot Shot to lead the others into continuing the assault on Unicron while he and Galvatron continue to duel. Galvatron acquires a nearby pipe to use as a battle staff, but Optimus displays amazing agility and stands on the staff, prancing along it to kick Galvatron in the face. While Galvatron is still stunned, Optimus hefts his foe and cramps Galvatron's midsection, but the metal pipe gets shoved down Prime's back in the process.
The two warriors break for a moment, and Galvatron admits that he enjoyed the thrill of the battle despite losing it. The moment of peace between the two is disturbed by Unicron transforming into his planet mode. Prime is stuck holding onto Galvatron as the two get sucked toward Unicron's maw. Determined to see only one winner of the war (even if it isn't him), Galvatron instructs Prime to let him fall. Prime refuses, so Galvatron cuts himself loose and free-falls into oblivion. As soon as Galvatron is absorbed, Unicron vanishes. Left floating in space, Optimus decides he's unworthy of the Matrix.
Sometime later, Hot Shot and Jetfire return the kids to Earth. They agree that they've learned much from each other since their first encounter. Carlos, Fred, and Billy start to cry. Alexis gazes down at her pendant that contains the Mars stone that Starscream gave her, sadly smiling as if remembering him. Rad asks what happened to Optimus, but Hot Shot assures him that Optimus will be all right, wherever he is. After the Autobots and Mini-Cons leave to rebuild Cybertron, Optimus Prime narrates the closing moments. With the war over, and the former hatred between the Autobot and Decepticon factions no more, a new era can begin for the Transformers. But, hidden behind a distant planet, Unicron endures.
Featured characters
(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)
"This probably isn't the time to ask, but when are we gonna eat, you guys?"
"Zip it, Fred, or I'll give you my fist to chew on!"
- —Fred and Billy
"Your mindless ambitions are fueled only by your greed. You'll stop at nothing to get what you want. I should have let Unicron destroy you!"
- —Optimus Prime to Galvatron
"Why can't we all just get along?!"
- —Fred
"Children, the future is yours!"
"Good riddance, humans!"
- —Optimus Prime and Galvatron bid farewell to the kids in their unique ways.
"Don't act surprised. This is exactly what you wanted. And I fight you not as the leader of the Autobots, but as the leader of all Transformers!"
- —Optimus Prime tosses aside his Matrix of Leadership before attacking Galvatron.
"Farewell, Optimus Prime. Victory is all yours. Now go look after your men, they need you!"
- —Galvatron's last words until Energon
"The war between the Autobots and the Decepticons has come to an end, and without the hatred between the two sides, there was no evil to feed Unicron, and he became powerless. Both Unicron and Megatron scattered into the far reaches of the universe. As for me, my purpose has been served. Cybertron is safe and Transformers live in peace with the Mini-Cons. So the next time you look out into space and see a peaceful star far, far away, it just might be Cybertron. TRANSFORM!"
- —Optimus Prime's last words until Energon
- The opening is silent in Legends of the Microns until Hot Shot speaks. Meanwhile, Armada has Jim Conrad narrate the opening, recapping the last episode's events of how the union managed to neutralize Unicron, but an old battle is about to begin.
- Hot Shot hopes that Optimus and Galvatron will get out of Unicron safely in Armada, and Scavenger suggests they shouldn't worry too much since they can handle themselves. In Legends of the Microns, Hot Shots asks if they escaped Unicron. Scavenger imagines those two can handle themselves but is unsure what to do now. Hot Shot then says that if taking down Unicron happened earlier, they would retrieve them, but figured they need a break in Legends of the Microns, but Armada only has him say they'll meet them back on Cybertron.
- Optimus and Galvatron's conversation before they clash is essentially the same in both dubs, but the points made are almost entirely different. Armada noticeably throws in being the ruler of the universe, whereas Legends of the Microns is about trying to embrace your nature.
- Legends of the Microns has Galvatron ask Optimus what their long struggle's purpose was and whether it was to only awaken Unicron before claiming they fought each other to preserve their true sense of selves and not to be Unicron's puppets. The kids—particularly Fred—are confused about this talk about maintaining a true sense of self. Galvatron reminds them he only joined forces with Optimus to take down Unicron, and now that he is defeated, there is no reason to continue the alliance. Alexis then asks why Starscream sacrificed himself, to which Galvatron also asks why, and Alexis replies with how it was to unite all Transformers. Galvatron continues that even if the Decepticons and Autobots join hands, he can never reconcile the differences between him and Optimus, causing the latter to ask if the battle with Unicron was pointless. Galvatron then says the battle itself wasn't pointless, but it can only have meaning if the party with justice must gain victory. Optimus replies with his own, saying that Unicron will only grow stronger as long as evil resides in the Transformers' hearts, and that's what the battle has wrought. The kids agree with Optimus, to which Galvatron asks if that's what he truly believes and mentions that he couldn't answer Sideways' question before asking again if Optimus' hatred of him was a motivator to fight all this time. When Optimus asks who is, Galvatron replies with "That again" before saying he wants to seek Optimus' true feelings as a Transformer.
- Armada makes Galvatron say that if they don't continue their battle, all their fighting has been pointless before making a very unwanted claim of how the universe can have only one ruler. The kids respond with annoyance except for Fred and Billy, with the former asking when they're gonna eat and the latter saying that he would give him his fist to chew on. Galvatron says it's now time to deal with the other obstacle before Alexis jumps in, reminding him of why Starscream sacrificed himself, to which Galvatron answers that Starscream was a fool before Alexis says that he wanted everyone to leave in peace. Galvatron tells the kids to understand the simple concept of only one person ruling the universe before claiming that it's going to be him, then Optimus asks if battling Unicron was just a means to an end. Galvatron confirms this and says he used him to further his ambitions, asking if it's wrong to think highly of yourself, to which Optimus says yes and continues that he will stop at nothing to get what he wants. Then, in a bit of an out-of-character moment, he claims that he should've let Unicron destroy Galvatron. Galvatron says that this conversation is interesting, but Optimus fails to comprehend his own argument before reminding him of what Unicron said about their dilemma and asks if Optimus is either oppressing his hatred of him or actually likes him. Once Optimus reintroduces himself, Galvatron replies that he never changes and says Prime can deny his hatred all he wants, but he knows the real truth in his heart.
- When Unicron starts to move, Hot Shot suggests it's maybe better if they wait until Optimus gets back to figure out what to do, then later says no to Red Alert's suggestion that this is the best opportunity to retrieve him and the kids and that everyone should stay here and be on the lookout in Armada. Legends of the Microns is mostly the same, but Hot Shot asks if Optimus, Galvatron, and the kids are still inside Unicron, then when responding to Red Alert's suggestion, mentions that the fleet's on standby. He then asks what the chances of Unicron attacking are, and if anything does happen, he can always count on Jetfire to take charge.
- Jetfire speaks in a lot more of a commanding tone when suggesting that he goes and retrieves everyone on Unicron in Armada compared to Legends of the Microns. When Jetfire leaves, and Cyclonus catches up with him, Armada plays the theme song whereas no music is present in Legends of the Microns.
- The kids' departure from Optimus and Galvatron brings in more differences, yet still being somewhat the same thing in between dubs:
- Before pointing out the differences between the dialogue, there are some surprising animation shot changes between versions.
- When Optimus says the children's names before his speech, Armada has an exclusive pan of the kids. Legends of the Microns instead uses a later shot of Optimus looking down on the kids during this sequence (see right).
- After Optimus tells the Mini-Cons to look after the kids, High Wire, Grindor, and Sureshock's shot are drawn differently in each version, with the Japanese dub swapping places between High Wire and Grindor to provide more consistency on who is where (see right).
- Armada has Galvatron ask the kids to step aside since he and Optimus have "business" to take care of, then Carlos says they aren't going anywhere, and Billy confidently says Optimus isn't going to fight. Galvatron mockingly replies that Optimus will let himself get obliterated before the latter thanks the kids for helping the Autobots save the Mini-Cons. Optimus then assures Galvatron is right about ending hate in the universe and that he must now finish what he started. Sureshock asks Optimus why he should fight after he entrusts them with the children, with the latter then saying it's the only way to achieve peace. Rad tells him he shouldn't let Galvatron suck him into this but later realizes Optimus isn't going to change. He then asks if they'll see each other again soon, and Optimus assures him that they will, and he'll always remember him. Optimus and Galvatron then bid the kids farewell, as quoted above.
- In Legends of the Microns, Galvatron asks the kids to leave Unicron since this is his and Optimus' fight, with Carlos asking why he still can't understand what they are saying and Billy reaffirming that there's no need to fight. Galvatron says it doesn't look like Optimus believes that before the latter says to the kids that they would've never been able to defeat Unicron without their help, but apologizes for going to fight with Galvatron and that he's still a regular Transformer when one removes the "Supreme Commander" title from him. Optimus trusts the Mini-Cons to take care of the children and assures them that they all must rely on their strength to carry on, which makes Rad ask if he is going to fight. Rad thanks Optimus for everything that has happened, and the latter assures vice versa and that he wouldn't be standing here today without Rad. High Wire says all of the kids' names whenever his eyes glow, and Optimus tells them farewell and to head toward the future. Galvatron is silent here.
- Before pointing out the differences between the dialogue, there are some surprising animation shot changes between versions.
- Galvatron talks about being only with Optimus in Armada, to which Optimus says that the time of speeches is over and it's time to end their quarrel, then later says Galvatron shouldn't be surprised and that this is what he wants before throwing the Matrix out. Legends of the Microns has Galvatron asking Optimus what's wrong, with Prime replying that he was right, which is why they'll fight as Transformers from this point onward.
- After tossing the Matrix before his final battle against Galvatron, Optimus says that he's fighting him not as a Commander "but as a Transformer called Optimus Prime!"
- After Optimus shoots at Galvatron, he comments on how he was the first one to attack in Legends of the Microns, whereas Armada has him say that Optimus is not superior to him.
- When Cyclonus stops shooting at Unicron, he says he just got carried away in Armada whereas Legends of the Microns has him say, "I guess so..." Jetfire's reaction is also changed from him telling Cyclonus to knock it off in the English dub, but immediately remarks of Optimus and the others being inside Unicron in Japanese.
- When Jetfire notices the kids coming out of Unicron, Armada has Rad sounding shocked about the teleportation he just witnessed, but Legends of the Microns has him silent and instead has Jetfire point out the kids.
- The union's discussion back at the Axalon is subtly different between versions:
- Legends of the Microns has Hoist ask how they are supposed to protect space with Unicron floating around, which Scavenger then asks what they are going to do since he's just there defenseless. Wheeljack asks Hot Shot what's the purpose of uniting the Transformers race before encouraging him to think, and then Demolishor reminds everyone that Galvatron is still inside Unicron. Side Swipe reminds everyone that Optimus is there too, to which Blurr responds that the two leaders are focusing intently on their duel, but he can't say why. Hot Shot then concludes that this might be their only chance to destroy Unicron, and even if Optimus is still inside, they must carry out the attack.
- Armada has Hoist suggest that they should wait for Jetfire and the kids to return before they do anything, with Scavenger agreeing. Wheeljack suggests to Hot Shot they should commence an assault now before Demolishor and Sideswipe remind him that the two leaders are still inside Unicron and they might get hit. Blurr says that it might be best for Optimus to return first, and he doesn't think they have a choice, and then Hot Shot evaluates that Unicron can't be fully recovered, nor Optimus and Galvatron should get hurt before he announces the assault.
- Legends of the Microns has Hot Shot's announcement longer than Armada, which also focuses more on Optimus and Galvatron being inside than the actual attack.
- After Galvatron gets thrown off course due to his blaster getting clogged, Armada has Galvatron saying he didn't expect Optimus to defend himself, but he's glad that he is his old self again, and all of this reminds him of the good old days. His laugh during this also has an echo effect. Meanwhile, in Legends of the Microns, Galvatron says this is what he expects from a top-class Transformer who fights and then remarks on how fun this is.
- Unicron's words hovering over Optimus gives the same intent in both dubs, but like with "Origin," there's no mention of Optimus being like Galvatron if he doesn't have the Matrix in Armada and instead, Unicron talks about he loves the smell of battle.
- When the scene cuts back to their duel, Legends of the Microns adds a short clip where Galvatron rips out his destroyed cannon to throw it at Optimus before striking him with his horns (see right). Armada only shows Optimus blocking a seemingly random object thrown at him.
- Where High Wire says that Sideways was eliminated and Unicron is only in a dormant state in Armada, Legends of the Microns has him say that defeating Sideways didn't kill off Unicron. In the same shot, Carlos asks what High Wire means in Legends of the Microns, but says, "Mind saying that in English?" in Armada.
- Alexis in Armada makes it so that the hole in Unicron's armor seemingly opens itself, making Billy's response awkward. Rad also wonders if it's a telltale sign that Optimus is okay. Legends of the Microns has Alexis say the union managed to punch a hole in Unicron's armor, so Billy getting excited is more appropriate here, and Rad asks if Optimus is alright with no relation to the hole.
- Wheeljack says they are about to launch the second wave in Armada, but tells the attack wave company to follow him Legends of the Microns.
- Galvatron tells Optimus that he demands satisfaction since it can't end anti-climatically in Armada, while Legends of the Microns has him ask if that's all he got and if this is how their grudge is going to end after thousands of years. Optimus says, "End?" before chuckling in Legends of the Microns, whereas Armada has him say that he wishes he could accommodate Galvatron. Galvatron then tells Optimus to get up so he can destroy him, with the latter replying to not count on itArmada. Legends of the Microns simply has Galvatron telling Optimus to get up, and the latter says this isn't over yet.
- Galvatron says, "That's the enemy I've come to know!" after Optimus gets up in Legends of the Microns, whereas Armada has him say, "That's more like it, Prime!"
- Galvatron replies to his men about beating Unicron to forget about him and that his power will be his, then reminds Optimus about their battle in Armada. Legends of the Microns has him say that Unicron is nothing but scrap metal now, and his excitement has only just begun. Additionally, Optimus says to Hot Shot he'll take care of Galvatron and tells him and everyone to attack Unicron with everything they got in the English dub. In contrast, he tells Hot Shot to leave him and Galvatron alone in the Japanese dub, and from this point onward, Hot Shot is in command.
- Hot Shot says Optimus' name in Legends of the Microns but says "No problem," in Armada in a tired tone.
- Armada uses the theme song's insert trance version for the remainder of Optimus and Galvatron's fight and plays right when Hot Shot commands everyone to attack. Legends of the Microns instead uses "Theme of Megatron - Attack by Villains" and plays it when Unicron is transforming.
- When the kids notice the Matrix floating in space, Jetfire asks what Rad just said in Legends of the Microns, but doesn't say anything in Armada. Additionally Armada has Alexis asking why he would take it off, with Carlos saying that's too freaky, followed by Billy saying there has to be a reason. Then Fred suggests that maybe there's something Optimus is not telling them. Legends of the Microns moves Alexis' line of why Optimus would take the Matrix off to Carlos; Billy says he has no idea, and Fred responds in fear, asking if this means Optimus is not the commander anymore.
- The shot of Optimus panting was redrawn in Legends of the Microns to have more accurate shading and proportions (see above).
- Once again, Optimus and Galvatron's conversation after they fought is a lot different between dubs, especially with Optimus:
- In Legends of the Microns, Galvatron tells Optimus that he is incredibly strong and that while he can't go on due to him falling apart, the battle was fun. Optimus then agrees despite him hating to admit it, followed by Galvatron saying as long as he knows how to fight, they are both the same, and Transformers love to fight overall. Optimus agrees with this, too, and says we're forged with a warrior's instincts, but he seeks the light beyond the combat and says that justice is indeed obtained by winning in the end, which he tried to deny before the fight. Galvatron responds in delight to what Optimus just said but tells him never to forget that justice can only be obtained through the hardships of battle.
- Armada has Galvatron say that this is the old Optimus he used to know, and follows that he has nothing left to offer and Optimus won fair and square, but the latter thinks they should call it a draw. Galvatron remarks how they went at it after all these years of being evenly matched and admits he enjoyed every nanosecond of it. Optimus apologizes that he can never admit to a joined battle, but it was necessary to remain at peace even if he might never see that day and hopes whoever survives this will remove evil from the universe. Galvatron then laughs and says that Optimus is right about never surviving beyond today, which means that he would now be the supreme commander.
- Near the end, where Optimus refuses to let go of Galvatron from being sucked into Unicron, Galvatron practically yells at Optimus to let go so Unicron will die from the lack of evil and to watch over the others after slicing his tread in Armada. Legends of the Microns goes philosophical as Galvatron observes that both might've been looking for the same thing despite their differences, and Optimus is the light while he represents the dark. On slicing his tread, Galvatron adds that even in the next generation/world, Prime is destined to be his rival, darkness will exist as long as there's light, and not forget that evil is eternal. Optimus yells his rival's name after Galvatron disappears into Unicron in Armada, but whispers "Megatron" in Legends of the Microns.
- Optimus not wanting the Matrix is the same in both versions, but Legends of the Microns also has him say that even now, he's still not worthy of carrying it, which better concludes his arc of being worthy of the Matrix, starting with "Crisis."
- The final moments with the Transformers and children is subtly different in the dubs, but nothing too major, unlike the past examples:
- Legends of the Microns has Hot Shot say that he now believes they'll always be comrades no matter what happens, with Carlos agreeing and saying it doesn't matter if they're on Earth or Cybertron, and Jetfire agrees with that. He then says that they learned lessons from the kids, with Alexis saying the kids themselves learned a lot from them too. Fred asks if everyone is going to rebuild Cybertron, and Hot Shot says yes, and it doesn't matter if it's the Autobots, Decepticons, or Mini-Cons, since they all want to build a new Transformer world. Billy responds that they'll also try making Earth the most peaceful planet in the universe, and After disjointing from Perceptor, High Wire says goodbye and thank you. Alexis tells Sureshock that she is truly grateful, and Carlos then says he's not going to cry about the departure along with Fred, with Billy telling them to knock it off since they already are and Fred snapping back that he's not. Rad then asks about Optimus, with Hot Shot stating not to worry and that even without the Matrix, he'll always be their commander, with Jetfire in agreement. Rad then gives his final monologue, saying their real adventure has just begun.
- In Armada, Hot Shot says they will never forget the kids, and Carlos replies with vice versa. Jetfire then thanks the kids for all they taught them, with Alexis saying they learned a lot from them. Fred asks Hot Shot and Jetfire to stop by Earth if they are ever in the Solar System, which the former promises but says it might be a long time to come since Cybertron is being rebuilt and with the war being over, with Billy happily stating that the Autobots and Decepticons are finally getting along. High Wire tells the kids that they'll always be in the Mini-Cons' memory, with Rad saying vice versa and Alexis saying they'll never forget them. When Carlos is holding back from crying, he says this is harder than he thought, and when Billy points out that they are balling like babies, Fred points out that he's crying too. When Rad asks about Optimus, Hot Shot says he's not sure where Prime is but is sure he's out there somewhere, with Jetfire then stating he's right here in all of their hearts. Rad agrees and gives his final monologue of Optimus always being a part of them no matter where they are or go.
- When the kids get dropped off by Hot Shot and Jetfire, and they thank them for it, the shot of them talking is redrawn in Legends of the Microns to have more posing than Armada.
- Optimus's ending narration in Armada is the aftermath of Unicron's defeat, saying that Unicron has become powerless with the war over, and he and Galvatron have scattered across the universe. Optimus states that he's served his purpose now that Cybertron is safe and the Transformers live in peace with the Mini-Cons and mentions that if you see a peaceful star far away, it might be Cybertron. Legends of the Microns gives Optimus a more sincere narration that flows more with Unicron feeding off of hatred, with him talking about how even a battle fought for justice will always produce a degree of hate. However, to prevent Unicron's revival, you must have faith and a heart that ever seeks justice, and as long as you believe in that, anyone can become your comrade.
Translation errors
- After tossing out the Matrix before his final battle to the death against Galvatron, Optimus says, "I fight you not as the leader of the Autobots, but as the leader of all Transformers!" This uncharacteristic ego is totally at odds with Prime's stated motivations otherwise in the series; lo and behold, the original Japanese isn't him claiming sovereignty over his entire species, but rather stating that he's simply fighting Megatron as an individual Transformer, not as the Autobot commander.
- After the hole appears on Unicron's surface, Hot Shot orders the fleet, "It's time to shift into stealth mode!" They obviously do not do this, not remotely in any sense. In the original line, Hot Shot is simply ordering everyone to attack Unicron's moving parts.
- Jetfire tells Hot Shot, "Unicron's headed back to Cybertron!" This does not appear to be the case at all. In the original line, Jetfire correctly observes that Unicron is changing to his planet mode.
Animation and technical errors
- Optimus's busted truck wheel shrinks down considerably to fit inside Galvatron's cannon to jam it.
- There's an awkward silence when High Wire's eyes start glowing up, and he's supposed to talk when that happens. Legends of the Microns has High Wire say each kid's name when his eyes glow, so this error gets fixed.
- When Tidal Wave and his fleet show up to attack Unicron, he looks off-model and lacks detail(Notice the missing canons). Legends of the Microns entirely redraws him with a more accurate model and makes his animation less jagged (see above).
- When Hot Shot yells "Attack!" as Unicron transforms back into planet mode, the animation shows the Transformer fleet escaping (which would make sense), suggesting Hot Shot's line was a scripting error. Legends of the Microns has him say Optimus' name.
- Rhinox is colored like his original Transmetal toy instead of his Armada toy.
Continuity notes
- Does it seem like Alexis's hair grows slightly longer during the Unicron Battles?
- According to the Legends of the Microns Year Book 2003, Optimus and Galvatron's final battle is settling their differences and answering the questions Sideways asked in the previous episode.
- Rhinox makes his only physical debut in the Unicron Trilogy. Ask Vector Prime revealed in 2015 that Rhinox perished during the battle; Vector Prime also revealed that poor Overload's upgrades were left incomplete due to Rhinox's death.
- This episode is the first time in the series that characters bleed upon receiving damage. As Optimus and Galvatron duel, parts of Unicron's insides take damage, with slightly yellowish-white liquid pouring out. Later, as the Decepticon leader rips a pipe from Unicron's armor to use as a weapon, bright red liquid pours out from where the pipe used to be. Additionally, when Galvatron slices Prime's chest with his wrist blade, his wound is briefly highlighted with bright red.
- In the second-to-last shot, Prime returns to his original colors but hasn't reclaimed the Matrix, as his Matrix compartment is visibly empty during his transformation.
- This episode marks the last time Hoist, Scavenger, Blurr—if you don't think Blurr from Cybertron is the same one—Side Swipe, and Wheeljack appear in the Unicron Trilogy.
- This also marks the last time Billy and Fred appear in the Unicron Trilogy, as they don't return in Energon nor Cybertron's final episode. The reason is most likely because, according to the Legends of the Microns Year Book 2003, the team never planned on making them staple cast members, and they only lasted this long since the team never got around to writing them out.
- Even with Galvatron sacrificing himself to remove evil from the universe, Unicron survived, marking the gateway to Energon.
- Gadgets and powers:
- Since being deactivated, Unicron automatically reverts to planet mode as a defense mechanism.
- Grindor can fly in skateboard mode; "Base" and "Comrade" previously alluded to this ability.
- The Mini-Con super weapons seem able to fly, which seems to be a common feature among Mini-Con super weapons/Powerlinxed forms, as seen with the Magnawing in Linkage, the Energon Saber in Energon, and the Umbral Blaster in the Cybertron comic.
- The Mini-Cons tap into the Linkage dimension to phase them and the kids through Unicron's armor.
- Galvatron hasn't used his antlers to attack anyone since he went by the name "Megatron" in "Swoop." Additionally, while having been shown to be able to use them to create electrical currents, this is the first time he's used them to shock his opponent.
- Galvatron uses his wrist blade for the first and last time in this episode, using it twice.
- Optimus has ninja-like reflexes and can tip-toe on thin pipes—what a badass.
- Unicron can warp.
Continuity errors
- During the end of their duel, Galvatron strikes a metal pipe in Optimus's back, who tries to pull it out unsuccessfully in a later shot, after which the pipe completely disappears.
Transformers references
- Rhinox is visible in the hangar during the raid against Unicron. Because of the unanticipated success of Armada, he and the other Beast Wars remolds were released, but they were unable to receive larger roles in the show.
Real-world references
- The Autobot/Decepticon fighters flying and firing down Unicron's trenches are an obvious nod to Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope's Death Star trench run.
- The English dub of "Mortal Combat" first aired in the United Kingdom. It aired in the United States on December 12, 2003.
- Unlike the previous 51 episodes, the title card in this episode's Japanese airing didn't have the usual alternate-reading furigana over the kanji title as seen on the right.
- According to the Legends of the Microns Year Book 2003:
- When the team finished making this episode, they all felt a sense of completion, like when Optimus sacrificed himself in "Crisis," and felt this series expanded the Transformers brand into a new direction, with it being slightly different from past iterations. The team also hopes that viewers can think about what they made.
- Optimus and Galvatron's final battle is perhaps the show's crowning achievement, nothing short of spectacular. And how!
- The fact that Optimus fights Galvatron with his fists and ingenuity, while Galvatron uses all the weapons at his disposal and his trump card knife proves Prime is the superior fighter.
- Munetaka Abe's primary concern when animating was how to convey emotion with Optimus before the fight since he only has eyes, unlike Galvatron. Abe was also surprised when he heard about Optimus throwing the Matrix away in this episode.
- Hidehito Ueda thinks "trust" is the keyword of this series, so he wanted Optimus's last message in the episode to convey that and use it as a settlement for not only what Optimus endured throughout the show but what the team experienced while making it.
Foreign localization
- Title: "Unicrons Ende" ("Unicron's End")
- Original airdate: 16 January 2004
- Title: "A végső csata" ("The Final Battle")
- Title: "L'ultima battaglia" ("The Last Battle")
- Title: "Combate Mortal" ("Mortal Combat")
Home video releases
All releases listed are in English audio unless otherwise noted.
2004 — Transformers: Legends of the Microns — Volume 13 (Columbia Music Entertainment) — Japanese audio only.
2006 — Transformers: Armada — Season One: Part Two (Rhino Entertainment)
2007 — Transformers: Armada — The Collector's Edition (Universal)
2009 — Transformers: Armada — Volume Two (New KSM) — English and German audio.
2014 — Transformers: Armada — The Complete Series (Shout! Studios)