Noisemaze (dimension) - Transformers Wiki

The name or term "Noisemaze" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Noisemaze (disambiguation).


It turns everything topsy-turvy and/or sideways.

Mesothulas created the Noisemaze to be the ultimate form of incarceration. A portal transports a prisoner into a "small pocket dimension assembled from harvested matter-gaps in the fabric of our universe." There, the prisoner is mentally destabilized, losing all sense of self as their senses are overloaded. It's... not a pleasant place. Lots of screaming.


2005 IDW continuity

The Noisemaze's conception was a joint effort between Mesothulas and Prowl. While the two agreed to can the project in favor of the less brutal punishment of spark extraction, Mesothulas was too enamored with the idea to abandon it, and so completed it in secret. When it was finished, Mesothulas gleefully presented the portal to Prowl as a gift. This proved to be the last straw for Prowl, who'd been having second thoughts about their partnership and the various creations that had come of it. Mesothulas thus became the Noisemaze's first prisoner, hurled through the portal when Prowl destroyed his laboratory and all evidence of their collaboration. While Mesothulas would long hold Prowl responsible for his fate, it was in fact Impactor who'd done the deed. Sins of the Wreckers #3 Sins of the Wreckers #5

Fortunately for Mesothulas, he'd installed a personal jumpgate into his body for this exact contingency. Unfortunately for Mesothulas, the Noisemaze's debilitating effects meant that it took centuries for him to remember it was there, and even longer to gather enough strength to activate it.

Much later, Mesothulas returned, having renamed himself Tarantulas after the bio-disguise he now wore. Insulated from the Noisemaze by his new body, Tarantulas turned it into his new base of operations, and built a citadel at its center where he could continue his research. Sins of the Wreckers #3

In 2016, the Wreckers came to rescue Prowl but wound up in the Noisemaze, Sins of the Wreckers #2 thanks to Claw Jaw who turned its effects on the Autobots. Thanks to his mastery over signals however, Hubcap managed to filter out the Noisemaze's effects and focus them solely on Claw Jaw, killing him. Sins of the Wreckers #3 To rescue their friends, the Wreckers aboard Debris teleported the space station into the Noisemaze, threatening to collapse the pocket dimension. The chaos only increased when Tidal Wave, very hurt at being left out of the fighting, literally turned himself inside out so he could enter the dimension, hastening its collapse, allowing the Wreckers to escape back to the Tor. Sins of the Wreckers #4

To save his work, Tarantulas began shrinking the Tor down before the contraction was halted. To fully destroy the dimension, Guzzle introduced Obtenteum into Tidal Wave's system, the super-charged g-forces of his transformation causing the dimension to fully begin its collapse, though not before Prowl pulled Springer free, before the Tor violently exploded, destroying any remaining traces of the Noisemaze. Sins of the Wreckers #5

Tarantulas continued his work on the Noisemaze eventually upgrading on it and creating the "Timemaze", a version of the Noisemaze that was capable of time travel via opening portals to other time periods. Requiem of the Wreckers