Nurse Whitney - Transformers Wiki

Nurse Whitney is a television show from the IDW portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.

Seasons in Flight Nurse Whitney.jpg

Nurse Whitney is a program about the titular character, a hard-working nurse.


2005 IDW continuity

After Megatron's failed attempt to conquer the Earth, Thundercracker was left behind, damaged and alone. He managed to jury-rig a television set into functioning order, and passed the time by watching whatever broadcast he received. Among these was Nurse Whitney, which Thundercracker quickly developed a fondness for. Seasons in Flight Inspiration struck Thundercracker and he decided that he would be just as capable of writting a television script as anyone. When Marissa Faireborn managed to get a hold of his script and perused it, she noted similarities between Thundercracker's totally original creation, "Susan Journeyer," and Nurse Whitney. Hello Cruel World Remembering how fans reacted to changes in the show helped Thundercracker decide on what path to take while filming Starscream's biopic. Starscream: The Movie
