Overmegasixwave - Transformers Wiki

Overmegasixwave is Swerve's greatest fear from the 2005 IDW portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.


"I'm not Megatron anymore... we're Overmegasixwave now."

Overmegasixwave is fear. Overmegasixwave is power. Overmegasixwave does not, technically, exist, save in the form of a phobia shield projection. Made up of Megatron, Overlord, Sixshot, and Shockwave combined, this powerful, and effectively hypothetical, Decepticon is truly Swerve's greatest fear.


2005 IDW continuity

On the planet Deimus, Overmegasixwave was created by the Galactic Council's Phobia Shield based on Swerve's greatest fear to drive away the Autobot intruders to the planet. Facing Hoist, it ignored his crossbow fire and effortlessly overwhelmed the Autobot. It was about to crush Hoist's head beneath its foot when it faded away due to Swerve passing out. The Waiting Game