Raoul - Transformers Wiki

Raoul is a human from the cartoon portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.


The feeling when you get served by your own jambox.

Raoul is a break-dancing street punk carjacker with a bandana, a mullet-ponytail, a rhinestone-studded leather jacket and a heart of gold.

Man, the '80s sucked.


The Transformers cartoon

Voice actor: Michael Chain (English), Kenyū Horiuchi (Japanese), Fu Chong (Chinese), Erhard Hartmann (German, Auto-Bop), François Leccia (European French, "Make Tracks"), Olivier Destrez (European French, "Auto-Bop"), Dani Albiac (Spain-Spanish), Carlos Marques (Portuguese, "Make Tracks"), Eduardo Borgerth (Portuguese, "Auto-Bop")

Raoul mistook Tracks for an ordinary car and attempted to steal the Autobot for the Geddis brothers, to whom he owed money. He was surprised to discover that his new acquisition could talk, but fixed up Tracks anyway. After Tracks saved the young human from the Geddis brothers, the pair discovered that the brothers were supplying cars to the Decepticons' factory in the Pine Barrens. Raoul was able to repay his debt by rescuing Tracks from being cannibalized for parts, and they were found by Sideswipe, Jazz and Bumblebee before the Decepticons could catch up with them.


You've been hit by a smooth criminal.

The Autobots soon discovered that the cars were being rebuilt into drones which the Decepticons were using to invade New York City. Returning to the factory, Raoul attempted to smash it with a crow bar, but was picked up by Megatron. While the Decepticon leader was commanding the Autobots to lay down their weapons or he'd terminate the human, Raoul opened his torso plate and applied spray paint liberally inside.

The Decepticons routed, the Autobot forces retired to Sparkplug's garage, where Tracks suggested Raoul help un-customise the stolen cars. Make Tracks


And now it's time for the Polka Party Express!

Some time later, Raoul and his posse, the "Bop Crew", were having trouble with some nightclub called the Dancitron. Pursued by thugs from the club, they were bailed out by Tracks and Blaster, who were investigating Decepticon activity. While the Autobots went to investigate the club, the Bop Crew were taking an elevated train when it went out of control. Fortunately the two Autobots were on hand to save the day, and Tracks and Raoul went back to check out the Dancitron.

On the way, they discovered hypnotised people working on a building, something that turned out to be part of a scheme that Starscream and Soundwave were cooking up using the totally awesome tunes played at the Dancitron (Those tunes being "Cold Slither" and big band music, because the Charleston was totally all the rage in the 80s). Tracks and Raoul reached the club, only to be attacked by both hypnotised humans and the two Decepticons. Raoul quickly discovered the cure for the hypnotizing effects—water—and tripped the sprinkler systems.

Following the Decepticon defeat, the Bop Crew requested the use of Blaster to replace their lost boombox. Auto-Bop




Lies, lies, oh for a pair of eyes!

  • Tracks (2015)
    • ID number: MP-25
Among the accessories included with Tracks is a small figurine of Raoul. The coloration of the figure combines the brown jacket and blue pants he had in "Make Tracks" with the pale skin from "Auto-Bop". There are no paint operations on his face whatsoever.
  • Loudpedal (2016)
    • ID number: MP-25B
A recolor of the Raoul figurine released with Masterpiece Tracks, this time Raoul is painted in his deco from "Auto-Bop". Technically, this figure represents C Shadow, the human musician persona of Loudpedal's holomatter avatar, which Loudpedal crafted to mimic Raoul's appearance in Decepticon archives.



Staying up all night does this to you.

  • In his second appearance in the show, "Auto-Bop", his skin is a lighter shade than when he first appeared in "Make Tracks". In fact, even though his character model is consistent with his last appearance, down to the clothes, nearly all his colours are off (black instead of brown jacket etc.).

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Raoul (ラウル Rauru)