Roadblock (G.I. Joe) - Transformers Wiki

This page is about G.I. Joe's rappin' cook, but there are other Roadblocks too, take a look!
To see all the "Roadblock"s within our nation, just go to Roadblock (disambiguation)!

Roadblock is a member of G.I. Joe from the G.I. Joe portion of the Generation 1 continuity family, you know.


"Go to sleep you little trash heap."

If you're lookin' for a Joe that can walk the walk,
Then look no further than Marvin F. Hinton, codenamed Roadblock!
Tougher than Cage and softer than McFeely,
This brother busts the baddest rhymes this side of the Wheelie!
With a machine gun in one hand and a spatula in the other,
He sends all foes duckin' and runnin' for cover!
But don't take him lightly, 'cause there's no doubt,
He can turn your eyeballs inside-out!


Marvel Comics continuity

G.I. Joe and the Transformers

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Roadblock was one of several Joes tasked with guarding Power Station Alpha, and fought back against the Dreadnoks when they came to interfere. He was not too happy with Hawk letting the marauders escape, even if they had a hostage to threaten. When Bumblebee arrived at the scene a while later, Roadblock helped blast him to pieces. Blood on the Tracks Shortly Roadblock found himself staring down Superion, who had come to avenge his comrade. He fired on the giant robot until it fled for some reason. Power Struggle

Later, Roadblock investigated some strange noises back at headquarters, only to find that Hawk and Doctor Mindbender were messing around with the captured Bombshell. ...All Fall Down!

Marvel Generation 2 comic

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Roadblock led Rock 'n Roll, Tunnel Rat and Airtight on an infiltration mission into the Cobra-controlled city of Milleville. Their goal was to find out what Cobra was up to and to confirm the suspicion of Decepticon involvement. They spotted Megatron in Milleville and radioed Hawk their findings, Goin' South but were attacked by Cobra Eels immediately after. The team took out the Eels and contacted Hawk to request backup. Tunnel Rat sort of took over from Roadblock as mission leader, guiding the others through the sewers to get out of Milleville. They were attacked again, first by more Eels and then by B.A.T.S.. Fortunately, the Ninja Force showed up and helped them reach safety. Sucker Punch

G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers

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Shortly after joining G.I. Joe, Roadblock was training martial arts with Quick Kick when both of them were challenged by Snake-Eyes. After the ninja mopped the floor with them, they listened to the former Cobra member Mercer tell them about Cobra's alien technology. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers #2 Roadblock later defended the SPS Research Center by disguising himself as a scientist until Cobra got close, at which point he helped fill Ratbat full of lead. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers #3 He also participated in G.I. Joe's assault on Cobra Island. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers #6

Two years later, Roadblock was using the Joes' Cybertronian technology to combat Cobra's use of the same. When Cobra Commander decided to usurp Teletran 3 to gain teleportation abilities, Roadblock was part of the team that attempted to stop him, but was accidentally transported to Cybertron when gunfire damaged Teletran 3's connection.

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When further complications sent various Transformers through time, teams of Joes and Cobras had to return them, or else Earth would be destroyed. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers II #1 Roadblock was teamed with the Baroness, Beachhead and a hapless Cobra Viper named Percy and sent to 1930's Chicago. There, they rescued Optimus Prime and fought off the Stunticons. Roadblock also got a chance to impersonate Miles Davis while infiltrating a jazz club to obtain information. (Of course he's an expert trumpeter!) G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers II #2

After returning to present-day Cybertron, Roadblock and the others were attacked by Shockwave's forces and forced to hide. As their only chance of survival was to bring back the last team of time-travelers, Roadblock and Lady Jaye snuck into Teletran 3's control room in their underwear (we're not making this up), where Roadblock grabbed a Decepticon pistol and fired it at the robots. This distraction allowed Lady Jaye to undo Shockwave's tampering with Teletran 3, which allowed the final team to return with the Dinobots, who saved the day. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers II #4

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An agreement was made between the Autobots and G.I. Joe to decommission all Cybertronian technology on Earth, including Roadblock's mech suit. He didn't mind much, since piloting it was like "ridin' around in a crawdad pot". When Area 52 suddenly came under attack from Cobra's Battle Android Troopers, Roadblock went out in his mech and defended the facility. The Art of War #1 However, it soon turned out that the attack was merely a distraction, as Cobra Commander infiltrated Area 52's lower levels and activated Serpent O.R. When G.I. Joe and their Autobot guests came to investigate, Serpent O.R. attacked them and took control of Roadblock's mech with his robotic tentacles, forcing it to punch Grimlock in the gob. Grims ripped the mech's arm off. Don't punch Grimlock. The Art of War #2

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Along with Hawk, Scarlett, Snake-Eyes, and the Autobots, Roadblock chased Serpent O.R. to Cybertron, where they were immediately beset by cannibalizers. They escaped, only to run straight into Serpent O.R. and his new Decepticon army, who captured the team and locked Roadblock and Hawk in a box. Hawk blamed himself for how things turned out and apologized for bringing the others along, but Roadblock assured him that there was no one he'd rather follow than Hawk. Except maybe Tyra Banks. The Art of War #3 When Serpent O.R. came to their cell to ask Hawk a few questions, an enraged Roadblock attacked the android, but his barrage of punches succeeded in nothing but injuring his own fists. Fortunately, they were freed by Snake-Eyes and Scarlett shortly afterwards. The Art of War #4 Upon making their way to Serpent O.R.'s chambers, the team found the android under the control of Cobra Commander, who knocked Roadblock unconscious with his tentacles. After the battle was won by Hawk, Roadblock relaxed by telling Perceptor amusing anecdotes about Barbecue. The Art of War #5

Roadblock was one of the members of G.I. Joe who embarked on a Joe Colton-led mission to Unicron's inert body in order to police its surviving inhabitants. Black Horizon Part 2

Transformers/G.I. Joe

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Roadblock was one of the initial members of G.I. Joe when the team was formed in 1939. The other members were impressed by his build, joking that he could probably carry a tank around. The Line During the attack on the Fera Islands, he was part of Strike Team One, who stumbled upon a number of deactivated Autobots. While checking the robots out, Roadblock accidentally bumped into a repair drone, which promptly set about reactivating the Autobots. Transformed The Joes took the Autobots up on their offer to help them in their battle against Cobra and the Decepticons, and Roadblock drove Grimlock's tank mode into battle. Trial by Fire

However, after a run-in with Rumble, Roadblock and Grimlock were knocked off a cliff, with the Autobot desperately holding onto the crumbling rocks. Grimlock urged his new friend to climb up while he tried to hold on, but Roadblock refused, telling the Autobot that they were soldiers, and soldiers "don't try and we don't quit". While Grimlock found new strength in his word, the cliff still crumbled and they fell. Luckily, Superion saved them just in time. Wolves

Both strike teams of Joes then came together, and planned their final approach on Cobra's base of operations. Trenches As the Joes and Autobots closed in on the Terrordrome, Roadblock attempted to improve Stalker's sour attitude by saying the US fleet was definitely coming to help them (and he was right). Upon arriving at the Cobra base, Roadblock witnessed Bruticus wake up and attack everything, and told Grimlock to transform and fight back. Unfortunately, Bruticus effortlessly punched them aside. Eventually, the Autobots all sacrificed themselves to defeat the giant, and Roadblock reflected on their plight as he stood watching Optimus Prime's body. The Iron Fist

Unit:E comic

Upon approaching the planet Earth, the artificial intelligence Synergy presented footage of the Joes in action so that her crew-mate, the young Acroyear, could learn about his potential allies and enemies on the alien world. Roadblock could be seen charging into action alongside Duke and Scarlett on one of Synergy's view-screens. Unit:E

Kre-O cartoon


Who wants a body massage?

Roadblock was among a group of Joes who went to a carnival. They tried their luck unsuccessfully at a "ring the bell" strongman contest, only to watch open-mouthed as the Terrorcons combined into Abominus and smashed it so hard it broke. Carnival Face Off

Transformers vs. G.I. Joe

Roadblock was part of a G.I. Joe strike force that stormed a Cobra hideout housing deadly Creeper bombs. Within, Roadblock used his M.A.C. to mow down the creeper vines that barred their path, and aided in the capture of Doctor Venom. Though the mission ran into some complications when the Transformers Bumblebee and Starscream got embroiled in the conflict, it ultimately culminated in Cobra Commander's apparent demise, signaling a victory for the Joes. The Golden Boys

Roadblock was part of a strike team that stormed Springfield, a Cobra base disguised as a quaint little town. There, he helped rescue Gung Ho, who had been overpowered by the twins Tomax and Xamot. On his next mission, Roadblock was deployed to the planet Cybertron, its inhabitants having proved themselves to be hostile towards the human race. I Saw Three Ships

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The Joes began their attack on Cybertron by sending down "green bombs" from the air. But when they targeted the mobile city of Trypticon, they found it protected by a forcefield. Their attempt to bomb it provoked a counter-attack from the Decepticons. Roadblock escaped Defiant's destruction, and made it back to Green Zone 0–8–6, the Joes' temporary base on the alien world. Targetmasters

After Wheeljack became ensnared in one of the base's perimeter traps, Roadblock assisted his fellow Joes in vivisecting the Cybertronian. As they pried open Wheeljack's head, Roadblock excitedly pointed out that they would finally retrieve intel from their enemy. The operation was tabled just in time for Wheeljack's friends to burst in on the scene and launch an offensive against the Joes. The humans returned fire, until blasts from both sides rendered all combatants unconscious. Funeral for a Friend

Both teams eventually awakened and readied to take up arms once more when Grimlock showed up, accompanied by Breaker, Jinx, Cover Girl, and Clutch. Grimlock declared a truce between the Joes and the Autobots had been reached, and both factions partied together to cement their alliance. Form Follows Function The Joes then took up residence within the Autobots' mobile city, Metroplex. When both Trypticon and the rogue Autobot Fortress Maximus came stomping about, Roadblock joined a team to deal with the latter of the two titans. Within Maximus, Roadblock discovered a large growth of mysterious mushrooms... After Maximus was freed from Blackarachnia's influence, Roadblock met up with the rest of his team and they then made their way to Fortress Maximus's head module as the titan tangled with Trypticon. Maximus's head detached itself, transformed into the smaller robot Cerebros, and allowed the troops within it to storm Megatron's throne room within Trypticon.

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However, the leader of the Decepticons was ready for them, and Roadblock was captured as a P.O.W. Everybody Hates Metroplex Roadblock was made to read Cobra's holy text, the Decepticobranomicon—which told a warped version of the Book of Genesis that claimed Cybertronian involvement in Garden of Eden, and that the infamous serpent sired a reptile-man race via Eve. He was left utterly bewildered. After that, Cobra put him to work in their kitchens (the food they were having was crap). Torch mockingly told Roadblock not to poison them. Expelled from the Garden Shortly after, when Earth had apparently been destroyed, the Cobras were eating Roadblock's fine meal and he'd... yeah, you guessed. With Tunnel Rat and Perceptor's help, he escaped. While Perceptor assured Roadblock that Earth may have survived, Roadblock was sceptical.

At a new Joe base on Cybertron, Roadblock and his fellow escapes revealed that while trapped in Trypticon, they had obtained the codes to deactivate Tryp's forcefield! Earth: R.I.P. By encoding these codes into sound waves emitted by Blaster, the Joes and Autobots were able to disable the forcefield and take on the Decepticon army in one final battle. Transformers vs. G.I. Joe #12 In the end, the war was won, Cobra and the Decepticons were defeated, and Earth turned out to be intact. Roadblock returned home in time to see his daughters off on their first day of school... only for the battles to continue when the school bus driver and his vehicle turned out to be Buzzer and a Decepticon! The War Never Ends

2005 IDW continuity


Roadblock and Scarlett were tasked with escorting Garrison Blackrock to a classified location when their military convoy was attacked. Their incendiary rounds were ineffective against Sentinel Prime, whose head had taken control of Alpha Trion's body and then kidnapped Blackrock. White Light Roadblock was later assigned to the G.I. Joe team that was due to engage the Autobots in Portland, Oregon. Once the humans had Arcee's attention, he was shocked to see the femme wielding a sword as she effortlessly overpowered the human forces while being immune to their weapons. When more Cybertronians arrived, Roadblock engaged Windblade only for the bullets to bounce off her leading him to making the observation that all G.I. Joe was doing was angering the Cybertronians. When Rom arrived, and killed four people, Roadblock opened fire on him only for the bullets to bounce off. Roadblock did not have a good day. Concorde Hymn He later assured people that G.I. Joe was here to help only for a child to retort that the Autobots said the same thing before G.I. Joe chased them away. The Divine Source of Liberty

After the attack at Bikini Atoll, Roadblock and Scarlett rendez-voused with the other Joes at Governor's Island. The New Colossus Pulling their old vehicles out of mothballs, G.I. Joe joined the fight against Baron Karza and the Dire Wraiths in Monument Valley at Autobot City. Valley Forge

Aw Yeah Revolution!


I want to tell you about the Transformers!

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Aw Yeah Revolution! #1


This character has many other toys that are not connected to Transformers. See the external link to for more information.



Just like you remember him from the comics!

  • Revolution Set (SDCC Gift Set, 2017)
    • Accessories: Vest, backpack, rifle, pistol, flashlight, knife, G.I. Joe display stand
Released as part of a San Diego Comic-Con 2017 exclusive set, Roadblock is an action figure made up of redecoed parts from various G.I. Joe action figures, with a new head and vest. He was packed with several other Hasbro Universe action figures: Jetfire, Matt Trakker of M.A.S.K., Action Man, Visionaries' Leoric, Rom and a Dire Wraith, and 9 Micronauts mini-figurines.
Roadblock is based visually on the character's appearance in the G.I. Joe: Renegades TV show; the decision to use the Renegades design was made by Mark Weber as a "going-away present" to G.I. Joe fans, as the new head and vest had already been tooled and were not going to be released otherwise.[1]



External links