Scorponok (BW) - Transformers Wiki
- ️Mon Aug 15 2016
The name or term "Scorponok" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Scorponok (disambiguation).
- Scorponok is a Predacon from the Beast Wars portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.
Scorponok's personality seems to have two main features: He's often dumb, and he's always loyal to Megatron (surprisingly so, considering Megatron's other crew members), and of those two features, only the loyalty seems to be consistent. He tries to serve Megatron to the best of his abilities, but when Waspinator is able to outwit you, there's only so much you have to offer.
Scorponok serves as Megatron's newly promoted second-in-command on the Darksyde after Dinobot's defection to the Maximals, though he is insecure about the title and constantly tries to assert himself among the other Predacons who, aware of his shortcomings, generally dismiss or ignore him.
Scorponok's only other real contribution to Megatron's cause is in developing cyber-viruses that he delivers with his cyberbee drone. (This is impressive, actually, given his otherwise limited mentality.) However, these generally don't work out as he hoped, and so they've done little to increase his standing in the eyes of the other Predacons.
- 1 Fiction
- 2 Games
- 3 Toys
- 4 Merchandise
- 5 Notes
- 6 Gallery
- 7 References
Toy bios
Inhabiting the Mojave Desert, Scorponok was suited to the harsh conditions of this arid environment. Described as vicious, this desert attack specialist relied mainly on surprise attacks to overcome his foes. For this task, he possessed three alternatives: launching a robotic bee stored in one claw, his 2-shot missile blast stored in the other; his terrifying tail, which dealt poisonous cyber-strikes. Scorponok bio
Cartoon continuity
Beast Wars cartoon
- Voice actor: Don Brown (English), Masashi Endō (Japanese), Fang Shuqiao (Chinese), Alexander Novikov (Russian, 1st dub), Bernard Métraux (French), Sidney Lilla (Portuguese), Antonio Paiola (Italian), Mario Grete (German), Bardo Miranda (Latin-American Spanish), Enrique Cazorla (Castilian Spanish)
Crash-landing on an unknown planet, Scorponok and his peers were forced to take on organic beast modes to shield themselves from the planet's dangerous levels of raw energon. Scorponok took a scorpion as his new alternate mode. When Dinobot furiously berated Megatron for foolishly marooning them on the wrong planet and attempted to attack his leader, Scorponok stood behind Megatron and waited for his cue to fire on Dinobot, sending the traitor far into the distance. Later, Scorponok participated in the first battle between the Maximal and Predacon factions and managed to trap Cheetor's leg under a boulder. However, the Predacons soon succumbed to energon overload. Beast Wars (Part 1)
After recovering in beast mode, Scorponok and the lower-ranking Predacons were wagering who would win the battle between Optimus Primal and Dinobot until Megatron ordered them to fire on the unwitting combatants. After their shots failed to destroy the Maximals but instead revealed a massive energon cache buried inside a mountain, the Predacons moved out, followed by the Maximals. The two parties confronted each other at the energon cache, and Scorponok fought Dinobot in the one-on-one clashes that ensued. Beast Wars (Part 2)
While Scorponok was later salvaging a mega-cannon, he was surprised by Cheetor. Luckily Tarantulas distracted the Maximal, giving Scorponok time to hit Cheetor with a missile. Despite asserting that he was second in command and should be giving the orders, Scorponok took Tarantulas's suggestion to scarper before Optimus Primal arrived. He subsequently installed the cannon as part of the perimeter defenses for the Predacon base, aided by Terrorsaur and Waspinator. The Web Scorponok found himself hunting Cheetor again, when the cat somehow teleported into the Predacon base. Cheetor escaped into the ducts, so Scorponok sent a missile in after him, unsuccessfully. A short time later, they found Cheetor messing with the Predacon computer, so Scorponok fired another missile at him, only for it to end up slagging himself and Waspinator. Equal Measures
Scorponok took part in a battle at the Standing Stones, and ended up face-down in the dirt after Cheetor shot him. After Primal went missing, blasted by an alien probe, Megatron sent Scorponok and Waspinator to guard the Standing Stones. As it turned out, Primal wasn't dead, and after he was released from the probe, he blasted all of the Predacons. Chain of Command When Terrorsaur mounted a leadership bid and badly damaged Megatron, Scorponok simply had his leader repaired the instant Terrorsaur wasn't looking. Power Surge
After a stasis pod crashed, Megatron took Scorponok and Tarantulas to attack the Maximal base. While the Predacon leader provided a diversion, the two other Predacons sneaked up on Dinobot, knocking him out. Unfortunately for them, Dinobot had time to activate the Axalon's autoguns, and first Tarantulas, then Scorponok were blasted off the ship. Fallen Comrades Scorponok was part of an ambush, enabling the Predacons to steal another stasis pod and bring Blackarachnia online. Terrorsaur would later mount another bid to become leader, with Rattrap's help, but Scorponok announced loudly and at length that his loyalty belonged to Megatron and he would never follow Terrorsaur. As it turned out, Megatron allowed Terrorsaur temporary leadership, so Scorponok appeared to be happy to follow the new leader's commands, at least until it was proved in battle that Terrorsaur was incompetent as a leader. Double Jeopardy
Megatron tasked Scorponok with a mission to create a virus for his cyberbee that would turn Optimus Primal into a coward. Ambushing the Maximal leader and Dinobot as they were on a botanical study near a waterfall, Scorponok managed to have his cyberbee latch onto Optimus when he attempted to help the traitor. Unfortunately, Optimus Primal fired off a shot before going down, dislodging the log Scorponok was sitting upon and sending him over the edge of the waterfall. To greater misfortune, Scorponok had botched the virus, turning Optimus Primal not into a coward, but a fearless, ultra-aggressive berserker. When the Predacons found out about this via a warning from Cheetor, Megatron was so furious that he kicked Scorponok with his T. Rex foot for his incompetence. When Primal ripped the cyberbee off and chucked it at Megatron's back, Megatron rushed away to Scorponok, demanding that he dislodge the time bomb from him immediately. But as try he might, he couldn't get the cyberbee off in time as both he and Megatron were caught in the explosion. Gorilla Warfare
Scorponok spotted the Maximals building a communications array, and gave a video of it to Terrorsaur to take back to Megatron. After word came through that the array was to be destroyed, he confronted the Maximals. Primal intercepted his missiles, Rattrap blew his claw off, and then Dinobot blasted him into the distance-and he would later be squashed by Blackarachnia when Rattrap blasted her off the same cliff. The Probe He was later (improbably) one of the Predacons who staged a revolt against Megatron. That should have been the Maximal's first clue it was only a mock revolt, as once they'd made the Axalon space-worthy, the Predacons emerged from hiding and attempted to take their ship. Scorponok actually downed Dinobot at the start of the fight, but ended up eating the former Predacon's optic beams and a round of fire from the Axalon. Despite this, he was still able to fire a missile to knock Primal from the entry lift, and Megatron would ensure that the ship would never fly again. Victory
After Rhinox was converted into a Predacon by Megatron's Transmuter, Scorponok found himself assigned to repair the base computer. Unaware that the computer had actually been sabotaged by Rhinox, he was surprised and shocked when the ex-Maximal dropped a pile of heavy crates on him. A spell in a Predacon restoration pool left him ready to extract some revenge, but Rhinox deftly deflected his rage onto Terrorsaur, and the pair had their heads slammed together by Rhinox. Despite all this, he was able to take part in the inevitable fight with the Maximals, during which he was able to take some of his anger out on Dinobot. He ultimately lost the fight and was at ground zero when the Transmuter exploded. Dark Designs
Scorponok acted as a lab assistant to Megatron, as his leader created a clone of Dinobot. He was a teeny bit skeptical at the result. Double Dinobot When another stasis pod crashed, Megatron dispatched Blackarachnia and Scorponok to retrieve it. Blackarachnia was disgusted by Scorponok's subservient attitude, and on their way to the pod, she ditched him. Scorponok almost immediately ran into Tigatron, who ended his quest by freezing him. The Spark
Scorponok was again teamed with Blackarachnia when Terrorsaur and Waspinator found a weird flying island. After they reached the island, Scorponok used a cyberbee to check the place out, but it was intercepted by Tigatron. The Trigger, Part 1 The two Predacons reached the obelisk at the center of the island and blasted their way in. When Blackarachnia announced the island's power would allow her to defeat even Megatron, Scorponok revealed that he had been sent with her to make sure that didn't happen. Of course, she promptly tricked him into triggering one of the island's many traps, and he fell through the hole that opened up to the ground below. The Trigger, Part 2
On another occasion, Scorponok was on lookout when he spotted Tarantulas being "chased" by a stasis pod. Megatron ordered he obtain take the stasis pod back to base, so he confronted Tarantulas... only for the pod to blow up, knocking him into some boulders, where a falling rock rendered him unconscious. By the time he recovered, the fight was over, and Megatron ordered him to gather up Inferno for repair. Spider's Game He took part in a diversionary attack on the Axalon, while Waspinator and Terrorsaur stole the ship's rectifier coil. Later, once the Maximals had gone feral, he participated on the hunt by carrying Megatron's chair, but was taken down by Cheetor once the Maximals overcame their beast instincts. Call of the Wild
In one of his rare successes, Scorponok triggered an energon explosion, apparently taking out a group of Maximals. In reality, he'd simply blinded them, but he didn't find this out until after he'd reported back to Megatron. Dark Voyage After Starscream, possessing the body of Waspinator, helped the Predacons take over the Axalon, Megatron left the Decepticon in charge of the Maximal base with Scorponok and Blackarachnia as underlings. When the inevitable betrayal occurred, Scorponok put up a token resistance before Starscream blasted him off the side of the ship. Possession
Scorponok was among the Predacons who were taken out by Rhinox's almighty fart. The Low Road After Megatron declared a truce, and Tigatron infiltrated the Predacon base in search of information, Scorponok and Terrorsaur attempted to stop the Maximal from escaping, and ended up colliding spectacularly. Luckily for Scorponok, he didn't have to pursue Tigatron, as the Predacons who did mostly came back on stretchers. Before the Storm Scorponok later accompanied Megatron on a mission to an alien construct which had appeared. His toxic sting was instrumental in breaching the construct's wall, allowing Rattrap to get inside and retrieve Airazor. Of course, a short time later, Rattrap used one of Scorponok's missiles to dispose of Megatron, shortly before Scorponok himself was blasted by Airazor. Other Voices, Part 1
Back at base, Scorponok and the other Predacons monitored the situation with the Planet Buster which had been revealed high above the planet. Though Scorponok was confident that Megatron would save them, his leader announced that he had someone else in mind to do that. As it turned out, Optimus Primal was the one who piloted a modified stasis pod and blew up the Planet Buster. Other Voices, Part 2 Scorponok celebrated with his fellow Predacons, but the destruction of the alien weapon had other consequences. A quantum surge flooded through the base, beginning to mutate their bodies into Transmetals. However both Scorponok and Terrorsaur lost control of their hover platforms, crashing into each other and tumbling into the lava beneath the Predacon base, where they perished. No one much noticed, though Blackarachnia pointed out that only Waspinator was present with Megatron when the Predacons arrived at the Axalon (only to keep herself from getting blasted). Aftermath
Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity
Yokohama Decepticon Secret Base
Scorponok was witness to NAVI-ko being sent through transwarp to acquire Nemesis Prime for the Predacon forces. Yokohama Decepticon Secret Base
While the Maximals were trying to help out the wayward Hot Rodimus and SARA of the Cloud World, they investigated an energon mine, only to find the Predacons waiting there. The two sides battled, and Hot Rodimus took the opportunity to transform into helicopter mode to pursue his true quarry, the Shockwave from his world. The two's battle set off the nearby energon, forcing the Predacons to retreat. Wild
3H comics
After using the Divine Light to access Primus's power, Cryotek reanimated several Sharkticon corpses into facsimiles of Megatron's old subordinates, including one of Scorponok. Wreckers: Finale Part II
While Megatron was being guided through the afterlife by Rhinox, he beheld a vision of himself slaughtering his allies and foes alike, Scorponok among them. Singularity Ablyss
2006 IDW Beast Wars continuity
The 'bot who would one day call himself "Scorponok" served under Megatron at the tail-end of the Great War. When the Autobot negotiator Tigatron approached Megatron's camp, Scorponok was instructed to let him come so that they could spring a surprise attack on the unsuspecting 'bot. Dawn of the Predacus
After the Quantum Surge hit prehistoric Earth, Scorponok and Terrorsaur did not actually die—they were just put in stasis lock. They awakened after the Beast Wars ended, finding themselves in Transmetal bodies. Scorponok got shafted, though—his new body didn't have a third vehicle mode like everyone else's. He had hover-fans with which he could fly, though, so that's likely a decent thing. Beast Wars Sourcebook #3
- Voice actor: Brad Venable (English)
The Predacon who would become Scorponok was part of a mission with Backslash to steal the sacred Maximal relic, the Golden Disk, on behalf of Cryotek; in fact, "Scorponok" was loyal to Megatron and in on his plan to take the disk for himself. He was meant to bomb Maximal Power Station B4-Y to aid Megatron and his partner's attack; he was almost caught by a guard but Backslash saved him, berating him for being sloppy. Later on, when Backslash was caught by a guard, "Scorponok" laughed, mockingly referencing what Backslash said earlier and happily triggered the bombs, killing his alleged comrade. Nice guy. Theft of the Golden Disk
With the Disk in their hands (and Scorponok having time to completely change bodies!), the thieves were picked up by their other comrades in a stolen ship, newly christened the Darksyde. Soon after leaving Cybertron, the Darksyde was involved in a space battle with the Maximal vessels Axalon and Chromia 10 and an unidentified Predacon ship. At its conclusion, only the Axalon and the Darksyde survived, and both ships passed through a transwarp portal to an unknown destination. Dawn of Future's Past
Two weeks after Airazor was reborn on Earth, Scorponok fought to defend an orbital weapon from the Maximals. Scorponok and the launching pad were dealt with by Airazor. The Razor's Edge
Waspscream continuity
In Primax 208.06 Zeta, the Starscream of Primax 206.15 Gamma merged with Waspinator to successfully defeat the Maximals and, after a quantum surge, threw Megatron, Inferno, and Scorponok into containment. However, Megatron escaped en route to Cybertron, harvested everyone's sparks, used their remaining bodies to create his Vehicon hordes. Wanting generals for his army, Megatron 'rescued' Waspscream's prisoners. Scorponok was horrified by what had happened to Cybertron and wanted no part of it. Megatron cared little for his objections and ripped out his spark to create his general Tankor. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/08/16
When human archaeologists uncovered a cave filled with primitive language, Mini-Con Laserbeak translated it for them. The markings told of a time when the Maximals and Predacons crash-landed on prehistoric Earth, though the stranded Transformers were seen by the protohumans as gods. One in the form of an "scorpion" was among them. Fire in the Dark
Scorponok was an employee at Tera-Kura Co. with an unrequited crush on President Megatron. Megatron didn't appreciate his feelings. Rivals! Tera-Kura Co.! At some point during the work day, Scorponok joined his other male employees in admiring Blackarachnia and Slipstream. LG-15 Nightbird Shadow Sequel When the Waspinator of another world took over Tera-Kura, he forced Scorponok to fan him with a palm leaf. Bonus Edition Vol. EX He was among the employees charged with moving Metroplex's transformation cog to safety during an attack, but could do little to fight back when Full-Tilt came for it. Decepticon Civil War He was later present when Megatron got control of his company back. Bonus Edition Vol. 63
After the Legends World was restored, Scorponok watched on as Ai attempted to arrest Tarantulas in Tera-Kura Co. Epiloge
Beast Wars: Uprising
Scorponok served as a lowly programmer for the Dynamic Energon Distilleries plant in Iacon. However, his lucky break came when he bumped into two Maximals breaking in to the plant. The security guard Impound was able to catch them, and Scorponok was congratulated personally by the administrator, Gnashteeth. During their meeting, Scorponok was impressed with both Gnashteeth's collection of Decepticon relics and his powerful personality. Gnashteeth promoted him to senior programmer, cementing Scorponok's belief in his boss. During a second meeting, however, Gnashteeth told him that he would be replaced from his position as Administrator before improvements to the energon process that Scorponok had been making could take form. An idle comment by Scorponok gave Gnashteeth an idea to create and sell extra energon on the black market to become richer than their wildest dreams. Scorponok was a little unsure of the whole thing, but agreed because Gnashteeth made him feel needed.
The two quickly set up their scheme, and began selling their newly-stolen energon. Their first transaction was not satisfactory to Gnashteeth, who vowed to sell directly to the customers, using Empties as middlemen. During this time, Scorponok had to put out a hit on one of them, Tappet, who stole his assigned cubes and needed to be made an example. Their rapidly-growing enterprise came under fire on two angles- Gnashteeth was demoted to co-deputy adminstatrator, and another gang, the Kospegos, were moving in on their turf. An attempted meeting between the two criminal organizations went poorly- Kospego leader Thunderhoof made them wait, their hired muscle were bribed to leave, and when negotiations fell through, Gnashteeth was assaulted by Thunderhoof. Thunderhoof, along with Terrorsaur, another Kospego, beat Gnashteeth nearly to death and mockingly dubbed him "Megatron" as Scorponok watched, powerless to intervene. Afterwards, Scorponok took his boss back to the plant to heal him.
While Gnashteeth was recovering, the plant's other co-deptuty, Budora, warned Scorponok that it was probably for the best that Gnashteeth would quietly leave the company. But that proved to be the last straw for Gnashteeth, who decided to quit playing by the rules and take all of the energon he could. Soon afterwards, Scorponok and Gnashteeth faked a meltdown, allowing them to steal scores of cubes. However, Impound tried to remove Scorponok, believing that there actually was an emergency. Scorponok had no choice but to execute the security bot.
Later, Scorponok accompanied his boss to his second meeting with the Kospegos, where Gnashteeth stole a trick right out of Thunderhoof's playbook by bribing Terrorsaur and Scavenger to turn on their boss, and Scorponok, all reluctance towards violence removed, helped deal with him. The new gang, gathered in a warehouse, christened themselves "Darksyders" based on Scorponok's suggestion. Identity Politics
Scorponok remained at Megatron's side as the Darksyders consolidated control over the Cybertronian underworld, including the Destron Boys and finally the Minions of Unicron. Yet Megatron was unfulfilled, as their success didn't come until after the Grand Uprising of the Resistance had begun to challenge the Builders. Megatron wanted nothing Lio Convoy could give him, but greater power and glory clearly lay in changing the social order somehow. Scorponok assisted Megatron in a thought experiment that led him to his next quest: removing energon dependency from the population.
As Megatron's project consumed him, Scorponok did his best to facilitate his master's wishes. He coordinated various Darksyders and independent contractors in acquiring the technology needed to make the impossible happen. He also liaised with Leatherhide, the Builder mad scientist that Megatron brought into the fold to aid his schemes. Finally, success was achieved and the Darksyders were the first protoformers to adopt Beast modes, allowing them to produce their own energon through natural processes like the mechanimals of Cybertron. Not All Megatrons
Sale of the Beast Upgrade technology made the Darksyders both legitimate and rich. They were able to move into a heavily fortified base in Iacon prior to the Vehicon Apocalypse spreading across the planet. Scorponok barricaded the doors and windows as Megatron put Leatherhide to work creating the means to oppose the Vehicons. He succeeded, and Wasp was turned into Waspinator (with a little help from Scorponok and Terrorsaur choosing him as a test subject), able to turn the Vehicons away with a wireless signal. Derailment
2005 IDW continuity
Scorponok was one of Onyx Prime's Maximals. When the Maximals invaded Cybertron, he was one of the many warriors who wound up battling Arcee and fell to his death when Arcee disrupted the gravity generator in Nemesis. Unforgivable
2021 Beast Wars comic
Scorponok was a follower of Galavar, leader of a cell of Predacon separatists in the employ of the Tripredacus Council. Savage Landing Part 1 A talented computer programmer, Scorponok regarded himself as one of Iacon's top codebreakers, and had previously used his skills to help quell the Wolfjay Rebellion on Riliot. Savage Landing Part 2 When their ambitious leader, now going by the name "Megatron", set his sights upon a golden disk housed in the Maximal Science Ministry, Scorponok, Terrorsaur, and Dinobot raided the facility and stole the disk.
The Predacons fled Cybertron aboard the stolen Maximal warship Darksyde, but came under threat from the Maximal science vessel Axalon. The brief ship-to-ship skirmish ended when Tarantulas successfully spooled their transwarp drive and escaped through time and space to one of the coordinates indicated on the disk; when the Maximals pursued them through unspace, however, the second round of combat between the two ships ended with both sides crash-landing on the planet below and knocking their occupants into stasis lock. To survive on this energon-rich planet, the Darksyde's computer rebuilt all of the Predacons with organic beast modes that would allow them to safely withstand high levels of ambient energon radiation. After reawakening in his new body, Scorponok and the other Predacons watched as Megatron announced his intentions to find and deal with any Maximal stragglers who'd survived the crash. Savage Landing Part 1
While the Predacons scouted out the terrain beyond the crashed Darksyde, Scorponok went to check on Megatron, who'd grown increasingly frustrated by his inability to decode the encrypted files on the stolen disk. When Scorponok suggested that he could lend his own skills to the task, Megatron throttled his subordinate and told him to help Tarantulas get the lay of the land. On the way out, Scorponok yelled at Waspinator, who'd just returned from a reconnaissance flight, to do his job and survey the area. Savage Landing Part 2
After the Predacons had captured Nyx,and decided to execute the helpless Maximal after a fruitless interrogation, Scorponok took part in the proceedings before the conflicted Dinobot turned on his nominal comrades and, after a brief fight, trapped them all inside the Darksyde while he and Nyx escaped into the jungle. Savage Landing Part 3 While trapped in the ship, Scorponok played a hand of cards with Waspinator; when Tarantulas finally unscrambled the ship's systems, Megatron ordered all the Predacons to find and eliminate the traitorous Dinobot. Savage Landing Part 4 The Predacons tracked the two all the way back to the crashed Axalon, and launched a full-scale attack on the ship. In the ensuing melee, Scorponok went up against Cheetor, but found himself flummoxed by the agile Maximal's speed. Savage Landing Part 5 When Rattrap successfully reactivated the Axalon's shields, the other Maximals retreated... all save Dinobot, whose unfamiliar spark signature prevented him from passing through the deflector shields. Though Dinobot confidently assumed that he could take five Predacons at once, Tarantulas ambushed the ex-Predacon and stabbed him through the chest, and the other Predacons joined in to beat Dinobot to the brink of death before Optimus Primal turned the ship's guns on the Predacons and forced them into a retreat. Savage Landing Part 6
Weeks later, Scorponok accused Terrorsaur of treason when Terrorsaur suggested that Megatron's obsession with decoding the Golden Disk was a sign that he was losing his mind, and ordered Terrorsaur and Waspinator to join him on a routine energon-gathering run. Pod Part 1
When the recently activated Blackarachnia joined the Predacons, Scorponok attended a Predacon banquet intended to commemorate their unexpected victory. While the other Predacons went out to search for more downed stasis pods, Scorponok suggested that Skold could help with some routine maintenance, but was surprised when Skold told him she just wanted to be left alone. Thicker Skin Some time afterwards, Scorponok watched in shock as Skold befriended and subsequently beheaded their prisoner Powerhug. Skold's No Good, Very Bad Day
While supervising a routine training session, Scorponok and Terrorsaur again found themselves at odds when a bloodthirsty Terrorsaur began criticizing Megatron's recent decisions and suggested that he take command. After Megatron violently reminded Terrorsaur of his place, the Predacons came under attack from the Maximals, who'd rigged up an improvised shuttlecraft and used it to launch a bombing run on the Darksyde. Maximals Strike Back, Part 1 During the battle, Scorponok faced off against Rhinox, Maximals Strike Back, Part 2 until Cheetor redirected Blackarachnia's stun blast and used it to take Scorponok out of the fight. Maximals Strike Back, Part 3
At some point, Scorponok took part in a skirmish over energon that ended with Cheetor getting injured. The Speedway of Central Consciousness
With Terrorsaur dead, Waspinator partnered with Scorponok to search for energon in the jungle, and the two stumbled across a pack of particularly aggressive mutant animals. The pair discovered a strange lode of red energon; when they brought it back to their base, Tarantulas discovered that the substance possessed unusual, aggression-enhancing properties capable of turning anyone who came too close into violent berserkers. When Scorponok pointed out that the stuff didn't seem to affect him or Waspinator, Tarantulas pointedly asked what that said about the pair. Primal Rage
Later, Optimus and Megatron's encounter with the Vok and their servants forced them to declare a temporary truce and work together to forestall the Vok. Scorponok and Rhinox worked together to salvage whatever they could from the Darksyde's transwarp engines and potentially beam a message back to Cybertron, but while working discovered signs of treachery that pointed to Megatron. When they investigated, they found that Tarantulas, the only other person with access codes had already cut a deal with the Vok and set about sabotaging the Maximal-Predacon alliance; after capturing the treacherous scientist, however, Tarantulas retaliated by unleashing Terrorsaur's reanimated zombie corpse. As Terrorsaur rampaged through the ship, Scorponok tried to raise the alarm by contacting his comrades aboard the Axalon. Moments after sending the transmission, Tarantulas and Terrorsaur found him; although Scorponok tried to put up a fight, Terrorsaur easily killed him and drained his energon. The Beginning of the End
War for Cybertron Trilogy continuity
War for Cybertron Trilogy marketing material
The Predacons traveled across time to find the AllSpark and change the fate of Cybertron. While battling the Maximals on pre-Ice Age Earth, both sides were joined by the Autobots and Decepticons, their epic battle changing their combined destinies forever.
Scorponok's function was a guard, and he trans-scanned into a scorpion. His Cyberbee and mega missiles were his powers and weapons, and his core traits were his dutifulness, single-mindedness, and strength. Scorponok's message from the future was that he will be deceived by someone he thought was on his side. Kingdom webpage[1]
During the collective battle, Scorponok pursued Skywarp and the Autobot Sideswipe. Battle Across Time Collection marketing material[2]
In a possible destiny recorded on the Voyager Golden Disk, Scorponok was present when Blackarachnia became a Maximal. In other possible destiny, he was part of the united Maximal-Predacon faction lead by Dinobot. Kingdom Golden Disk cards
War for Cybertron Trilogy cartoon
- Voice actor: Danny Hansen (English)
Predacon Scorponok was one of the many Predacons who came to earth as part of Megatron's crew. Kingdom episode 1 He was sent to intercept Rattrap along with Astrotrain before he could free Airazor. Though they initially succeeded, the two Maximals were saved by Mirage, who decloaked and punched Astrotrain. Just when he thought he had finally subdued Rattrap, Mirage, as Astrotrain, talked him down. Mirage freed Airazor before they were discovered. Kingdom episode 2 Multiples of him attacked Airazor and Blackarachnia while they were trying to hack into the Nemesis's systems. Kingdom episode 5 He was one of the Autobots, Decepticons, Maximals, and Predacons who fought against Galvatron and Nemesis Prime. He later got to walk off into the sunset with the other Decepticons and Predacons after Cybertron was restored. Kingdom episode 6
Transformers Go! Go!
This section covers fiction that is ongoing. It will be added to as the story progresses. If it isn't current, you can help by updating it.
Beast Wars: Transformers video game continuity
Beast Wars: Transformers video game advertising comic
Upon arriving on "Planet Energon," the dangers of Energon radiation forced the six surviving Predacons and their Maximal adversaries to take on beast alternate forms. Beast Wars: Transformers video game advertising comic
Beast Wars: Transformers video game
- Voice actor: ??? (English), ??? (Japanese)
Many Beast Wars combatants had managed to construct personal bases, customized to their personal tastes, due to the extended duration of the war. Scorponok built a desert operation in the a desert area, mining Energon. Scorponok joined his fellow Predacons in battling not only the persistent Maximal resistance, but the interdimensional monsters known as the Skriix.
Maximal campaign
Scorponok's mining operation was causing damage to the environment. A lone Maximal investigated, and after the Maximal traversed the dangerous desert and reached the base, he confronted Scorponok, and his many drones. Notable among the drones under Scorponok's command was a giant, purple, mechanical scorpion. After destroying most of Scorponok's drones, the Maximal needed to battle Scorponok himself. The conflict began outside Scorponok's interior base, a structure protected by a shield and autoguns. Once the shield generators and autoguns were destroyed, the Maximal moved in and forced the Predacon to fall into a canyon. After following his opponent downwards, the Maximal finally killed Scorponok.
Predacon campaign
Due to the nature of this game, a player may select various individual characters to perform the feats required in every level, and complete the game's narrative. Thus, any playable Predacon can fill the role of protagonist in Predacon Mode. To view the various feats Scorponok can accomplish throughout gameplay in Predacon Mode, it is told on the Beast Wars video game page, wherein Scorponok fills the role of the nameless Predacon.
Duel Fight Transformers Beast Wars
Megatron was capable of summoning Scorponok forth to the battlefield in his attempts to acquire the super-powerful Energon Quartz. Duel Fight Transformers Beast Wars
Scorponok was part of Megatron's forces when a huge earthquake uncovered Energon. He took part in an ambush of the Maximals, so that the Predacons could gain control of this new resource. Beast Wars
Transformers: Battle Tactics
Scorponok participated in battles against a variety of opponents, both Autobots and Decepticons. Sometimes there were lots of him! He was a Super Rare character available as a reward for the "Beast Wars Episode 2" event. Battle Tactics
Transformers: Forged to Fight
Scorponok was one of the Predacons pulled from his universe by the Quintessons and forced to fight. He eventually joins the Commander. There are at least a few of him running around! As a Warrior, He builds Venom Charges with each Power bar, which can be unloaded on enemies as Backfires and other strong effects with more charges, or they regenerate some health on Scorponok when attacked. His Cyberbee Special attacks Daze enemies making them miss their ranged Special attacks. Forged to Fight
Transformers Roleplaying Game
Despite his otherwise low intelligence, Scorponok was a talented Predacon codebreaker who was fiercely loyal to Megatron. When not fighting on the front lines, he specialized in creating dangerous computer viruses capable of hacking other Cybertronians.
In an alternate universe, Scorponok was exposed to the quantum surge and gained an airborne Transmetal form with the power to control magma. Technorganic Secrets
Beast Wars
- Takara name: Scorpos
- Takara ID number: D-2
- Takara release date: 1997/1998
- Accessories: Cyberbee drone, 2 missiles
- Known designers: Takio Ejima (TakaraTomy), Masakatsu Saito (concept artist)
- Part of the first-year Beast Wars Mega Class toys, Scorponok transforms into a fairly organic but highly inaccurate black scorpion. The right pincer contains a small, spring-loaded bee drone which can be launched, while his left pincer has a spring-loaded double missile launcher activated by pulling the top part of his claw open far enough to trigger the launcher. His tail also has a spring-loaded "stinging" action activated by pushing forward on a lever halfway up the scorpion tail. All three gimmicks are available in both modes.
- As one of the first toys released in the Beast Wars line, he features a "mutant head" gimmick; the halves of his mutant mask clamshell over his robot face from the sides.
- In Japan, "Scorpos" was initially released without notable changes from the Hasbro version in 1997. In January of 1998, he and most of the rest of the show-cast toys were redecoed to be more "show-accurate", with wildly varying degrees of success. Scorpos's black plastic was replaced with a charcoal gray, and the connecting red pieces were colored a lighter shade, almost orange. Both versions also came with a character bio card.
- One should take care not to stress the pin that holds the cyber bee in his claw, it's fairly frail.
- This mold was later used to make Sandstorm and Double Punch.
- Hokkyoku no Taiketsu: Whiteclaw VS Scorpos (Vs set, 1996)
- ID number: VS-2
- Accessories: Cyberbee drone, 2 missiles
- In Japan, Scorpos was available both as an individual and in an "Arctic Showdown" (北極の対決) two-pack with Whiteclaw. Both toys are identical to their individual releases. It is unknown if the set ever came with the redecoed "show-like" version of Scorpos.
- Both toys are packaged in beast mode with their smaller partners deployed, making it look like the fight isn't going so well for Whiteclaw.
- Scorponok (Happy Meal promotion, 1998)
- McNumber: 4
- Since Scorponok got killed off in order to introduce new prod—er, characters, he was granted a "Transmetal" toy as part of the second McDonald's Beast Wars Happy Meal promotion. He transforms like every other Scorponok, except his shoulders can't go lower than a few degrees from pointing up, meaning all he can do is "raise the roof." It's cast mostly in gauche magenta and "metallic" gold soft-plastics to prevent little kiddies from breaking it. Like the other McDonald's Transmetals, he lacks a third "vehicle" mode. Unlike the others, he actually bears a passing resemblance to his previous body featured in the Beast Wars cartoon.
Combiner Wars
- Fractyl w/ Scorponok (TFSS 5.0, 2016)
- Accessories: Gun
- Part of the fifth and final portion of TFSS 5.0 toys, Combiner Wars Scorponok is a redeco of Generations: Thrilling 30 Legends Class Scamper, transforming into a six-wheeled Cybertronic sports car with side-mounted cannons. He comes with a gun which can peg onto his hands and back/roof via 5 mm post.
- Scorponok comes in a box with the Deluxe-sized Fractyl. This set was released alongside the Lifeline and Quickslinger 2-pack.
- This mold also served as the model for Metrodash in the Legends comic.
Generations mold: Scamper |
War for Cybertron: Kingdom
- Predacon Scorponok (Deluxe Class, 2021)
- Hasbro ID number: WFC-K23
- TakaraTomy ID number: KD-17
- TakaraTomy release date: January 29 March, 2022
- Accessories: Cyberbee drone, "Mega Missile"[3]
- Known designers: Mark Maher (Hasbro), Ittoku Kuwazu (TakaraTomy)[4]
- Released to commemorate the 25th anniversary of Beast Wars, Kingdom "Predacon Scorponok" (named as such to distinguish this Scorponok from his namesake) transforms from a Beast Wars cartoon-accurate robot to a realistic scorpion in 24 steps, albeit in blue-grey, lavender, and red. Scorponok also has a pair of missiles (in one piece) and his Cyberbee, each with a 5 mm post compatible with the C.O.M.B.A.T. System/F.O.S.S.I.L. Technology, and can store into each of his claws.
- If the scorpion legs are out of the way, the stinger tail can reach over his head in robot mode, as it features multiple joints. Unfortunately, due to transformation, the stinger tail loses most articulation in beast mode. The toy is a shorter-than-average Deluxe Class toy, as Scorponok, akin to other shorter Deluxes like Cliffjumper or Huffer, was a shorter-than-average character in fiction.
- Much like most of the toyline, Scorponok comes with one of four possible holographic Golden Disk cards for his wave, which reveals a possible destiny of a key character.
- Initially set for a January 29, 2022 release by TakaraTomy, Scorponok was delayed to March 2022.
- This figure was retooled into Legacy Predacon Sandstorm.
Vintage Beast Wars
- Scorponok ("Ultra", 2022)
- Accessories: Cyberbee drone, 2 missiles
- In celebration of the 25th anniversary of Beast Wars, the original 1996 Mega Class Scorponok was reissued under the Vintage Beast Wars lineup. Scorponok features all the same accessories and functionality as the original toy but differs in plastic coloration. The biggest difference is the black plastic parts which have been changed to a more cartoon-accurate gray.
- Much like Vintage G1, Scorponok is packaged in a box styled after the original Beast Wars toy packaging, package art and all. Also similar to Vintage G1, the time disparity since the original release has the toy set at over double the price of the toy's 1996 release, $41.99 versus $15. This figure is exclusive to Walmart in the United States.
Buzzworthy Bumblebee
Admit it, you bought this for the bug.
- Creatures Collide (4-pack, 2022)
- Series: Legacy
- Accessories: Cyberbee drone, missile, alternate head
- Known designers: Mark Maher (Hasbro)
- Part of the Buzzworthy Bumblebee "Creatures Collide" 4-pack, this "Predacon Scorponok" is a redeco of the Kingdom figure, decoed to match his original Beast Wars toy in predominantly black, red, and translucent indigo plastics. He again includes his Cyberbee and missile accessories, the latter of which is now awesomely tampographed with Maximal insignias like in his early appearances in the cartoon (see below). Scorponok also includes a copy of this mold's alternate "mutant" head, which originally debuted with Legacy Predacon Sandstorm, with the instructions encouraging buyers to swap and change the heads at the neck ball joint (though encourages you to yank the head forward, rather than upward as the instructions suggest).
- This set also includes Autobot Goldbug, Ransack, and Skywasp. The Buzzworthy Bumblebee line was exclusive to Target in the U.S.
- Gankyō no Taiketsu (Multi-pack, 2023)
- ID number: BWVS-02
- Release date: September 30, 2023
- Accessories: Cyberbee drone, 2 missiles
- Known designers: Hisashi Yuki (TakaraTomy), Hidetsugu Yoshioka (packaging artist)
- Released as part of the Beast Wars Again line, the "Tough Showdown" (頑強の対決) set contains Scorpos and Rhinox. Scorpos is a redeco of Kingdom Predacon Scorponok in slightly more cartoon-accurate colors and detailing; the "biggest" change being his groin and lower legs are now the same gray as the rest of his body.
- Scorponok (Jungle Missions, 2025)
- Beast Wars Movie Coin (1997)
- Released only in Japan, Scorponok was one of ten characters from Beast Wars to receive a movie coin.
- Beast Wars Transformers Mutating Card Game (1997)
- Scorponok was one of the 24 beast warriors to receive a battle card representation for the Beast Wars card game.
- Whiteclaw vs Scorpos (candy toy, 1997)
- ID number: 2
- Part of Kabaya's Beast Wars Choco line of blindpacked candy toys, this small soft-rubber figurine was paired with Polar Claw and included a bio card and candy-covered chocolates. The figures were available in either translucent purple or translucent black rubber.
- Scorpos (candy toy, 1997)
- ID number: 2
- A small PVC Scorponok figurine molded onto an irregularly-shaped stand was released alongside fizzy candy by as part of Kabaya's Beast Wars Ramune line.
- Scorponok (2006/2007 unreleased)
- This was to be a 7-or-8-inch tall resin bust of Scorponok released as part of a Beast Wars tenth anniversary series by model company First 4 Figures. Scorponok would have been sculpted to be accurate to his Beast Wars cartoon design, and would likely have been depicted from the waist and upwards on a base or pedestal. His digital sculpt was shown to toy news sites by First 4 Figures at New York Toy Fair in February 2006,[5] and the company had also allowed BigBadToyStore to solicit him for sale.[6][7]
- Mini busts in the planned Beast Wars line were designed to reflect the scale of the characters as seen in the cartoon, and each was set to be limited to 1,996 pieces, in a nod to the franchise's year of origin.[5] Unfortunately, Scorponok and the rest of the Beast Wars bust line were cancelled, with First 4 Figures citing a challenging marketplace and lack of retailer interest.
- A preliminary name for the character was "Shockwave".[8]
- Scorponok (and fellow Mega Class figure Polar Claw) was first advertised on the back of the Optimus Primal versus Megatron two-pack at the start of the Beast Wars line in transparent orange and blue plastic (at right). Another version cast in pink translucent plastic and having the final claw coloration surfaced in 2006, although this could likely be explained by the random plastics used in test shots. Some early animation test shots included on Madman Entertainment's Beast Wars Season 2 DVD release show Scorponok in his orange and blue color scheme, as does the painted artwork from the 1996 Beast Wars Happy Meal promotion box.
- An early idea for Scorponok's launching drone wasn't yet a Cyberbee, but... another smaller scorpion! [9]
- Scorponok's CGI animation model had an unusual tendency to switch from having yellow-colored optics to red-colored optics at random—sometimes within the same scene of a given episode. Most of the time he had yellow, though.
- In the first few episodes, Scorponok's missiles had Maximal faction symbols on them, a Cybertronian equivalent to carving the name of your next victim on your bullets. Many viewers failed to pick up on this symbolism, though, and they were promptly replaced with Predacon faction symbols to avoid confusion.
- In the first few episodes, Scorponok spoke in a way resembling Waspinator's speech patterns, although with a noticeably increased difficulty in rational thinking, using his own name to refer to himself rather than using pronouns. As the episodes progressed, as Scorponok was forced into more active roles, his speech slowly grew more sophisticated until he was on the same level as most of his fellow Predacons, though his incompetency remained the same.
- In the Japanese dub of Beast Wars, the unique verbal tic assigned to Scorponok was a habit of endlessly chanting ora ora ora. He speaks with a thick American accent, pronouncing Japanese words poorly (particularly his way of announcing "henshin"). Another quality exclusive to the Japanese version of Scorponok is that he can be heard weeping like a child in both "Double Jeopardy" and "Dark Designs".
- In the French dub of Beast Wars, Scorponok often punctuates his phrases with "clac clac" (an onomatopoeia for the clapping clamps) at the end or in the middle of his phrases, or while listening to someone talking to him.
- Scorponok's pre-Beast form in "Theft of the Golden Disk" is a recoloring of Cybertron Scout Class Shortround. However, in "Dawn of Future's Past", his body is based on Energon Ultra-sized Scorponok. Even though the latter story is set immediately after the former, there would be no real opportunity for him to change bodies in between.
- Production materials for "Theft of the Golden Disk" gave Scorponok the pre-Earth name of "Scorponaut".[10] As this name did not make it into the final product (with Backslash referring to Scorponok by the nickname "Clamps"), the name's canonicity remains questionable. It almost got made canon by Jim Sorenson as the name for the Beast Wars: Uprising incarnation of the character, but the idea was nixed.[11]
- Combiner Wars Scorponok was a last-minute "accessory" addition to the TFSS, made only after Fun Publications discovered that they were losing the Club license. The addition was made purely for the sake of thematically completing the crews from the "Dawn of Future's Past" set; had they not been losing the license, he probably would have been delayed a year and made from Robots in Disguise Warrior Class Bisk instead.[12][13]
- In the 2021 Beast Wars comic, Scorponok's vehicular Cybertronian body shares physical similarities with his aforementioned appearance in "Dawn of Future's Past", but with a different color scheme influenced by his Combiner Wars toy.[14]
- Japanese: Scorpos (スコルポス Sukoruposu), Scorponok (スコルポノック Sukoruponokku)
- French: Scorpinor
- German: Scorpinok
- Italian: Scorpionok
- Korean: Scorpinok (스콜피녹 Seukolpinog)
- Mandarin: Jù Xiē (巨蝎, "Giant Scorpion")
- Polish: Skorpinor'(Voice Over), Skorpinok(Canal + Dubb)
- Spanish: Escorpicón (America, "Scorpicon")
- ↑ Kingdom webpage
- ↑ Battle Across Time Collection on Amazon
- ↑ Hasbro Pulse product description: "Comes with his classic Mega Missile and Cyberbee drone accessories that can be inserted into his claw."
- ↑ Transformers panel at Hasbro Pulse Fan Fest 2021
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 "First4Figures Limited Transformers Statues and Busts Info!" at (archived)
- ↑ "Update from Transformers and G.I.Joe Statues and Busts!!!" on
- ↑ BigBadToyStore's listings for First 4 Figures' busts (archived)
- ↑ Hasbro concept presentation for McDonald's collaboration, scanned by Instagram user @roboticplanettoys
- ↑ Transformers Beast Wars: Beast Generations, p105.
- ↑ Trent Troop, Tumblr, "Scorponaut - 3d Rendering", 2011/11/03
- ↑ "[Was there anything we had to drop from the stories?] I feel certain there has been, but nothing of major substance. Cosmetic changes mostly. Scorponok was originally called Scorponaut, for instance."—Jim Sorenson, The Allspark forums, "Beast Wars Uprising: AMA", 2016/10/15 (archive link)
- ↑ "I remember someone that FP saying that the only reason Scorponok was made from Scamper was because the only thing that could be added to the FSS after the ax fell was accessories, and the club really wanted to finish out the first-year Beast Wars crew. Any idea what you might have used for a Scorponok if you weren't constrained by such concerns?"—Jim Sorenson, The Allspark forums, "Pete's Robot Convention and twerk academy.", 2017/07/03 (archive link)
- ↑ "Yeah we wouldn't have made him in 5.0, would have seen the Bisk mold, and Scorponok would have had his clampy claws."—Jesse Wittenrich, The Allspark forums, "Pete's Robot Convention and twerk academy.", 2017/07/03 (archive link)
- ↑ "Scorponok is a subtle nod to the TF Collector Club version in the chest. I picture a similar car alt mode. Tarantulas is actually based on a popular fan idea of a repaint of Cybertron Brakedown. Megatron takes a lot of cues from botcon toy as well minus the huge missile 🙂"—Josh Burcham, Twitter, 2021/02/03
Beast Wars Again
If you build it, they will play.
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