Shattered Destiny - Transformers Wiki

This article is about the comic story. For the mobile game event, see Shattered Fates.

The battle for the Origin Matrix comes to a head.



Really, Fun Pub? On the last page you give us the guys we were expecting to see in the first chapter?

Outside of the alien chamber, Megatron stands encased in his saurian Gigastorm Armor, demanding the Maximal's surrender. Undeterred, the Maximals fire upon the titan, and manage to cause great damage... but the regenerative Pretender technology quickly heals the armor's wounds, and Megatron orders his Predacons forward. God Neptune and Magnaboss merge and engage; Grimlock takes on Autolauncher on the ground; and Depth Charge dogfights with Autojetter and Dirge. Ultra Mammoth demands that Megatron come on out and face him, but Megatron reveals that even if he wanted to, his armor is now one with him. Ultra Mammoth realizes that by hurting the suit, he hurts Megatron, and fires his cannon at full blast. Unfazed, Megatron transforms into a battle platform, unleashing his firepower on the battlefield. With the other Maximals down, things look dire, and Megatron moves in to take the Origin Matrix. Mammoth, however, does not back down; using the Origin Matrix as a power source, Mammoth opens a rift in spacetime, sucking Megatron and the other Decepticons in. Depth Charge tells Mammoth and the others to follow the Decepticons and protect the multiverse from his evil. Mammoth is reluctant to leave him behind, but when two heavily-damaged ships emerge through the portal, Mammoth is forced to leave Depth Charge to deal with the two temporally displaced intruders. Depth Charge wishes him luck, and flies out to investigate.

Arriving at a lush, grassy area where one of the ships has crashed, Depth Charge moves in to inspect the crash. A hatch opens on the side of the ship, and Depth Charge is taken aback as a strange, oddly peaceful group of Predacons emerge from the ship, wondering where they are. Depth Charge sighs, resigned at the prospect of doing it all again.

Featured characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)


"Your warriors have fallen, you are weakness incarnate, and I hold all the power! You don't even deserve the mercy of surrender - I will take what you found. Now."
"No Megatron... what you don't understand is that it is always darkest before the dawn!"

Megatron and Ultra Magnus

"Aaaaaaand here we go again!"

Depth Charge senses impending Beast Wars.


Continuity notes

  • The idea that Pretender technology has regeneration capabilities was shown with Megatron's previous forays with the technology, using it to bring Starscream back to life (and inadvertently giving Ratchet a chance to bring back Grimlock, Bumblebee, and Jazz), as seen in issue #58 of the Marvel The Transformers comic.

Transformers references

  • Megatron's armor is finally given the name the "Gigastorm Armor", after the Beast Wars II character it is repurposed from.
  • The two ships that emerge from the portal are obviously Shattered Glass versions of the Axalon and the Darksyde from Beast Wars. It's a bit hard to tell with the "portal effect", but their colors appear to be swapped. The Beast Wars Darksyde landed in a volcanic, barren area-here, the Darksyde lands in a grassy area, surrounded by water.
  • Depth Charge swears by the Last Autobot, an ancient Cybertronian introduced in the final issues of the Marvel The Transformers comic.
  • The Predacons, as with most Shattered Glass characters, take their designs from a variety of places:
    • Megatron is a virtual redeco of his positive-universe counterpart's Deluxe Class Beast Wars 10th Anniversary toy in the colors of Beast Wars Optimus Primal's first body. His sole line of dialogue is "oh, noooo", reversing his positive-universe counterpart's tendency to drag out the word "yes".
    • Waspinator is a virtual redeco of his positive-universe counterpart's Generations Thrilling 30 toy, in the colors of Beast Wars Waspinator's Fox Kids' Transmetal toy. A toy of this deco would later see release at BotCon 2015 as the Waruder Marauder drone Mudfighter, while an online profile for Waspinator himself would later see release at the very end of 2016 to officially repurpose Mudfighter's toy as Waspinator.
    • Terrorsaur is repurposed from Beast Wars Lazorbeak, who was himself a redeco of Terrorsaur's positive-universe counterpart.
    • Tarantulas is repurposed from his positive-universe counterpart's Fox Kids Transmetal toy.
    • Dinobot is repurposed from his positive-universe counterpart's Universe toy.
    • Scorponok is repurposed from BotCon 1999's Sandstorm, himself a redeco of Scorponok's positive-universe counterpart.

Real-world references

  • Tarantulas quips that "[the Predacons] aren't in Polyhex anymore," paraphrasing the famous "Kansas" line from The Wizard of Oz.