Shazraella - Transformers Wiki

Lady Shazraella is an alien from the IDW portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.



Lady Shazraella is an alien from Microspace and the wife of Hraal Karza. Possessing all of her husband's cunning but none of what little mercy he has, Shazraella does not see herself as a saviour like her husband. If their realm is to die, then so be it. All that matters to Shazraella is turning the situation to her advantage and what power she stands to gain from this.


2005 IDW continuity


You just know she and Quintessa are in the same bookclub.

In her youth, Shazraella was betrothed to the Emperor's son, the Red Falcon, before she conspired with her future husband, Defense Minister Karza, to execute him. When the Emperor succumbed to grief-induced madness, which grew worse when the destructive Entropy Cloud began expanding from the very heart of Microspace. Karza, Shazraella, and Daegon placed the Emperor in stasis while the trio ruled the empire. The entropy storm continued to worsen, sparking a schism between Karza and Daegon which grew into a civil war. The New Colossus

When the displaced Camien Windblade appeared, Shazraella interrogated the Transformer, telling her about the Microspace War. After some brief electric torture, Windblade told her about Cybertron before Shazraella was called away at Karza's request, though she told the intruding handmaiden to eject herself into space. Informed

A year after Karza had made a failed attempt to use Dire Wraith magic and Ore-13 to save Microspace, Valley Forge the Ministry of Defense triumphed but the entropy cloud continued consuming worlds. Shazraella convinced her husband that Microspace was a lost cause and that the only way for their people to survive was to conquer Earth as a new home. Wrath of Karza #1 After establishing a base of operations in New York City, Shazraella was eager to enact a human genocide before Karza talked her down. When a Repto brought the news that Larissa had perished, Shazraella seized the opportunity to convince her husband to take more extreme measures. Wrath of Karza #2

She later implored her husband to finish his tale regarding the Time Travelers where he revealed the conundrum that owing to the nature of the Travelers and the Entropy Cloud, Microspace could not be saved from the cloud without its own existence being negated in the process. Wrath of Karza #3 Seeking to take matters into her own hands, Shazraella conferred with a Time Traveler while crafting a new suit of armor. She reappeared once the Micronauts and Autobots had defeated Karza, now wreathed in Time Traveler energy. Wrath of Karza #4 Absorbing the energy of the Time Travellers, she unleashed the time-warping energies they possessed, repeatedly warping the Transformers and Micronauts into other time periods. She was defeated when Karza—horrified at the possibility of unleashing the entropy cloud on another universe—put aside his feud with his enemies to take down his mad wife. At the last moment, Oziron Rael, now a Time Traveller himself, returned from disintegration and forcibly separated the mad Time Traveller responsible for the entropy cloud from Shazraella's body. In the aftermath, Shazraella was left alone on Earth, staring out over San Francisco, musing that she still had cards of her own to play. Wrath of Karza #5

When Joe Colton, acting as "Baron Ironblood," began his genocidal campaign against Cybertron, he realized he had to act outside the law and set out to recruit a cabal of super-villains to aid him. First Strike #0 He and Miles Mayhem tracked her to an Onyx facility, where she had attempted to enerchange with the internet to learn more about Earth. Initially uninterested in Colton's dream of conquest, Shazraella was nonetheless intrigued by Mayhem's recollection of Karza's enerchange with Micronus Prime, and the possibility of obtaining a Cybertronian form for herself. Enticed by the offer, Shazraella accepted, with Colton promising her that she could have whatever remained of Cybertron when he was done with it. Hitting the Big Time


The cornerstone of Colton's plan, Colton brought Shazraella to Cybertron with the rest of the Iron Ring, piggybacking the M.A.S.S. Device off Metrotitan's Space Bridge. By using Shazraella's enerchanging ability to merge the Talisman, its energy anathema to all Cybertronians, with Cybertron's core, its effects would poison all the energon on the planet and consign Transformers to a slow extinction. With Storm Shadow as a bodyguard, Shazaraella fused with Antagony before strapping the Talisman to her back and using Antagony's memories to find Metroplex's central vent, which would allow them the quickest path down to Cybertron's core, warning her accomplices to stay close because, after all, Cybertron was a dangerous place. First Strike #2 As the group descended deeper into Cybertron, they installed sound dampeners to prevent Soundwave from detecting them. When Garrison Kreiger insulted her, Shazraella triggered a section of Metroplex's internal defenses as a reminder that she was helping them and as such, demanded respect. First Strike #3 After Colton delayed the group with his insistence on setting up a variety of traps, Shazraella informed them that they had lost an hour, which allowed the Titan to locate them. The floor then sprung to life as the Titan attempted to crush the villains, only for Shazraella to physically impair the transformation sequence, allowing them to proceed. When they reached the end of Metroplex however, Sunstreaker caught up with them, nearly shooting off Shazraella's hand before Colton shot him into stasis and the group escaped into the underground. First Strike #4 500 meters from the core however, Cybertron detected their presence and began unleashing lightning bolts to defend itself. After Colton saved Kreiger from falling to his demise, Shazraella pulled them both to safety as she explained the Insecticon swarm to Storm Shadow, before declaring her approval of the ninja. After pulling the two men to safety, Colton scolded the Microspacian's selfish attitude, prompting her to half-heartedly warn Mayhem about an Insecticon. Once the swarm had been defeated, Shazraella led the group towards the core only to find their path barred by Optimus Prime and Scarlett's group. First Strike #5

Shazraella engaged Arcee in combat, eagerly hoping to take the Autobot's body as an upgrade, losing her hold on the Talisman in the process. When the Council of Worlds arrived to arrest everyone, Garrison Kreiger ran towards the Talisman and activated it, revealing himself to be an alien wizard known as Merklynn before he created the city of New Prysmos, and teleported everyone back to Iacon. The Iron Ring was then arrested with Shazraella being forced to release Antagony. First Strike #6


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