Silverbolt (Fuzor) - Transformers Wiki

  • ️Wed Aug 15 2007

The name or term "Silverbolt" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Silverbolt (disambiguation).

Silverbolt is a Maximal from the Beast Era portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.


He was on "The Daily Show" before Jon Stewart. For real.

"Pure, strong, and fast", Silverbolt's sense of right and wrong is so overdeveloped his fellow Maximals wonder if his programming has a glitch. He speaks in lofty platitudes of chivalry, nobility, and idealized heroism; his speeches make even Optimus Primal roll his optics. His conviction is both his strength and his weakness. He sees the world in black and white—and not just because his beast mode is partly canine. The only gray area for Silverbolt is Blackarachnia. His fierce love for the "evil" Predacon causes him to question his preconceived notions of right and wrong. He was very proud of his ability to convert Blackarachnia to the Maximals, and, though most of the Maximals are skeptical of her loyalty to the cause and to him, he has nothing but faith in her.

Though threatening your own comrade is no doubt business as usual in the Predacon guide to villainy... it is simply unacceptable behavior in my book!

—Silverbolt, "Bad Spark"



Cartoon continuity

Beast Wars cartoon

Voice actor: Scott McNeil (English), Mitsuo Iwata (Japanese), Yu Zhenbo (Chinese), Bruno Rocha (Portuguese), Marco Pagani (Italian), Pierre Forest (French), César Soto (Latin American Spanish)


The more you know! (da da da daaaaa)

The explosion caused by the destruction of the Vok Planet Buster sent all stasis pods crashing to Earth. Some pods' scanners were damaged in the shock wave and eventual crash-landing, resulting in the Fuzors, a blend of two beast forms and the advanced Transmetal technology. One of these Fuzors was the winged wolf Silverbolt, while his neighbor was the violent, psychotic cobra-scorpion Quickstrike, who immediately picked a fight with the peaceful Silverbolt upon their activation. The fight was interrupted by Megatron, who tricked both Fuzors and recruited them into the Predacons. Silverbolt felt the faction's activation code and Megatron's orders to attack the passing Cheetor to be distasteful (seeing how the cat had not attacked them), earning furious punishment from the Predacon leader. Soon, he and the other Predacons faced the remaining Maximals in battle. Coming of the Fuzors (Part 1)

Silverbolt and Waspinator were sent on to attack the Axalon directly, only for Silverbolt to be shot down by the ship's auto-guns. To his surprise, the Maximals took him back to their base for repairs, rather than finish him off. This act of compassion and Dinobot's own admission of defection led him to make an important decision and he joined the Maximals, saving the newly reborn Optimus Primal from Megatron. Coming of the Fuzors (Part 2)


Brave, strong, fast ... and never without utensils.

Soon afterwards, while on patrol with the much more laid-back Rattrap (who spent a lot of the time pointedly ignoring Silverbolt's lines of honor and virtue), Silverbolt encountered the alluring Blackarachnia when Tarantulas and Quickstrike were attempting to set up a forward base. She was somewhat surprised by his complete refusal to strike her simply because she was a female and used it to her advantage to attack him. However, the Maximal had no such compunction against fighting the coarse Quickstrike. Tangled Web

During another mission, Silverbolt was shot down by Waspinator, who was prevented from taking the Maximal away by Rattrap. Silverbolt was able to return to base to fetch Optimus, and the pair were in time to prevent Dinobot, who had attempted to defect back to the Predacons, from being slagged by Megatron. Maximal, No More Silverbolt and Optimus arrived at an alien site unfortunately much too late to prevent Tigatron and Airazor from being abducted. They returned to the alien site later, and were blasted by an alien construct which appeared there. Other Visits (Part 1) Silverbolt and Cheetor, recovering quickly from the blast by virtue of their Transmetal properties, returned to the Axalon carrying Rhinox and Dinobot. They would later take part in a diversionary assault on the Metal Hunter in order to allow Rattrap and Tarantulas to slip inside and rescue Primal. Other Visits (Part 2)


Blackarachnia likes it rough.

The discovery of a stasis pod containing Protoform X led Silverbolt to once again encounter the dark temptress Blackarachnia, who was less than amused that he refused to fight her. After an energon explosion blasted them both across the jungle, damaging Silverbolt's wings, they were forced to journey together by foot. Silverbolt saved Blackarachnia from a saber-toothed tiger, and she in turn saved him from a nasty fall, however he was unable to get her admit there was any sort of Maximal goodness lurking within her. They soon encountered Protoform X, and Blackarachnia helped the Maximals defeat it, but was knocked off the cliff. Silverbolt once again came to her rescue, despite her protests that she didn't need help. Bad Spark

Though not having known Dinobot for long, Silverbolt took part in his funeral. Code of Hero While searching for a Predacon jamming tower, Silverbolt protected a stasis pod from Inferno. The pod contained a strange mutated Transformer which would later be dubbed Transmutate. Silverbolt appealed to Transmutate that the Maximals offered it friendship, however Transmutate fell in with the Predacons, swayed by Rampage. Transmutate led Silverbolt into a trap, allowing Rampage and Inferno to damage the Fuzor, but joined the Maximals following a rescue mounted by Optimus. Though the other Maximals wanted to put Transmutate into stasis lock, Silverbolt argued strongly against it. After Transmutate was accidentally destroyed by Rampage and Silverbolt who were fighting over the creature, Silverbolt was anguished, and told the other Maximals to leave Rampage to mourn. Transmutate


Silverbolt's in the dog house.

Silverbolt found himself reluctantly sneaking off to meet with Blackarachnia, providing her with a graviton generator for the hoversled she was building. Despite his secrecy, the other Maximals seemed all aware of what he was up to, with Rattrap insinuating all sorts of activities. The Maximals were joined by a Predacon secret agent, Ravage, who invited them to help him capture Megatron. During their attack on the Darksyde, Silverbolt again refused to attack Blackarachnia, allowing her to leave the field of battle, much to Primal's annoyance. The Agenda (Part 1)


"See that star? I bought it for $300 on the Internet. Totally legitimate!"

Though Cheetor was assigned the task of bringing Blackarachnia in, Silverbolt rendered his fellow Maximal unconscious, himself going to find Blackarachnia. Locating her in pursuit of Waspinator, he pleaded with her to join the Maximals, and refused to leave until she did, even after she shot him in the thigh. While they were distracted, the hoversled hit Waspinator, forcing Silverbolt to once again save a disgusted Blackarachnia. The Agenda (Part 2) He subsequently aided her in digging into the side of a mountain, to discover within the Ark. When Megatron arrived, Silverbolt was the playing card to convince Blackarachnia to open the doors to the Ark and allow him inside. The Agenda (Part III)


Damn you, Salazar! DAMN YOU, SALAZAAAARRR!

Soon after, when Optimus Prime was injured enough to cause a time storm, Blackarachnia and Silverbolt used the Ark's systems to start repairs on the Autobot leader. Silverbolt helped his fellow Maximals defend the Ark against Megatron and, a short time later, stumbled on Blackarachnia who had been shot by the Predacon leader during his escape. Silverbolt cradled Blackarachnia in his arms, delivering a long melodramatic speech and howling when she went offline... only for the others to point out that she was just in stasis lock and would be fine once she got some repairs. With the loss of the Axalon, the Maximals moved in to the cavern housing the Ark. Optimal Situation


He and Blackarachnia would hang out on sentry duty together. Deep Metal Sent on another mission, Silverbolt delivered Rattrap in a subaquatic stealth vessel to salvage Sentinel from the remains of the Axalon. Though Rattrap retrieved the module, the pair ran into trouble in the form of the Predacons, and were ultimately prevented from getting away clean when they literally ran into Depth Charge. Changing of the Guard

When Cheetor seemed to be developing a crush on Blackarachnia, Silverbolt made no secret of his jealously, especially when the pair were assigned a mission together without him. Cheetor and Blackarachnia quickly got into danger, attacked by Tarantulas and some cyber raptors, and naturally Silverbolt was first to come to their aid. Cutting Edge Cheetor would later go missing after a dangerous mission with Depth Charge. Though he joined in the search, Silverbolt was jealous at Blackarachnia's apparent concern for their comrade. Confronted by a feral beast, Silverbolt and Rattrap were surprised to be told by Primal that it was Cheetor, upgraded into a Transmetal 2 form by Megatron's transmetal driver. Feral Scream Part 2

The Maximals investigated the possibility of removing Blackarachnia's Predacon shell program, causing her to flee into the woods. Silverbolt convinced Rattrap not to tell the others, so he could find her personally, only to get in the middle of a fight between Blackarachnia and Dinobot. Though he and Blackarachnia managed to defeat Dinobot, she was still determined to leave the Maximals, until they revealed that the decision to go through with the procedure to remove her shell program was up to her. Proving Grounds


There's a new boy in the neighborhood / I'd like to meet him if I could

Silverbolt interrupted Blackarachnia during an experiment she was attempting to undergo in order to convert herself into a Transmetal 2. The failure of the experiment caused her shell program to degrade, leading the Maximals to attempt the tricky procedure of removing it. Disruption caused by the Predacons caused Blackarachnia's death, and an enraged Silverbolt set out to dismantle Tarantulas in retaliation. Though he swiftly defeated Tarantulas, Silverbolt was brought down by Rampage, who was about to finish off the Maximal when a revived and upgraded Blackarachnia arrived to rescue her boyfriend. Silverbolt was overjoyed at her recovery. Crossing the Rubicon


Space Invaders is serious business!

When Waspinator mounted a solo attack on the Ark, Silverbolt was his only casualty. The attack was simply a diversion to allow Tarantulas to deliver a device to put Quickstrike in control of Optimus Primal. The other Maximals ended up locked in a cage, bar Blackarachnia, who was able to rescue them so that they could help fight off Megatron, who had upgraded himself by stealing the spark of the original Megatron. Master Blaster

Following the destruction of the Predacon base, Silverbolt and Depth Charge searched for the Predacons by air. They found their foe, however Depth Charge set off a boobytrap, which damaged Silverbolt. Despite his protests that it was merely a scratch, the fact that his head fell off severely undermined his argument, and Silverbolt found himself being escorted back to base for repairs. Nemesis Part 1 He was repaired in time to help the other Maximals attempt to get the Ark moving before Megatron arrived with the newly discovered Nemesis. Though they failed, Megatron was still defeated, and the Maximals set course for Cybertron in the Autobot shuttle they'd found. Nemesis Part 2

Beast Machines cartoon

Voice actor: Scott McNeil (English), Mitsuo Iwata (Japanese), Fang Shuqiao (Chinese), Marcus Jardym (Portuguese), Massimo Bitossi (Italian), Helmut Gauß (German), Daniel Lema (Castilian Spanish), David Manet (French)


but i... finally got... shadows...

When the Autobot shuttle arrived in Cybertron's orbit, it was attacked by shots from from the surface. Once it crash-landed, Silverbolt fled with the other Maximals while being chased by tank drones. However, he and Rattrap were among the last to be hit with canisters of Megatron's transformation virus. Descent

When the Maximals found themselves back on Cybertron running for their lives from armies of Vehicon drones, their memories of their past had been tampered with. Even Blackarachnia could not remember Silverbolt fully until she hacked into the memory backup on their ship. Fires of the Past


Sadly, this was the coolest Silverbolt would get in Beast Machines...

Blackarachnia began to suspect that Silverbolt's spark might be inside one of the Vehicon Generals. At first, she erroneously thought it was within Thrust, but after a mishap with some technorganic goop, Silverbolt's spark was proven to be inside Jetstorm (and Thrust turned out to be Waspinator, whose amorous advances were tragically spurned by the arachnid chick). For a precious few moments, Silverbolt's consciousness was completely awoken within Jetstorm's body, reverting him to his old personality, until the goop was absorbed completely and Jetstorm's shell program reasserted itself. The Catalyst

Obsessed with bringing Silverbolt back, she hounded Jetstorm, demanding he remember their shared love and return to the Maximals. Needless to say, Jetstorm was vexed by this. When Rattrap created a gizmo that would help them transfer the stolen Transformer sparks into new bodies, Blackarachnia stole it. Leading Jetstorm into the planet's organic core, she attached the gizmo to his back and trapped the Vehicon in a pool of the technorganic goop with her webs. After much screaming, reformatting, and brilliant light, Silverbolt was reborn as a condor, having scanned skeletal remains inside the cavern in the process.


...for he later became... Purplebolt! The World's Deadliest Peacock!

Counter to Blackarachnia's expectations, Silverbolt was not pleased. Gone was the Maximal who exemplified honor and chivalry, replaced with one who desired only retribution and vengeance. "I was a fool back then", he once said. "I believed in things". Distraught, Blackarachnia managed to convince him to come along with her to help rescue Optimus Primal and Cheetor from inside Megatron's Big Floating Head, but Silverbolt did not accompany her for their friends, as he was not interested in them. He went to confront Megatron.

Megatron, seeing that his general had been reformatted into a Maximal, tried to seduce Silverbolt back to his side. Silverbolt was told he was a creature of honor who fought for just causes, and that Megatron gave Silverbolt not only a just cause (the technological purity of Cybertron), but also the power and strength to fight for that cause. Blackarachnia countered at every point, pleading with Silverbolt to remember their love and friendship. Silverbolt ignored her, bitterly retorting that Megatron had given him nothing. With nearly insane fury, he let loose a volley of feather bombs, disrupting Megatron from within. Cheetor and Primal were rescued, and Silverbolt was dragged away from the battle.

Slightly calmed, Silverbolt was later approached by Blackarachnia. He confided in her the real reason for his anger: it was not what Megatron had done to him, but that he'd been freed from his code of honor and enjoyed the experience. He did not trust himself any longer. This did not deter Blackarachnia. She believed, no matter what, that Silverbolt had goodness in his heart. In Darkest Knight


Who goosed the goose?

Silverbolt's return to the Maximals was not without its hiccups, however. When he formally returned to the group, Megatron used giant mechanical drill-tentacles to damage the city and get the Maximals' attention... as well as activate a new strain of the ancient Hate Plague virus hidden in Silverbolt. After infecting everyone and nearly scrapping each other, they managed to cure themselves. Silverbolt was bummed about being used, but Optimus gave him a pat on the shoulder and said "Hakuna matata". Or words to that effect. A Wolf in the Fold

When a spaceship was shot down and crashed into the city, Silverbolt was teamed with Nightscream to reach it from the air, and he had to endure the young Maximal's harsh words and attitude, brought on by the Hate Plague incident. Silverbolt fought against the crazed space plant on the shuttle, then against a horde of Tank Drones in their underground base, and his actions finally allowed Nightscream to warm up to him. Home Soil


"You are all weirdos!"

After a battle against Thrust and his cycle drones, Silverbolt chewed Blackarachnia out for losing focus during the battle. Nightscream later approached Silverbolt to tell him not to be such a jerk to Blackarachnia, but Silverbolt wasn't interested in listening and flew off, pursued by the younger Maximal. The pair soon encountered trouble in the form of two new Vehicon Generals, Obsidian and Strika. Though they were joined by the other Maximals, the Vehicon Generals out-thought them at every turn, and they were only saved when Botanica intervened. Still, Silverbolt didn't fancy their chances against the new generals. The Strike

During the search for the missing sparks, Silverbolt was teamed with Cheetor and Blackarachnia. Though he wasn't keen on taking orders from Cheetor, whom he regarded as a kid, despite Blackarachnia asserting that Cheetor had grown up a lot since the Beast Wars. Eventually Cheetor was able to prove himself sufficiently to earn Silverbolt's respect. The Search With the discovery that the missing sparks were aboard the Grand Mal, Cheetor, Nightscream and Silverbolt set about keeping the Vehicons busy while Optimus and the others sneaked on board. They were too late to prevent the beginning of Megatron's spark-fueled ascension, though it was ultimately halted by Nightscream. Silverbolt joined the other Maximals in mourning the loss of Nightscream's friend Noble.The Siege


Now that we've won, we can bang like everyday ordinary really ugly people.

Despite Megatron's apparent demise, Silverbolt was reluctant to renew relations with Blackarachnia. The pair's discussion was interrupted by an attack by a zombie animated by a strange red spark. The Maximals hunted the spark through the streets of Cybertropolis, only for it to turn out to be Megatron after Rattrap forced it into the body of a Diagnostic Drone. Spark of Darkness

The Maximals struggled to protect the Grand Mal and the sparks it contained, Silverbolt, Blackarachnia and Nightscream were sent out to wreak havoc in the ranks of the Vehicons in an attempt to distract them. The Vehicons eventually overcame the Grand Mal's shields. The Downward Spiral The Maximals received a power up from the Oracle and were able to hold their own against the Vehicons, until Megatron cut off their power boost. Silverbolt was taken out by Thrust, and Blackarachnia by Obsidian. Their sparks were subsequently torn out by cycle drones. When Legends Fall Though unable to aid physically, the Maximals gave Optimus Primal moral support during his duel with Megatron. Following the Great Transformation, the Maximals' sparks were returned to their bodies. Silverbolt's old personality reemerged—only for him to ruin the moment by saying the corniest line he could think of. And more power to him. Seeds of the Future

3H comics

Voice actor: Scott McNeil (English)

Silverbolt and Rattrap came upon Packrat and Onyx Primal battling the Predacons Vice Grip and Fractyl. Although Silverbolt was gung-ho as always when it came to rescue fellow Maximals, Rattrap didn't want to bother, them being "repaints" and all. Silverbolt disregarded Rattrap's commentary and charged right in. Apparently, their phenomenal entrance took out half the landscape. It must have really been something to see. After the Predacons had been driven away, the Maximals were attacked by a mysterious shadowy figure. Thankfully, Optimus Primal soon came around to help out with the situation. Visitations

Later, Silverbolt and the other Maximals set out to investigate a temporal anomaly detected by Rhinox. They encountered the Predacons en route. The two factions were locked in a firefight, though the advantage lay with the Predacons. After Megatron took off to reach the time-traveller that both teams had previously detected, Optimus was forced to pursue him, leaving his troops against insurmountable odds. The Predacons eventually began to push the Maximals back towards a cliffside. Then, suddenly, Predacon fire ceased entirely. The situation had not become any safer however, the Maximals now had to contend with Windrazor, the aforementioned time-traveler, possessed by Unicron's dark essence. Though Windrazor was able to expunge Unicron from his systems, the much more powerful Shokaract appeared immediately aftwerwards... Paradox

Shortly after the Great Transformation of Cybertron, the Quintessons invaded in full force, hoping the recent ecological and biological upheaval would tip the balance in their favor. Silverbolt and Blackarachnia led a counterforce in Cybertropolis, where they had little trouble against the Sharkticon armies. Wreckers: Finale Part II


Y'know, his life would have been way easier if he'd just settled down with Airazor instead.

One year later, five great Autobot heroes (Sideswipe, Sunstreaker, Trailbreaker, Shadow Striker, and Roulette) returned home to a peaceful planet. Amidst a media blitz and celebration, Silverbolt, Blackarachnia, Cheetor, and Rattrap were among the Maximals to greet them.

However, what appeared to be celebratory fireworks struck Silverbolt and Blackarachnia and also the five Autobots. They were transported to the fiery Pit deep within Unicron, where all but Trailbreaker were rebuilt painfully into new bodies. Silverbolt was piece-by-piece reassembled into a version of his original Fuzor form.


Angsty Redux

Seeing an arena up ahead, the seven moved towards it, only to be attacked by a swarm of shape-shifting, lava-like creatures. Though they fought, they were overwhelmed and taken into a nearby arena, the Cauldron, where they were caged along with a multitude of Transformers kidnapped from across the multiverse. Silverbolt believed he recognized some of their jailers, such as variant versions of Tankor and Obsidian, but the being he thought was Tigerhawk wanted Silverbolt to know that he was, in fact, Razorclaw! The three (and Reptilion) were from different universes, and they oversaw the battles that took place within the Cauldron. Here, Silverbolt would fight and die, his extinguished spark meant to feed the damaged Chaos Bringer. Abduction

As Sunstreaker and Sideswipe battled, Silverbolt noticed another intruder within the Cauldron - Optimus Primal! Could it be? Silverbolt and Trailbreaker used this distraction to hatch an escape plan. Since their cells were tuned to their bodies, the two swapped personality data, allowing them to leave their cages. Freeing the others, they and Optimus Primal rushed the guards and headed back outside of the arena. Optimus Primal and Snarl opened a portal back home to Cybertron, which would have made a happy ending for Silverbolt, but instead Blackarachnia and Shadow Striker betrayed them. Corrupted by the Unicron virus that persisted within their bodies since their experience within the Pit, Shadow Striker and Silverbolt's beloved had finally succumbed to its demands. Blackarachnia bid a final goodbye to Silverbolt and pushed him through the portal to safety. Once Silverbolt arrived back home, he quietly vowed to bring Blackarachnia back into the light. Escape


Okay, is it my turn to be evil again next?

Silverbolt joined several other of the escapees at the Oasis Research and Development Facility, where a stranded alternate universe Ratchet attempted to remove the virus from Sideswipe's new form with no success. He and Cheetor wondered aloud whether they could truly trust this resurrected Primal. Silverbolt noted that they'd all seen how the virus had corrupted Blackarachnia, and the same could have happened to their former leader. Homecoming

During the war, Rhinox built a device to counteract Unicron's attempts to abduct Transformers from across the multiverse. Two such attempts were only partially successful, sending the would-be abductees to a barren, icy planetoid. This necessitated the deployment of a rescue team consisting of Rattrap, Silverbolt, and Waspinator but also prompted Unicron to deploy a team of Minions to the planetoid. Working with the victims of Unicron's abduction attempt as well as the crew of an Autobot freighter accidentally pulled in from the past by Rhinox's device, the rescue team successfully fended off the Minions and sent everyone back to their proper realities and eras. Voice Actor Drama

This conflict with Unicron went on for an unspecified amount of time, until one last desperate raiding party on the Chaos Bringer, which included Primal, Silverbolt, and many others. As they fought the armies of Unicron, suddenly, without warning, Unicron began to dissolve beneath them. The Universe War finally resolved, Silverbolt carried away a presumably redeemed Blackarachnia with him towards a portal leading home. Revelations Part 2

Razorclaw continuity

In one splinter timeline of Primax 496.22 Alpha, minor atmospheric fluctuations caused Silverbolt's stasis pod to crash on the far side of Earth from the Axalon. With the absence of Silverbolt's intervention, Megatron killed the Maximals who opposed him. Silverbolt's stasis pod was presumably destroyed later when his reality was consumed by the timestorm caused by Megatron's machinations. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/08/07

Dreamwave Generation One continuity

On the way back to Cybertron after the end of the Beast Wars, Blackarachnia and Silverbolt dozed off to sleep while cuddling each other. Ain't No Rat

Shell Game was never published. The following would have taken place in unpublished issues.

They awoke, affected by a Transwarp agitator planted on the shuttle by a new team of Predacons hiding on Earth. This device caused Silverbolt and the other Maximals aboard to act aggressively towards one-another, and they tried to force Rattrap into the ship's C.R. Chamber due to its influence. Rattrap resisted, managed to get away, and deactivated the ship's Transwarp drive. Though this restored the Maximals to their senses, it also returned them to prehistoric Earth. Shell Game #1

Not long after Megatron combined his spark with that of the original Megatron, he had Quickstrike plant a device in the Maximal base. The device magnified the Maximals' aggression, and Silverbolt was soon trying to stop Rhinox from mangling Blackarachnia. After Optimus intervened, Silverbolt attacked him and was thrown aside, as Primal too succumbed to the device's effects. Luckily the Maximal leader was able to use his recent experiences to overcome the device and free the other Maximals, and they then chased Megatron off. A Meeting of Minds

Blackarachnia was trying to persuade Silverbolt that it was all right for them to resume their romance after Megatron's apparent death, when they were attacked by a strange zombie-like creature. Silverbolt assumed the creature was a Maximal with its spark restored, and tried to reassure it that it was safe, only to be blasted by it. Singularity Ablyss

2006 IDW Beast Wars continuity

As Magmatron surveyed the timestream, he witnessed several key moments taking place during the Beast Wars. Among those moments was Silverbolt and Quickstrike's initial recruitment into the Predacon ranks. The Gathering #1

Wings Universe

Following the Great Transformation of Cybertron, Silverbolt and his friends stood guard over Cheetor as their leader attempted to commune with the Oracle. Alpha Trizer's profile

Waspscream continuity

In Primax 208.06 Zeta, the machinations of the Starscream from Primax 206.15 Gamma resulted in Silverbolt awakening in a scenario where the Maximals were losing to the Predacons. Realizing that he had little in common with either side, Silverbolt struck out on his own, but after the hybrid Waspscream seized control of the Predacons, he had Silverbolt captured in order to tie up loose ends. However, on the return trip to Cybertron, Megatron escaped and conquered the planet with a transformation virus, converting the populace's bodies into Vehicons. Upon the arrival of Waspscream's crew, Silverbolt, Scorponok, and Inferno were captured and converted into Vehicon Generals, Silverbolt becoming Jetstorm. Waspscream's Predacons later liberated Silverbolt from his Vehicon slavery, but he and Terrorsaur later died screaming at the command of brutal Vehicon General Obsidian. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/08/16 During the Universe War, this Obsidian would remark on this event to the Silverbolt of Primax 797.18 Epsilon. Abduction

Ask Vector Prime

As a result of spacetime shockwaves caused by Ravage in Primax 785.06 Alpha, a quantum duplicate of the Autobot shuttle carrying the victorious Maximals home from the end of the Beast Wars in Primax 496.22 Alpha was spawned. The shuttle was shunted to Primax 903.0 Beta, where Unicron destroyed it, scattering its crew into transwarp space. The Alternity shepherded the "shipwrecked" Primal, Rhinox, Rattrap, and Silverbolt to Viron 102.0 Beta in order to fight the similarly displaced Megatron, who schemed to take over this reality's Cybertron by capturing the populace's sparks and converting their bodies into Vehicons. Guided by the Oracle, Primal's forces fought the long and arduous "Allspark Battles", eventually triumphing over Megatron's Vehicon hordes. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/09/30

Following the Great Transformation, Silverbolt and the other surviving Maximals listened to Cheetor explain that Rhinox's spark was not gone for good, but lost in another universe. Bonus Edition Vol. EX After Rattrap and Waspinator were sent to retrieve their comrade, Silverbolt was elated to see the two return with Rhinox accompanying. Bonus Edition Vol. EX

A Change to the Agenda

After Megatron attacked Optimus Prime and was thrown out of the Ark when Blackarachnia activated the ship's defense systems, Silverbolt and the other Maximals attempted to heal the wounded Autobot. However, Megatron was not thrown far enough and the Predacon managed to reenter the Ark and blast the Autobot leader, decisively erasing the Maximals from the timeline. A Change to the Agenda In the wildly different timeline that followed, Silverbolt's life would take a very different track.

Beast Wars Metals manga

Following the Quantum surge, Silverbolt was upgraded into a Transmetal and left stranded somewhere on Energoa, far away from the other Maximals and presumed dead by Rattrap. After Optimus Primal was reborn, Silverbolt could be seen staring poetically at the Moon from somewhere on the planet. Beast Wars Metals #1

Following the defeat of Megatron, Silverbolt was collected by Tigerhawk and reunited with his crew. He also encountered Blackarachnia and the two hit it off immediately. Beast Wars Metals #6

Universe CD-ROM

The Autobot Silverbolt followed Optimus Primal in fighting against Reptillion and his Decepticon forces. He engaged Razorclaw in combat, but was probably defeated by him as the latter moved on to fight Striker. After the Decepticons were abducted by a mysterious ship, Silverbolt asked his leader just what the heck that thing was. Universe CD-ROM

The Axalon crashed in Mexico sometime around 1,000 BCE, and the Maximals and Predacons fought many battles across the land. After Tarantulas and Waspinator enslaved a local tribe of humans, one of the young warriors escaped and encountered Silverbolt. Detecting the energon dust on the human's hands, Silverbolt tracked it back to a cave inside which he found the two Predacons. He swiftly dispatched Tarantulas, but was still struggling with Waspinator when the cave collapsed, and he was later forced to dig his way out. The Natiltec, who had been able to escape during the battle, dubbed Silverbolt "Fire-in-the-Dark", and inscribed the story of his great battle into a cave wall. The inscriptions were found and translated some three thousand years later by an archaeological team of humans and Mini-Cons. Fire in the Dark

Beast Wars: Uprising

As one of the Maximals forced to continue the war which the Autobots were no longer able to fight, Silverbolt was part of a small team under the command of Optimus Primal that went up against the Darksyders. He and Rhinox were both killed early in the conflict, spurring the others to rebel against Primal and the status quo. Prologue

Metals Silverbolt

Train Wars

When the Fallen attacked Cybertron in the hopes of merging with Vector Sigma, Overdrive sought additional help using the power of his Quantum Dial. Further empowering the dial with the help of the Oracle, Overdrive reached across space and time to recruit inter-dimensional warriors, including a Transmetal version of Silverbolt. Train Wars The Fallen assumed a combination form, however, and managed to impale Silverbolt and the reinforcements using energy spikes. Metroplex, the Trainbots, the Train Team, and the Liner Team soon arrived to turn the tide, and the Fallen was ultimately defeated. In the aftermath, Silverbolt was returned home by the Omnibots. Train Wars 2

Smokescreen cheered on the Fallen in the battle against Silverbolt and the heroic opposition. LG-EX Big Powered Prologue Part One

An excitable teenaged part-timer at Axalon Trading Company and fan of the live-action Transformers movies, Silverbolt tried to talk about them with Rattrap after hearing that he liked Transformers too, only to learn Rattrap was exclusively a fan of Beast Wars. Though Rattrap provided him with a Beast Wars toy to show what he was talking about, Silverbolt failed to see what was so great about it. To prove the lasting popularity of the franchise, Rattrap then dragged Silverbolt by the ear to a toy store and showed him how many times the toys had been remade and rereleased. The Youth Gap Together with Rattrap, Rhinox and Tigatron, Silverbolt visited the Transformers Celebration 2014 event, where he enjoyed listening to a message from Tesshō Genda and had his picture taken on a Grimlock statue (though poor lighting conditions messed up the photo). Legends Bonus Vol.

After the event, Silverbolt, Rattrap and Rhinox looked over the toys they'd bought, with Silverbolt showing off his Leader class Optimus Prime. He thought it was really cool, and was annoyed when the other two made fun of its "backpack". He in turn annoyed Rhinox by transforming his Classic Optimus Prime into robot mode when the G1-loving rhino really preferred keeping it in vehicle mode. All three of them then made food comparisons to the weapons wielded by Rattrap's Dinobot toys until they all got really hungry. TF4 Toy Party The same group later visited Tokyo Toy Show 2014, where they were left discouraged after running into Optimus Primal who thought they were all too old to be at a toy event. They recovered upon seeing Masterpiece Star Saber, a toy aimed at adult fans that even Silverbolt thought looked cool. He went on to react to Rattrap's actions, being surprised by how much he liked Animated and commenting that he didn't have to force a joke after seeing a heartwarming scene of Primal playing with his son. Tokyo Toy Show 2014 Report

At work, Silverbolt and Rattrap had to endure Rhinox's constant praise of the 80s, an era neither of them were interested in. Their interest was briefly piqued by Rhinox's claim that Japan had no consumption tax back then, but Silverbolt looked it up and found the statement to be false, the tax having been instanted in 1989. The Era Gap He and Rattrap later tried to figure out the mystery of Airazor and Nightscream's genders by following them to the restroom, only to find their company had no male restrooms. The Bathroom Gap One time when President Primal left for business, he warned his employees not to touch his bananas. They immediately hosted a banana party and ate them by the dozens, which got very embarrassing when Primal immediately returned. Even Though I Told You Not To... Silverbolt was present at the office when Rattrap showed up in a realistic Transformer body, Bonus Edition Vol. 1 and later had his smartphone transformed into an unwieldy 80s mobile phone by Rhinox-turned-Tankor's 80s Transformation Beam. Bonus Edition Vol. 3

Silverbolt celebrated Christmas by having cake at a karaoke place with some of his co-workers. Merry X'mas!! Together with Rattrap and Waspinator, he met Sky-Byte on the streets of Tokyo after he'd been blasted into their dimension. Bonus Edition Vol. 6

When Rhinox was turned into Tankor one day, Silverbolt and Waspinator similarly woke up in the bodies of Jetstorm and Thrust, respectively. Seeing a kinship between them, Tankor asked the two if they'd join him in turning the world into a paradise of original Transformers, but the young Jetstorm disagreed, since in his eyes "Transformers" equaled "Michael Bay". The pair's refusal angered Tankor, and a battle broke out between the three Vehicons. I'm Tankor, dana!

As Silverbolt again, he attended Tokyo Toy Show 2015, where he witnessed Black Convoy cause trouble. Bonus Edition Vol. EX After their office building was smushed by Metroplex, Silverbolt and the other Axalon employees relocated to his city mode. The Mysterious Knowledgeable Grandpa Chapter They were later menaced by Armada Megatron, who sought to take all their toys for himself. LG-18 Armada Starscream Super Mode Prologue Following Megatron's defeat, Silverbolt was among the greedy collectors attempting to claim his abandoned, valuable Unicron of Light toy for themselves. Bonus Edition Vol. 18

Like all the non-hardcore Transformers fans, Silverbolt didn't recognize Deadlock when he arrived from Cloud World, and had learn more about it from Waspinator. The group of fans was then sent to Cloud World themselves when SARA went out of control, but were swiftly returned. Bonus Edition Vol. EX While visiting the TransformersFes 2016 event, Silverbolt met the Rattrap of another universe. Bonus Edition Vol. EX He and his friends later got in Skids's way to try and stop him from capturing all the interdimensional visitors to the Legends world. Bonus Edition Vol. 20 Silverbolt was hired to play Wrecker Hook in Transformers: Convobat Amazon Showdown, Bonus Edition Vol. EX and cheered on Ginrai for defeating Devil Z (but mistook him for Optimus Prime). Bonus Edition Vol. 35 He witnessed the Dimensional Patrol place the city under lockdown for a time, Bonus Edition Vol. EX and was among the citizens eaten by Trypticon and used as power sources. Bonus Edition Vol. 43

Silverbolt was seen on the streets of Neo Akihabara City after it was rebuilt in the wake of Trypticon's attack. Targetmaster Chapter Prologue He later got kicked around by Repugnus when he was learning to control Brawn's mech suit, Bonus Edition Vol. 48 was given Beastformer army when White Leo attempted to recruit Legends citizens into his army, Bonus Edition Vol. 51 and watched Mayor Megatron introduce the world's new protector, Broadside. Bonus Edition Vol. 53 He visited Wolf Circus to check out the opera singing wolf, Noble. Bonus Edition Vol. 63

Commercial appearances

An eagle and a wolf screamed in horrifying agony as they were sucked inexorably toward their searing, fiery death in a lava pit... Only to emerge as Silverbolt, who burst out of the molten lake and flew off! Fuzors commercial


Transformers: Beast Wars Transmetals (PS)

Voice actor: Scott McNeil (English), Mitsuo Iwata (Japanese)

Maximal story

When the Axalon came under heavy Predacon fire, Silverbolt concurred with Optimus's plan to use it as an opening to retake the Golden Disk. He joined Primal's team in chasing the Predacons back to the Darkside, successfully retaking the Disk. However, though Megatron appeared cornered, the group learned that the Predacons had managed to infiltrate the Axalon in their absence. As Megatron took off, Silverbolt and the others hurried back to base. Transformers: Beast Wars Transmetals (PS)

Predacon story

Silverbolt joined Optimus Primal in an attack on the Darkside, but this was revealed to be part of a plot by Megatron, and he and the other Maximals were swiftly overtaken, being beaten all the way back to the Axalon before being left badly damaged on the ground. Fortunately, Rhinox arrived and activated Sentinel's defenses before the Predacons could finish them off. Transformers: Beast Wars Transmetals (PS)

Move list

Robot Mode Beast Mode
Special attack Feather Missile Special attack Sonic Cutter
Super attack Spark Feather Barrage Super attack Rising Talon Barrage

Silverbolt was the first to arrive at the crash-site of a large stasis pod marked with a red "X". Soon joined by the Predacons Blackarachnia, Waspinator, and Terrorsaur however, Silverbolt finds himself having to fight the new arrivals until the scuffle leads to unleash Rampage from within the stasis pod. Rampage subsequently blows away Blackarachnia and Silverbolt into a hostile swamp, where they need to rely on one another to survive. Despite starting out as bitter enemies, Blackarachnia and Silverbolt soon find they have much in common and begin to form a bond. When they return to the battleground where Depth Charge has joined Blackarachnia's teammates, Silverbolt and Blackarachnia aided in Rampage's defeat, just in time for Megatron's arrival. When Sparks Fly

Transformers: Battle Tactics


Silverbolt Fuzor participated in battles against a variety of opponents, both Autobots and Decepticons. Sometimes there were many of him! He was a Super Rare character available as a reward in the "Transmetals: Beast Wars - Episode 2" event. Transformers: Battle Tactics

Transformers Roleplaying Game

Silverbolt was a deeply moral Maximal, and even cynical comrades like Rattrap couldn't help but admire his willingness to put himself in harm's way to protect his teammates. Silverbolt's Spark was later used to power the Vehicon General Jetstorm. Technorganic Secrets


Beast Wars


Watch out for my deadly spoons!

  • Silverbolt (Deluxe Fuzor, 1998)
  • Takara ID number: C-41
  • Accessories: Left & right feather-missiles
  • Known designers: Masakatsu Saito (concept artist)
Part of the first wave of Fuzors, Silverbolt transforms into a wolf with the wings, forelegs, and tail of an eagle. In either mode, pulling his tail activates a spring-loaded "wing flap" gimmick. Moving the wings far enough forward triggers their built-in spring-loaded missile launchers. Silverbolt's missiles are also designed to be held in his hands like clubs. Unlike in the show, Silverbolt's wings are permanently horizontally aligned in robot mode, rather than shifting vertically.
For his Japanese release as part of Beast Wars Metals, Silverbolt's grey plastic was made much lighter, and the wolf eyes were given painted irises and pupils.
This mold was redecoed to make BotCon 1999's Windrazor and the Universe version of Silverbolt.
  • Yūmō no Taiketsu: Silverbolt VS Metals Rampage (VS pack, 1999)
  • ID number: VS-41
  • Accessories: Left & right feather-missiles
In Japan, Silverbolt was available both individually and in a "Brave Showdown" (勇猛の対決 Yūmō no Taiketsu) two-pack with Metals Rampage. Both toys are identical to their individual releases.

Beast Machines


Guess why I was packaged in robot mode!

  • Silverbolt (Basic, 2000)
  • Accessories: Wing-pack/sword
  • Known designers: Shogo Hasui (TakaraTomy)
Part of the third wave of Beast Machines Basics, Silverbolt transforms into a technorganic condor. His wings have a snap-together feature, and the entire wing assembly detaches to form a hand-held shield-blade for robot mode. His condor mode looks so awkward that it is possible his real beast mode was originally intended to be a griffin.

Universe (2003)


Admit that I'm beautiful. ADMIT IT.

  • Silverbolt (Deluxe, 2003)
A purple redeco of the original Fuzor toy and part of the very first assortment of Universe product, Silverbolt transforms into a wolf/eagle fusion. He retains all of his previous gimmicks, but includes more paint applications this time around, such as pupils in his wolf mode eyes and the lightning-like "energon surge" deco on his back. This version also adds an Autobot sigil to his tummy gem. The socket for the gem is retooled from the prior version, though this is not externally visible.
According to the toy's deco artist Brian Parrish, then-design lead Aaron Archer threw out purple as the base color when he asked for a starting point,[1] ostensibly simply to "fill out the color roster".[2]

Beast Wars Returns


Like lipstick on a... condor... thing.

  • Silverbolt (Basic, 2005)
  • ID number: BR-10
  • Release date: March 31, 2005
  • Accessories: Wing-pack/sword
In 2005, the Beast Machines toy was redecoed for the Takara Beast Wars Returns series in a much more show-accurate purple color scheme. Like the rest of the line, he was only available at Japanese Toys"R"Us stores.

Generations (Japan)

TFGenerations2014 Rejected Silverbolt.jpg

  • Metals Silverbolt (2015)
    • Accessories: Presumably grapple launcher, 2 shoulder weapons
A mock-up of a "Metals Silverbolt" (メタルシルバーボルト) toy in the form of a Prime: Beast Hunters Deluxe Class Grimwing redeco was shown in Transformers Generations 2014 Volume 1 as one of ten potential exclusives for Vol. 2. In the poll held to determine which of the ten would be produced, Silverbolt came in third place with 14.8% of the votes, losing out to Goshooter.[3]

Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.



Wow, they remembered season 2 happened!

  • Beast Wars Universe Silverbolt (Voyager Class, 2024)
  • TakaraTomy name: Silverbolt
  • TakaraTomy ID number: TL-58
  • TakaraTomy release date: March 25, 2024
  • Accessories: Left & right feather-missiles/blades
  • Known designers: Mark Maher (Hasbro), Shogo Hasui (TakaraTomy)[4]
Released in the second wave of Legacy: United Voyager-class toys, Silverbolt is an updated version of his original Beast Wars design, featuring greater articulation and show accuracy. Most conspicuously, in robot mode his now-articulated wings now rest on his back (albeit considerably lower than on his show model), and his feather-swords are painted. The toy is in fact so show-accurate that it has large non-functional hinges sculpted in front of the shoulders to mimic the original show model (and original toy).
Strangely, Silverbolt's upper wing segments and missiles are sculpted asymmetrically: on one side he has one large peg-and-socket interface, on the other he has two smaller ones. The reason for this is unknown.


Beast Wars Ramune


Outnumbering enemies 6-to-1: heroic!

  • Accessories: stand
Kabaya released a painted, non-articulated PVC figurine of Silverbolt in its Beast Wars Ramune line - specifically, in the final wave known as "Metals Hero Ramune."

Metallic Beast Ramune


Moral clarity

  • Accessories: Feather swords (2)
A non-transforming snap-together kit produced by Kabaya, depicting Silverbolt's robot mode sculpted almost entirely from transparent plastic, with only the wings being opaque grey. Visible through the clear plastic is a chromed metallic endoskeleton and chromed wing feathers to play into the Transmetals / "Metals" theme of this product line (even though Silverbolt himself was, of course, a Fuzor). This figure was produced in two variants, with the chromed pieces available in either blue or gold.

Robot Heroes


He will beat you to death with his mighty wheat!

  • Silverbolt & Megatron (Two-pack, 2008)
Part of the "Beast Wars Series" of Universe-branded Robot Heroes, Silverbolt comes packaged with Transmetal Megatron. He has the standard shoulders-and-neck articulation.


  • According to Bob Forward, Silverbolt's "white knight" personality was based on that of Lancelot du Lac.[5]
  • In the Japanese dub of Beast Wars, Silverbolt was not portrayed as a stereotypical "knight in shining armor" as he was in the West. Instead, his unique character quirk was that he was psychotically polite and always happy no matter what. Silverbolt spoke in polite-form Japanese and had a habit of shouting English-language phrases, speaking like a stereotypical American (polite-form Japanese being the form Americans are taught, the Japanese often mock them for constantly using it). His verbal tic was a habit of shouting "DESU!" over and over again ("desu" being a part of polite-form Japanese, used to end sentences respectfully). Like all verbal tics in the Japanese dub, Silverbolt chanted it incessantly, including every time he fired his weapon.
  • Unlike his fellow Fuzor Quickstrike, Silverbolt's beast mode does not appear to be Transmetalized, though he seemed to benefit from the same protection as those who were. This did not extend to his role during Beast Machines however, where he was susceptible to paralysis after the Transformation virus disabled him and Rhinox, the only two explicitly non-Transmetalized Maximals.
  • According to various Hasbro representatives, Universe Silverbolt's colors (and those of pretty much the entire first wave of Universe product) were done by Hasbro employees from outside the Transformers team.
  • Silverbolt's robot mode in Beast Machines was heavily designed after a traditional Japanese samurai.
  • According to Steven Melching's commentary on Beast Machines episode 25, he made the changes to Silverbolt based on the evolution of the Adam West Batman into the Dark Knight.
  • The Beast Wars: Uprising incarnation of Silverbolt was never visually depicted, but a concept redeco was mocked up using Prime: Beast Hunters Deluxe Class Dreadwing, the same toy used to model Uprising Windrazor.[6]
  • According to Hasbro designer Mark Maher, handling Silverbolt's original Beast Wars toy is what inspired prolific TakaraTomy design legend Shogo Hasui to become a Transformers designer in the first place.[7]

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Silverbolt (シルバーボルト Shirubāboruto)
  • French: Silverbolt (Beast Wars dub), Silverbot (Beast Machines dub), Vif-Argent ("Quicksilver", Canada toy)
  • Italian: Grifo
  • Mandarin: Yín Láng (Taiwan Beast Wars, 銀狼, "Silver Wolf"), Yín Shǎndìan (Taiwan Beast Machines, 銀閃電, "Silver Bolt"), Shǎndìan (China Beast Wars, 闪电, "Bolt"), Pīlì Xiá (China Beast Machines, 霹雳侠, "Thunderbolt Knight")
  • Polish: Srebrny Grom
  • Spanish: Silverbolt (Spain), Rayo de Plata (America, toy, "Silver Bolt"), Lobo Plateado (America, cartoon, "Silver Wolf")


  1. 1.0 1.1 December 9, 2024 Interview with Hasbro designer Brian Parrish on the "Triple Takeover" podcast, from their YouTube channel.
  2. "Evan worked with the person who made the Universe 2003 Silverbolt, the designer just wanted to make him purple to fill out the color roster."—Evan Brooks, TFW2005, "SDCC 2023 Hasbro Show Floor Q&A – Legacy, Studio Series, Video Games, More!", 2023/07/28
  3. Poll results at Hero-X
  4. October 27, 2023's 1027 Hasbro Pulse Premium Event on YouTube, with Mark Maher and Ben MacCrae.
  5. January 1998 interview with Bob Forward (archived)
  6. Concept digibash shown at Pete's Robot Convention 2018
  7. March 21, 2024's Hasbro Pulse | Transformers 40th Anniversary Fanstream | March 21, 2024 on YouTube, with Ben MacCrae, Mark Maher and Evan Brooks.