Sprinkleberry D'uhnut - Transformers Wiki

Sprinkleberry D'uhnut is a member of the Sugar Shocks from BotBots.



Thanks to the power of Energon radiation, a delicious doughnut became Sprinkleberry D'uhnut, a chubby 'bot who's joined other sentient sweets as a member of the Sugar Shocks. He's a bit dopey, mostly has a single-word vocabulary, and is only really good at rolling around, but he has still endeared himself to his friends, being almost universally beloved among the BotBots.


—Sprinkleberry D'uhnut


BotBots Adventure

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BotBots Adventure

BotBots Official Sticker Book

Sprinkleberry D'uhnut had the power to roll really fast, but always forgot where he was going. BotBots Official Sticker Book

BotBots Mad Libs

Sprinkleberry D'uhnut is a favorite of the kids at the type of food Shocks event, guaranteed to make them laugh. A Sugar Rush

BotBots cartoon

Voice actor: Deven Mack (English), Lehel Kisfalusi (Hungarian), Harda Billy (Indonesian), Marcus Pejon (Brazilian Portuguese), Simon Frankel (European Portuguese), Evgeny Tolokonnikov (Russian), Abraham Vega (Latin-American Spanish), Mihai Nițu (Romanian), Lucas Wecker (German)



One night Sprinkleberry stepped forth from the candy store and stated "BotBots." The other Sugar Shocks pushed out, all joining in that night's mall wide party. During the party he ended up with a cup stuck on his head, causing him to fall off a counter. Later, Sprinkleberry watched as Spud Muffin kicked Burgertron out of the Hunger Hubs for breaking the Sacred Rule of the Mall. Mall Than Meets the Eye When the Lost Bots properly assembled the the trap Dave laid out to catch the BotBots in, a curious Sprinkleberry examined it, inquiring "BotBots?". He then wandered off and slipped in a puddle of oil. This was recorded by Fomo who shared it as a hit BotVid with the rest of the mall. (Never) Be Yourself

Sprinkleberry, like everybot who was anybot, attended the Ice-Cream-a-palooza, a once-in-a-lifetime experience that would never be repeated. He enjoyed it, giving the high praise of "BotBots." Escape from Snackatraz When the Lost Bots put on a production of the real I, Cheeseburger to try and rival Spud Muffin's revival of I, Cheeseburger, only Sprinkleberry attended the show. Once Burgertron saw he was the audience, Sprinkleberry summed up his feeling on the show by saying "BotBots." After production difficulties caused the show to shut down forever mid-performance, he transformed into a donut and rolled away. I, Cheeseburger

When strange scratches appeared on the front of the candy store, Sprinkleberry examined them, uttering a concerned "BotBots." He later attended the celebration after the Lost Bots drove the monster out of the mall. The jubilation was short lived as it was then revealed Burgertron was the reason it was in the mall in the first place. Live and Let LARP Sprinkleberry attended the Ruckus Rally, watching the race with with the other Sugar Shocks. He gave an astonished "BotBots!" as he watched Kikmee swap in to drive the Racer-Roni mid-race. The Ruckus Rally



One night while Sprinkleberry was aimlessly wandering the mall, he slipped on a conspicuous patch of salt, falling into the day care area, where he became stuck on a ring stack game. On noticing his absence the Sugar Shocks tried searching for him, and when that (and exploring literally every option but abandoning Sprinkleberry for dead) failed, they sought the Lost Bots. Unknown to everyone, Sprinkleberry's plight had been engineered by Spud Muffin trying to frame Burgertron for his murder, since Sprinkleberry was so beloved the other BotBots would be too outraged to question all the circumstantial evidence. However Kikmee and Bonz-Eye investigated closer, rescuing Sprinkleberry and recounting his ordeal at the trial. He corroborated their story with "BotBots," exonerating Burgertron and getting a big hug from a relieved Lady Macaron. Crime and Bun-ishment

After Spector Halloween mysteriously appeared, spreading a Halloween infection throughout the mall, Sprinkleberry attended a meeting to decide what to do. He chimed in with the insightful "BotBots," which everyone present agreed with. The next night he was present with a group of other BotBots gazing with horror as something new had taken Spector Halloween's place. Spirit of Halloween Going on a rage filled rampage, Snorg grabbed Sprinkleberry with Dave's scootmobile, ready to blast the doughnut-bot with a sonic blast until Bonz-Eye soothed his anger. Rage Against the Karaoke Machine

When the Lost Bots attended a tea party at the candy store in hopes of rehabilitating their social standings, Sprinkleberry attended. After an oblivious Clogstopper spilled tea all over the Sprinkleberry, he gave a disgusted "BotBots," then transformed and rolled away. After Clogstopper returned from being scanned out, Sprinkleberry attended as the squads crowned the Lost Bot as king of the mall. Scanned Out Sprinkleberry attended the BotBot Beach Bonanza, getting buried in the sand by Unhandy. The Science Alliance

Sprinkleberry entered the Goldrush Games with his fellow Sugar Shocks. While he participated in the shopping cart launch event, coming in third after popping a 40 point balloon, his squad was unable to make the top four and were eliminated from the finals. The Goldrush Games - Part the First Later he watched the final relay event and witnessed Burgertron confront Spud Muffin. When Burgertron said Dave was approaching, Sprinkleberry transformed into a doughnut to hide, allowing the burger-bot to unmask the Gamesmaster as Brock O'Lonely. Spud Muffin then revealed his entire plot to get the Lost Bots exiled, much to Sprinkleberry's shock. After the Lost Bots were recognized as an official squad, Sprinkleberry chimed in with "Lost Bots!" The Goldrush Games - Part the Second





  • Sugar Shocks (5-pack, 2018)
Part of the first Series of BotBots, Sprinkleberry D'uhnut changes from an inch-tall robot into a doughnut and back. His alt mode looks very similar to the favorite sweet treat of the head of one of our most beloved yellow TV families.
Sprinkleberry was available in one of the "Sugar Shocks" themed 5-packs, along with Laceface, Point Dexter, Unilla Icequeencone, and Lost Bot Game Over.
This mold was also used to make Borgel, Goldenberry D'uhnut and Sheriff Sugarfeet.

This pack is a "recommended minimum buy" for a complete set of Series 1 BotBots.

  • Toilet Troop (5-pack, 2018)
Sprinkleberry was also available in one of the "Toilet Troop" themed 5-packs, along with Fit Ness Monster, Frohawk, Poo Sham, and Lost Bot Bonz-Eye.
  • Jock Squad (8-pack, 2018)
Sprinkleberry was also also available in one of the "Jock Squad" themed 8-packs, along with Arctic Guzzlerush, Batsby, Hawt Diggity, King Toots, Major Lee Screwge, Slappyhappy, and Lost Bot Game Over (again).




  • His surname appears to be a play on the catchphrase of renowned doughnut-lover Homer Simpson. On top of that, Sprinkleberry even looks like the pink-icing-with-sprinkles doughnuts Homer prefers.
  • He was the first BotBot to be voiced, saying "BotBots" at the end of the origins music video, and "What 'bot ya got?" in the shortened TV commercial. This would end up being his "thing" in the cartoon, where he only ever says "BotBots" in various intonations (with one notable exception).
  • Sprinkleberry Duh'Ball is named in reference to him, but their connection is currently unknown.

Foreign names

  • German: Streuselbeeren Donut (cartoon)