Standing Stones - Transformers Wiki


Where the demons dwell! Where the banshees live, and they do live well!

The Standing Stones were one of many sites where the Vok left their strange imprint on ancient Earth. In this case, the rock formation concealed a massive energon crystal and a signal beacon, all designed to attract and study intelligent lifeforms.


Beast Wars cartoon


Invasion of the Pod Bots

When the Maximals trekked to a mountain rich with energon crystals, they noticed a strange formation of rocks. Rhinox ominously observed that neither Maximals nor Predacons had built it. Beast Wars (Part 2)

The Maximals later investigated the monument, confirming it was an artificial structure on a supposedly uninhabited world before they discovered an energon reading. Though Rattrap felt the energon was bait, the Maximals tried to harvest the crystals before the Predacons arrived and a brief skirmish ensued, ending when the energon crystal was hit by a stray shot. Rather than emitting the blast expected by the combatants, the crystal sent a signal into space. With the crystal destroyed, both sides withdrew.

Some time later, an alien probe emerged from transwarp and made for the Standing Stones. Both sides rushed to intercept it, though the Predacons mistook it for a stasis pod. Optimus Primal and Dinobot confronted Megatron and Waspinator, but when they transformed and began to battle, the probe emitted an energy burst; striking Primal and causing him to vanish into thin air. The other Transformers were rendered unconscious and returned to their respective bases.

Though without a body, Primal's consciousness contacted the other Maximals from within the probe. Following a confrontation with the Predacons, the Maximals returned to the Standing Stones with a device designed to extract Optimus from the probe. The Predacons anticipated this move and attacked them at the alien site. When he arrived, Rhinox found his device malfunctioning, musing that the entire site behaved as though it were a single device before he blasted the approaching Waspinator into one of the Stones. When this caused the Stones to glow, Rhinox realized they were a single device as Primal's body was rematerialized. The Maximal leader managed to chase off the Predacons only for the probe to dematerialize before the Maximals could decide what to do with it. Rhinox noted that the aliens had learnt of the Cybertronians' abilities to both reason and destroy, though none of the Maximals could say what the aliens would do with the information. Chain of Command


Duel Fight Transformers Beast Wars

The Standing Stones served as one of the battlefields for the fights over a super-powerful energon crystal. Duel Fight Transformers Beast Wars


  • The Standing Stones are based on (or meant to be) the actual monument of Stonehenge.

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Standing Stones (スタンディング・ストーンズ Sutandingu Sutōnzu)