Stratotronic Jet - Transformers Wiki
- FOR SALE: One Stratotronic Jet, a vehicle from the toyline portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.
The Stratotronic Jet is about the toughest Action Master vehicle I've ever flown, or my name isn't Gutcruncher! This baby has it all! The maximum speed in an atmosphere is Mach 52—that's 52 times the speed of sound! It's got custom shielding that allows it to withstand the wind resistance. BUT THAT'S NOT ALL! It's capable of functioning in the depth of outer space, for all your inter-solar system needs. Now, now, I know what you're thinking. "Sure, Gutcruncher, it's fast, but I need a vehicle that packs some PUNCH!" Well, you're in luck. This bad-boy has been custom modified by yours truly with the works; it has a full payload of fusion bombs and cruise missiles, and I can get you more for cheap. If you're on a budget, stick to the energy weapons, including particle beams, infrared-targeted laser cannons and MORE!
BUT WAIT, THERE'S STILL MORE! Sometimes you just gotta get down and dirty, ya know? Well, if mobility isn't needed, this puppy converts into an absolutely devastating battle station. The power going to the jet engines is channeled into a fusion blaster cannon, and it also deploys a missile launcher for all your close combat needs. Of course, it being ground work, you might be closer to your targets than you like. That's ok. It comes equipped with a one-robot battle tank. Believe you me, nothing gets through that armor. Act now and I'll throw in a fully integrated pilotless surveillance drone, absolutely free!
Now, what would you expect to pay for an absolute beauty like the Stratotronic Jet? 500,000 energon cubes? 1,000,000? Well, act now and it can be yours for the low, low price of 350,000 energon cubes! (Tax & title additional, subject to credit check.)
Dreamwave Generation One continuity
AS SEEN IN PRINT!!! When they profiled me in More than Meets the Eye #3, my jet was right behind me.
2005 IDW continuity
The amazing firepower of this puppy reminds me of my buddy Stratotronic. During the Great War, he and I killed a bunch of Cybertronian refugees. Even the Wreckers couldn't protect them! Forever Is a Long Time Coming
After the war, me and Stratotronic opened a bar and started an engex bootlegging operation. Sadly, Stratotronic got killed trying to steal an engex distiller with Ransack and Heavy Barrel Fight or Flee by Sandstorm for their crimes during the war. Forever Is a Long Time Coming But with its custom shielding, this work of art will never die.
Commercial appearances
AS SEEN ON TV!!! When I flew my Stratotronic Jet on what I think was Cybertron, I yelled, "Destroy them!" and fired some shots at Wheeljack and Sprocket as they drove out of a tunnel in their own sub-standard Action Master vehicles. Action Master vehicles commercial
The Transformers
- Stratotronic Jet with Gutcruncher (Action Master Decepticon Attack Vehicle, 1990)
- Accessories: Twin laser gun, 2 laser cannons, left & right rear stabilizer fins, 4 missiles
- Known designers: Masakatsu Saito (concept artist)
- Released in the seventh and final year of The Transformers in the US (sixth and non-final in Europe), the Stratotronic Jet is a massive fighter jet vaguely modeled after the F-14 Tomcat that seats two Action Master figures. It transforms into a large artillery emplacement that seats one figure behind the giant central cannon. The nosecone detaches and combines with the jet's stabilizer fins to become a mini-jet that seats a single Action Master, while the orange seat becomes a mini-tank. The various red guns and missiles all have small pegs to let them mount on various parts of the jet, as well as be hand-held weapons for any Action Master figure.
- It comes with the Action Master pilot Gutcruncher.
Transformers Character Card
- Released as part of the tenth wave of the e-HOBBY exclusive Transformers Character Card series, this pair of holographic trading cards depict super-deformed art of Catilla and the Stratotronic Jet (with Gutcruncher) along with character profiles and tech specs.
- Don't let its name fool you! This bad boy was known as the "Stratotronic Cruiser" in the toy catalog and simply the "Strato Jet" in its toy commercial. But what's in a name anyway?! You can call it whatever you want, baby!