Stunticon (G1) - Transformers Wiki

The name or term "Stunticon" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Stunticon (disambiguation).

The Stunticons are a Decepticon subgroup from the Generation 1 continuity family.


"Roads? Where we're going... we don't need... roads."

The Stunticons are a group of five rebellious Decepticon automobiles that Megatron can barely control. They are the mortal enemies of the Autobot Aerialbots.

The Stunticons consist of:

They can combine to form Menasor.

In some universes:



Generation 1 cartoon continuity

The Transformers cartoon


Unfortunately, this image lost the Clint Eastwood reference to the poncho.

In envy of the Autobots' vehicular modes, Megatron stole various human vehicles and customized them so he could have his own car team, the Stunticons. Before they were given life, he brought them out for a test drive via remote control, forcing them to flip, somersault, fly off the road, drive up cliffs and bash through forests without a scratch. The Stunticons having satisfied Megatron's idea of normalcy, he headed to Cybertron to get Cybernetic personalities for them. He asks Vector Sigma to "fill them with hatred for the Autobots and everything they stand for". On activation, they swore loyalty to Megatron... or at least agreed to do what he told them to.

Their first mission was to steal the superfuel from the humans. As they smashed up the superfuel facility, the human guards immediately assumed that they were Autobots, since the Decepticons could not possibly transform into land vehicles. The Key to Vector Sigma, Part 1 Whilst the Autobots were marooned on Cybertron, the Decepticons returned to Earth with the newly awakened Stunticons who began wreaking havoc and damaging the Autobots' good name by attacking the US military base containing the experimental rocket fuel. Eventually, the Autobots returned with the newly built Aerialbots whose combined form Superion defeated the Stunticon combiner Menasor... with a little help from Omega Supreme. The Key to Vector Sigma, Part 2


Despite this defeat, the Stunticons were the key component in Megatron's elaborate scheme to hold a fake charity race from Paris to Istanbul so he could steal US driver Auggie Cahnay's car which would be melted down to house the powerful Pearl of Bahoudin. One by one, the Stunticons disabled the Autobot participants assigned to protect Cahnay, but the downfall of Megatron's plan came when he ordered the Stunticons to stop going after the remaining Autobots. Though they combined into Menasor to fend off the last three Autobots, the giant was eventually defeated by the Autobots and Cahnay. Trans-Europe Express

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When Megatron was infected with Cosmic Rust after a trip to the lost Autobot colony of Antilla, the Stunticons were assigned to capture the Autobot scientist Perceptor, who had developed the powerful anti-corrosion Corrostop. After Megatron cured himself and infected the Autobots with the disease, Menasor attacked the Statue of Liberty in New York City with the ancient Lightning Bug heat ray, intent on stopping the Autobots from matter-duplicating more Corrostop from the layer they sprayed on the statue. Superion defeated Menasor and destroyed the Lightning Bug. Cosmic Rust

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After Starscream was banished for yet another failed coup, he returned with a powerful new Decepticon team called the Combaticons, who were able to outfight Autobot and Decepticon alike. Needing a trump card, Megatron attempted to call on the Stunticons to help, but they refused as the rebellious Decepticons were busy having a demolition derby with various human-owned cars. However, the Stunticons belatedly arrived after the Combaticons' combined form of Bruticus defeated Devastator and forced Megatron to acknowledge Starscream as the new Decepticon leader. Realizing that Starscream would not stop at Megatron, the Stunticons merged into Menasor and disabled Bruticus in one mighty punch. Starscream's Brigade


Megatron ordered the Stunticons out to steal a series of items, but their actions were quickly noticed by the Autobots, who managed to track down and capture them, culminating with a head-on collision between Motormaster and Optimus Prime that only the Autobot leader was able to drive away from. Optimus and several of his Autobots used camouflage paint to disguise themselves as the Stunticons, so that they could infiltrate the Decepticons and learn Megatron's plans for the stolen components. The disguised Autobots flaunted their impersonations in front of the captured Stunticons, infuriating them enough to work up the energy to escape. Upon confronting the fake Stunticons at the site of Megatron's new weapon, the real Stunticons combined into Menasor, only to be shocked when the Autobots pull off the same stunt (thanks to a combination of Windcharger's and Mirage's powers). The ersatz Menasor proved to be no match for the real thing, though, and the masquerade quickly fell apart. When Megatron attempted to use his new weapon on the Autobots, however, it blew up in his face (thanks to a little sabotage from Ironhide), and the Stunticons were forced to flee with the other Decepticons.Masquerade


Gathered friends, listen again to our legend of the Transformers...

In the year 2005, in the aftermath of the battle with Unicron, the Stunticons joined the Decepticon retreat to the planet Chaar, where dwindling resources left them on the verge of shutdown. Cyclonus and the Sweeps arrived proclaiming that they would bring Galvatron back. Dead End was not particularly optimistic about the situation. Five Faces of Darkness, Part 1 When Grimlock and Rodimus Prime were discovered spying on them, the Stunticons participated in a beat-down of the Autobot intruders, until Springer and Arcee arrived in a commandeered Scuxxoid ship to rescue them. Five Faces of Darkness, Part 2 Before Cyclonus can return with Galvatron, however, the Quintessons showed up and offered the Decepticons unlimited energon in exchange for destroying Rodimus Prime, who by then was stranded on Goo with only a few other Autobots. Dead End sampled the first batch of energon and found it satisfactory, leading to the other Decepticons to dogpile on the rest of it. Motormaster put the Quintessons' offer up to a vote, and only Blitzwing chose not to participate, sensing something familiar about the Quintessons and suspecting they couldn't be trusted. Five Faces of Darkness, Part 3 The attack on Goo was interrupted when Galvatron showed up to reassert himself over the Decepticons, but in the confusion, the Junkions rescued the Autobots. Five Faces of Darkness, Part 4 The Stunticons participated in the joint Decepticon/Quintesson attack on Cybertron, which turned out to be a ruse by the Quintessons in their bid to retake Cybertron. Five Faces of Darkness, Part 5

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In 2006, the Decepticons attempted to take advantage of civil unrest among the humans in northern Europe to wreak havoc. The Stunticons merged into Menasor to try and take on a one-armed Defensor, but the combiner was dispatched by Rodimus and Ultra Magnus. Later, the Stunticons responded to an alert at Trypticon's perimeter, charging into battle alongside Galvatron - only to be dispatched again by Rodimus and Ultra Magnus. The Ultimate Weapon

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Later that year, Wildrider and Dead End encountered Rodimus Prime and Marissa Faireborn on a mountain road in Japan, and the two Stunticons proceeded to run Rodimus off the road. When they inspected the crashed Autobot leader, they found the Autobot Matrix of Leadership, and took it back to Chaar as a present for Galvatron. When the Decepticon leader attempted to use the Matrix to boost his power and it failed, he accused Wildrider and Dead End of breaking it, but visions of the Ancient Autobots convinced Galvatron to get rid of it. After Scourge decided to use the Matrix himself, he overpowered Galvatron and Cyclonus, and led the Decepticons, including all Stunticons present, on an assault on Earth. When Hot Rod reclaimed the matrix from Scourge, the assault came to an end. The Burden Hardest to Bear

The Stunticons joined Galvatron in following Bruticus into the loading dock of Dr. Morgan's laboratory, after learning that the body of Optimus Prime was being held there. A group of Hate Plague-infected Autobots led by Ultra Magnus quickly infected Bruticus and the Stunticons, though, forcing Galvatron to retreat back to Chaar. The Return of Optimus Prime, Part 1 Presumably, the Stunticons were cured when the revived Optimus Prime was able to open the Matrix, though they would not be seen again during or immediately after that crisis. The Return of Optimus Prime, Part 2

Japanese cartoon continuity

Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers story pages

Scramble City

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The Decepticons discovered that the Autobots were secretly constructing a mobile fortress, and Megatron mobilized his forces to attack the Autobots' secret factory. The Stunticons were deployed against the Aerialbots after the latter group drove off the Constructicons. As the Stunticons and Aerialbots used Scramble Power to try to optimize the power of their combined forms, Fireflight crashed into his own teammates, leaving an opening on Superion. Wildrider took advantage by disengaging from Menasor and taking a position as Superion's leg, which caused the air warrior great pain. Optimus Prime shot Wildrider off, though, allowing Fireflight to recombine with his team. At that point, the Combaticons showed up and combined into Bruticus, turning the tide of the battle in favor of the Decepticons.

Menasor and Bruticus were able to overpower Superion, but found themselves outmatched when the Protectobots showed up and formed Defensor, followed by the newly completed Scramble City fortress, which transformed into the robot mode of Metroplex! The city-bot quickly dispatched Menasor and Bruticus with one shot; however, the victory was short-lived, as the Decepticons then revealed their own city warrior - Trypticon! Scramble City: Mobilization

The Headmasters cartoon

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The Stunticons participated in Galvatron's siege on Cybertron. They managed to gain the high ground against the Dinobots and Throttlebots, and rained laser fire down on their opponents. Four Warriors Come out of the Sky Later, the Stunticons formed Menasor to fight their Autobot counterparts, but were steamrolled by the might and firepower of the Battleship Maximus. Transporting back to Earth, they attempted to interfere with Hot Rod's quest for the Matrix. They were confronted by the Aerialbots in the desert, but the battle of their combiner forms eventually led them to the Arctic. The Mystery of Planet Master

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When Vector Sigma began perfecting the new super-metal Cybertonuron on Cybertron, Galvatron ordered another all-out attack on the planet to seize the metal for the Decepticons before the Autobots could make use of it. The Stunticons journeyed to Cybertron with the strike force, and confronted their old enemies, the Aerialbots. The Aerialbots got the drop on the Stunticons by forming Superion and lashing out before the Stunticons could form Menasor as well. Cybertron Is in Grave Danger, Part 1 They were still in a firefight sometime later, as Chromedome passed by looking for Mindwipe and the Decepticon Headmasters. Cybertron Is in Grave Danger, Part 2 In San Francisco, the Stunticons assisted Bruticus in using a carnivorous plant to distract the Autobots from Scorponok's plans on Zarak. They fought against the Technobots and Computron. Head On!! Fortress Maximus

Much later, the Stunticons assembled in the desert as their Ninja Commander Sixshot began issuing orders. They assembled as Menasor, and took part in the escalating Decepticon war effort as five separate Autobot outposts were attacked simultaneously at Sixshot's command. The Emperor of Destruction Vanishes on an Iceberg

Zone OVA, manga and story pages

Seeking to create a Decepticon Zone to counter the Autobot Zone, Decepticon Emperor Violengiguar gathered together the Nine Great Demon Generals, upgrading them with powerful new armor and weaponry, then sent them forth to conquer planets. The Stunticons were among those summoned, but only in the form of Menasor. Zone Part 1 Zone Enter the New Supreme Commander, Dai Atlas!

TV Magazine comic continuity

Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers comic

The Stunticons decided to have a little fun and tear up a baseball stadium in Japan. Luckily, the Autobots' plucky young ally Kenji was present to radio for assistance. All the combiner teams assembled, and it was Menasor and Bruticus against Superion and Defensor! Defensor was forced to break apart by the combined Decepticon attack, but Superion and Kenji got the idea to shoot out the Decepticons' legs. Groove and Blades took advantage of the empty combiner ports and took over as Menasor's legs, launching him into the ocean. Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers #5

While posing as Autobots, Onslaught and the Stunticons rampaged through the city streets, smearing the good name of their adversaries. Later, Frenzy and Rumble posed as humans to rally people against the Autobots, and Motormaster's brigade staged an attack on the rally to drive the point home. The Autobot fire engines Hot Spot and Inferno arrived, however, and used their water hoses to wash off the Decepticons' fake insignia. Enraged, Motormaster planned to combine into Menasor...only to see the other Stunticons were already retreating into the distance. Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers #7

The Great Transformer War

Marvel Comics continuity

Marvel The Transformers comics

Events from the UK-only comic stories are in italics.


Soundwave not included.

Due to his experience with the Creation Matrix, Buster Witwicky experienced a vision of the future, in which the Stunticons and Combaticons battled the Aerialbots and Protectobots over the abandoned Pullen Power Plant. In order to help make sense of the visions, Buster was temporarily mind-linked to Optimus Prime, but unbeknownst to them, Shockwave and Soundwave were able to monitor them as well, allowing the Decepticons to gain insights into their own future forces! Second Generation!

The Stunticons were brought to life on Earth thanks to a cerebro-shell, which the Insecticon Bombshell implanted inside Optimus Prime, allowing Megatron to remotely access the power of the Creation Matrix when Prime used it to give life to the Aerialbots. Megatron sent the Stunticons out to menace the human population after Skids was sighted on television saving a human, in order to increase fear of Transformers among the population. During the ensuing fight, the Stunticons formed Menasor to counter Superion, but the Autobot gestalt was disabled by Circuit Breaker. The Stunticon combiner attempted to take advantage of Circuit Breaker's weakened state after her attack on Superion, but her human teammates, led by Walter Barnett, saved her. Heavy Traffic!

In a fit of hubris, Motormaster suggested to Megatron that the Stunticons could finish off Optimus Prime—and then quickly corrected himself to say they could only after Megatron had worked Prime over. Soundwave convinced Megatron that there was merit to Motormaster's idea of overpowering Optimus with numbers, but Megatron decided to use the Predacons instead of the Stunticons, and had them use Motormaster as target practice as a warm-up! Fortunately for Motormaster, the Predacons opted only to scare him. Prey!

The Stunticons didn't see much action afterward, as both the Autobot and Decepticon factions became embroiled in internal politics. The team was last seen in action together when Ratbat sent Motormaster to lead a Decepticon assault on the Autobot gathering on the Moon, giving the Constructicons a chance to recover the deactivated Decepticons being held in the Ark. When Grimlock and Blaster joined the battle, they were able to force the Decepticons to retreat. Totaled! Soon after, Drag Strip and Breakdown were among the Decepticons participating in the Club Con resort scam. Club Con!


These stories do not fit into the normal Marvel continuity. See Earthforce for details.

Back in action on Earth, Drag Strip and his Stunticon partner Dead End began working for a faction of Decepticons led by Megatron. Megatron had created an ozone-warping rocket, designed to trap heat in the atmosphere which could be tapped for a new source of energy, even though it would virtually destroy all life on Earth. Their plan was interrupted by two Autobots, Wheeljack and Prowl. Starting Over! While Wheeljack kept the Stunticons busy, Prowl leapt onto the rocket itself, his weight knocking it off course and causing it to crash before it reached the apex point in the atmosphere it was meant to travel to. Drag Strip and Dead End raced to the crashsite, hoping to retrieve the atmospheric poisons Megatron had loaded it with. At the fallen rocket, however, they ran into Runabout and Runamuck, who were interested in securing the equipment for their commander, Shockwave. The four Decepticons began to tussle, little realizing Prowl had already snuck away and neutralized the canisters. Life in the Slow Lane

Several Stunticons were seen at the Enclave between Megatron and Shockwave's troops before the fracas broke out. The Bad Guy's Ball!

A poisoned Soundwave staggered into Wildrider's quarters, and gave him a tape of battle plans to transmit to Cybertron. Wildrider assumed that Soundwave had been betrayed by traitors in Megatron's faction of Decepticons, and attempted to send the plans in secret. When Megatron saw him doing so, however, he assumed that the Stunticon was trying to send them to his rival Shockwave, making him the traitor who had betrayed him to Shockwave earlier. With one blast from his fusion cannon, Megatron promptly killed him. Which was exactly what Soundwave (who had not been poisoned and was, in fact, the traitor) had planned. Harsh. Secrets Shortly thereafter, Motormaster was present with Megatron's troops outside their base when Soundwave and Starscream announced they were taking over. Internal Affairs!

Later, the Decepticons learned a human reporter named Irwin Spoon would be writing an exclusive about the Autobots to upgrade their public image. In order to stop this, they sent Motormaster and the Stunticons out to snatch the human. Using his henchmen as a distraction, Motormaster rammed Prowl from behind and pulled the reporter into his cab to make a getaway. Front Line! It wasn't that easy, however, as the Autobots gave chase. Motormaster ran Prowl off the road again, and surprised Sunstreaker into running into his trailer by disconnecting from it (a surprise to everyone, no doubt). In the end it was his own Stunticons who did Motormaster in, though—Dead End and Drag Strip tried to ram Bumblebee and Tracks as they were following Motormaster's cab, but the Autobots dodged at the last second and the 'Con cars barreled into their own leader, sending him into a ditch. Bumblebee then ripped off Motormaster's door and rescued the human.

"King of the Road", my central processor. End of the Road!

Marvel UK future timelines

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In 2003, Motormaster and the Stunticons took on a mission to steal the plans for Autobot City from their courier, Kup. They surrounded the Autobot, and Motormaster had his goons tag-team the old wreck until they got their hands on the data tape. Thinking they were done for the day, the Stunticons got lucky and had a second beatdown when the hotheaded Autobot Hot Rod chased after them alone to retrieve the tape. Needless to say, they beat the ball bearings out of him. Ark Duty

Five years later, Motormaster and the Stunticons were present on Cybertron when Cyclonus, Scourge and Death's Head (under the influence of Unicron) attempted to take Decepticon leadership from Shockwave. Combined into Menasor, the Stunticons tried to save their commander but were, alas, too late. The Legacy of Unicron! Later, under Soundwave's command, the Decepticons were engaged in an extended guerrilla war with the Autobots for control of Cybertron. After getting a tip from the Quintessons, Soundwave had Motormaster and his other lieutenants gather the troops for a full-scale attack on the Autobots. The tip turned out to be a trap, however, and Motormaster and the others had to bail out of Astrotrain in mid-flight to protect themselves from a mass of invaders. Space Pirates!

Transformers Comic-Magazin

Menasor and the other Decepticon combiners battled their Autobot counterparts. Defensor managed to destroy a crucial part of Menasor, defeating him. Transformers in Action: He Who Laughs Last ...

Dreamwave Generation One continuity

At some point in Cybertron's recent history, the Stunticons were deemed psychotic and too dangerous to function in society, and as a result were placed into perpetual stasis lock inside of a prison facility. Later, in an attempt to create a diversion while he set his final plans in motion, Shockwave arranged for the release of the Stunticons. They formed into Menasor and ran amuck for a while, until Ultra Magnus arrived and began insulting them. Unable to reconcile with this, the five Stunticons began to bicker with each other over whose fault it was that they were failing, temporarily stopping Menasor and allowing Ultra Magnus to ram the combiner in the chest, forcing him to separate into his component parts and disabling the Stunticons. Passive Aggression

G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers

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When Teletran 3 went out of control and started zapping random Transformers into different points in Earth's timeline, the Stunticons found themselves laying dormant in mid-1930's Chicago... except Breakdown, who kept his consciousness and waited for the various humans sent to retrieve the lost Decepticons. While Motormaster was missing, Breakdown woke three of his comrades and the Stunticons chased the humans and Optimus Prime across the city. Eventually they found Motormaster, and were promptly transported back to present-day Cybertron. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers II #2

Some time later, the Stunticons were recruited by Serpent O.R., and helped him capture some pesky Autobots and G.I. Joes. Motormaster later attended a Decepticon gathering organized by their new leader, and attacked an Autobot peace ceremony in the form of Menasor. The Art of War #3 After the giant helped Piranacon and Predaking take down Omega Supreme, he brought Reflector to Optimus Prime. A short while later, Drag Strip was seen among the Decepticon forces preparing to defend their base from a combined Autobot/G.I. Joe assault, while Breakdown completely failed to guard some human prisoners. The Art of War #4 Motormaster helped defend Serpent O.R. from Optimus Prime's fury, but it didn't end well. The Art of War #5

2005 IDW continuity

Motormaster, Dead End and Wildrider were among the Cybertronians who answered the call to join Megatron in Kaon's underground pit-fighting ring, and later participated in the first street battle against Autobot forces. Megatron Origin #3 As the war broke out, Dead End and Drag Strip were seen fighting Autobots as Motormaster attempted to challenge Sentinel Prime. Megatron Origin #4

When Scorponok usurped Megatron, the Stunticons refused to accept his authority and left for Magmara Nine. It was while robbing Strongbox on this world that they learned from Thundercracker that Megatron had returned, convincing them to return to the Decepticon fold. Primacy #2 The reunited Decepticon army traveled back to Cybertron and enacted an invasion of Iacon, during which the Stunticons attacked Optimus Prime to keep him from interfering with Megatron. This ended poorly, as Motormaster was rammed aside by Prime while the rest of them were blown away by Omega Supreme. Primacy #4

Many years later, the Stunticons were abandoned on Earth following a failed Decepticon invasion. Motormaster, Wildrider and Dead End were all captured and deactivated by Skywatch A Rude Awakening, as was Breakdown sometime later. ...For All Mankind Drag Strip managed to avoid capture, and joined a crew of Decepticons under Swindle's leadership trying to get off the planet. They allied themselves with a group of Autobots with similar goals, led by Hot Rod. New Arrivals, Old Encounters This mixed group later rescued Motormaster, Wildrider and Dead End, as well as others, and the Autobot Jetfire concocted a method of reversing the mode-lock imposed on them by Skywatch. A Rude Awakening

The Stunticons participated in the construction of a new space cruiser, while Swindle talked "Rodimus Prime" into agreeing to let them rescue their brother Breakdown, and reunite the team. Seasons in Flight Wildrider and Drag Strip assaulted Spike Witwicky while he was driving around in Breakdown, recovering the last member of their group. Swindle hastily applied stolen combiner technology to the quintet, enabling them to form the terrifying Menasor and help him seek revenge on his old nemesis, Ultra Magnus. Enemies of the System Swindle's mechanical skill didn't equal his greed, however, and the combined Stunticons could not achieve the mental fusion they needed, leaving Menasor awkward and self-contradictory in battle, despite his fearsome power. The Autobots took advantage of the Stunticons' weakness and overwhelmed the new gestalt. All the Stunticons were taken into custody by Skywatch again after the battle. Earthworks

The Stunticons were freed once the Decepticons returned to Earth and attacked the Skywatch facility where they were held. The Demolished Man When the other Decepticons left the planet via space bridge to join Megatron on Cybertron, the Stunticons stayed behind to finish off an intruding Bumblebee, only to be defeated and recaptured. The Question They were subsequently brought to a restored Cybertron and imprisoned alongside the other Decepticons. The Autonomy Lesson

Humiliated by his defeat, Wildrider quit the Stunticons. At some point after this, they were joined by Offroad and Blackjack; the latter had been planted in the group by Starscream to serve his own ends. They took up residence in the growing Decepticon ghetto outside of Metroplex. There, they joined in with a group of malcontents and attacked Optimus Prime and Windblade as they made their way through the neighborhood. Ironhide and Chromia eventually intervened and managed to get the 'Cons to disperse. Back at their base, they were approached by Swindle; who revealed that he had gotten his hands on the mythical Enigma of Combination. Using the Enigma, he reubuilt Menasor, allowing the Stunticons to properly merge their minds; Blackjack's notoriously short temper exponentially increased Menasor's aggressiveness. With this done, Swindle and Menasor travelled to Caminus with the express intention to loot the entire planet. First Contact

Things quickly went downhill for the Stunticons: not only was Caminus devoid of any useful materials, but Blackjack's influence meant that Menasor was incapable of listening to reason or retreating. Menasor was summarily trounced by the similarly rebuilt Superion and the Stunticons were disassembled, sent back to Cybertron, and imprisoned. The Sum and Its Parts Rattrap freed Swindle from captivity; seeking a distraction, Swindle did the same for the Stunticons, who immediately formed Menasor and went on the warpath. You, Me, and the Universe Although he teamed up with Devastator, Menasor was defeated once again by Superion, Defensor, and Optimus Maximus, and the Stunticons were summarily re-imprisoned. All That Remains

Later, when the Mistress of Flame wanted Chromia released to Camien custody, she suggested Swindle or Menasor could be handed over instead to face justice for their crimes. Wanting to keep Menasor and Bruticus on his side, Starscream opted to release Chromia. Heavy

Bot Shots online bios

The team was founded by Breakdown. Breakdown's bio Dragstrip liked to find ways to compete with the other team members. Dragstrip's bio

Of Masters and Mayhem

Knock Out kept a signed picture of the Stunticons in his glovebox. The Toxic Transformer

When Thunder Mayhem rampaged across Cybertron, Menasor was part of the counterattack against him only to be slain. Deadly Aim


The Decepticons decided they needed land-based forces of their own, stealing and modifying a group of vehicles into the Stunticons. Though the Decepticons took their creations to Vector Sigma and had the supercomputer imbue them with life, the Autobots did likewise with the Aerialbots. The Decepticon team, despite merging into Menasor, were eventually defeated. The Key to Vector Sigma, Part 1

Even Megatron had trouble controlling the Stunticons. The team went on a crime spree in the back alleys of human cities until they were tracked down and stopped by Prowl and his team. The Thin Blue Line

Transformers: Devastation

As Wheeljack was about to repair the Proudstar's damaged Plasma Core, the Stunticons arrived and formed Menasor in an attempt to stop the Autobots. Transformers: Devastation

Transformers Roleplaying Game

The Stunticons were a group of rebellious Decepticons who were constantly posturing against Megatron’s orders. Decepticon Directive


The Transformers


Learn to count, the Decepticon way!

As a Scramble City-style combiner team, the Stunticons consist of four small "limbs", sold carded at the $5 price point, and a single larger leader toy that forms the combined robot's torso, sold boxed for roughly $12. They were available in 1986 and 1987.
The smaller Stunticons, like their Aerialbot counterparts, share a general transformation scheme involving pulling out the back of the vehicle to form legs, and flipping the hood out of the way to reveal the robot head. Dead End and Breakdown share an additional step, requiring rotating their legs at the knees and pushing the legs back in so they aren't incredibly tall and skinny. All four feature shoulder articulation and not much else. Each comes with a small pistol for the robot mode, and a huge double-barreled cannon which plugs into the back of the vehicle mode.
The four smaller cars are fairly close in scale, but Motormaster throws the whole equation off. He's a tiny truck compared to his teammates, a point which becomes doubly obvious alongside the much-larger truck form of the original Optimus Prime toy, his supposed arch-rival.
All five Stunticons were later available as part of the European Classics line in 1990.
The Stunticons are slightly less prone to being produced as knockoffs than the other Scramble City teams. Inexplicably, three members of the group (Motormaster, Breakdown and Drag Strip) are frequently packaged by bootleggers with two members of the Technobots. Drag Strip was named "Brain Man" in at least one such set.

Generation 2


  • Redecos of all five Stunticons were planned for release in 1994, but were canceled. Generation 2 Stunticon and Protectobot limbs have surfaced over the years in what appears to be finished packaging. (Motormaster and Hot Spot have never appeared in finished packaging, but unpainted prototypes have surfaced.) However, these are still exceedingly rare pieces, and all told it is believed that less than a dozen of each team member were produced, with one exception: Breakdown, who was available in relatively small numbers (about 300 pieces) as a BotCon 1994 exclusive. While no plans for a giftset are known, Menasor would have been constructed using these toys.

Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.

Universe (2003)

  • Menasor (Ultra, unreleased)
A redeco of Thunder Clash (or, more accurately, the Machine Wars Optimus Prime retool) was planned as a store exclusive for the 2003 Universe toy line. Initially it was supposed to be Motormaster, but because the trademark was not available at the time, it was renamed into "Menasor" before being canceled altogether.


  • Dead End (Alternators, 2004)
A retool of Alternators Side Swipe, originally planned as Sunstreaker, instead given a different deco and released as Dead End. He was later redecoed into two different versions of Sunstreaker anyways, both for Takara's Binaltech Asterisk line and for Hasbro's Alternators line.


  • Menasor (Classic Legends, 2007)
A redeco of Cybertron Legends of Cybertron Optimus Prime released under the 2006 Classics line was intended to be Motormaster, but the since the trademark was still not available, the figure was again given the name "Menasor", and the super robot's function of "Super Warrior".

Titanium Series

  • Menasor (6" Cybertron Heroes, 2007)
For the same reason as the Universe and Classic Legends figures listed above, a redeco of Titanium Series Rodimus Prime was released as "Menasor". In the United States, this figure was exclusively available at the Hasbro Toy Shop booth at San Diego Comic-Con 2007, and later also at the Hasbro Toy Shop website, but was available at general retail in Hasbro's Asian markets. The official on-packaging bio explicitly declares him a single entity built from the bodies of the individual Stunticons.

Universe (2008)

  • Decepticon Drag Strip ("Special Edition" Deluxe, 2008)
A redeco of Classic Deluxe Mirage as Drag Strip, released under the 2008 Universe line. As part of a line-up of "Special Edition" Deluxes, the figure was available at general retail in Australia and Hasbro's Asian markets, but was also sold in the United States through the Hasbro Toy Shop website, and later also showed up at clearance chain Marshalls.

Gentei! Gentei!

  • Stuntron Wildrider (Deluxe, 2008)
A redeco of Classic Deluxe Rodimus as Wildrider was released in Japan as part of Gentei! Gentei!, the exclusive range of TakaraTomy's Henkei! Henkei! line, available at the "Chara Hobby 2008" show.


A redeco (but sporting an all-new head sculpt) of Universe Deluxe Class Sunstreaker/Sideswipe as Breakdown, specifically in the colors of the BotCon 1994 exclusive Generation 2 figure, was released as part of Fun Publications' BotCon 2010 exclusive "Generation 2: Redux" box set together with Autobot Spark, Streetstar, Clench and Sky-Byte.
  • Breakdown (Subscription Service Deluxe, 2013)
Due to popular demand, a redeco of the BotCon 2010 exclusive figure (retaining its head sculpt) in Breakdown's classic Generation 1 colors was made available by Fun Publications as part of the first round of the Transformers Collectors' Club' Transformers Figure Subscription Service.

Bot Shots

  • Stunticons (Multi-pack, 2013)
    • Numbers: T006-T010
Sold as a five-pack, the Stunticons consist of redecos of existing molds: Motorbreath from Megatron, Decepticon Dragstrip from Jazz, Brake-Neck from Topspin, Dead End from Leadfoot and Breakdown from Roadbuster.



Just the typical scale discrepancies you'd expect from a Transformers toy line.

  • Ultimate Gift Set (multi-pack, 2012)
A redeco of Legends Class Optimus Prime from the 2010 Transformers toy line's Reveal the Shield subline imprint, Motorbreath (Motormaster renamed for trademark reasons) was available as part of a so-called "Ultimate Gift Set" alongside Thundercracker and the woefully out of scale Deluxe Class figures Combat Hero Optimus Prime and Autobot Jazz, released under the Generations line.
Like Thundercracker, Motorbreath included a new sword weapon with 3mm pegs and was retooled to accommodate said weapon. In the United States, the "Ultimate Gift Set" was a "shared exclusive" between online retailers (such as Hasbro Toy Shop, Amazon and BigBadToyStore) and the online storefronts of major "big box" retailers (such as Toys"R"Us and Walmart), but was available at general retail in Hasbro's Asian markets.
  • Motorbreath (Legends Class, 2012)
Shortly before the release of the "Ultimate Gift Set", Motorbreath was also made available individually as part of a large line-up of figures designed specifically for Hasbro's Asian markets such as Hong Kong, Singapore or Taiwan, referred to under the ominous term "GDO" (which was later revealed to stand for "Global Development Organization"). Hasbro later made the "GDO" toys available in the United States and Canada as Toys"R"Us exclusives.
  • Dead End (Scout Class, 2012)
A redeco of Revenge of the Fallen Scout Class Brakedown, Dead End was released as part of the Generations line's "GDO" line-up in the same manner as Motorbreath.

Combiner Wars


With a lot of patience, Europeans could eventually purchase five of seven figures at their local retail. In some markets.

The Generations Combiner Wars Stunticons are a set of new sculpts (with the exception of Motormaster, who was planned as a pretool of the Optimus Prime figure from the same line, which was released first), consisting of a Voyager Class leader/torso and four Deluxe Class limbs, each sold separately. With the exception of Dragstrip, who was released as part of the first wave of the Deluxe Class assortment alongside three of the Aerialbots, most of the Stunticon figures were released as part of the second wave of their respective assortments, with new member Offroad replacing Wildrider. They can, once again, be combined into Menasor, with Legends Class Blackjack taking the role of Motormaster's Roller car on Menasor's chest.
Several months later, "Brake-Neck" (Wildrider renamed for trademark reasons), a redeco of Dead End with a new head sculpt, was released as part of a promotion named "May Mayhem" that, as far as its official United States release was concerned, was (at least in theory) a "shared exclusive" between various online retailers (such as Hasbro Toy Shop, Amazon, BigBadToyStore and Entertainment Earth), the online storefronts of major "big box" retailers (such as Toys"R"Us, Walmart, Target and Kmart), and comic book stores that order through Diamond Distributors. It was still available at general retail in Hasbro's Asian markets, though.
As a part of the first and second wave promotion in Hasbro's Asian markets, a free sticker sheet for the Aerialbots and Stunticons was given out when purchasing any four Deluxe Class toys from those waves. As such, Menasor was given Generation 1 toy-esque stickers for the owner to apply if they wanted.[1] These sticker sheets did not include stickers for Brake-Neck or Blackjack, however.


  • Menasor (Collection Pack, 2016)
The Combiner Wars Stunticons were also made available as a giftset, this time sporting their Generation 2 decos. Brake-Neck was included instead of Offroad, and Blackjack (who never had a Generation 2 toy) was given a new, made-up deco.
Well, technically, this set is based on somebody's digibash based on somebody's hand-painted recreation of the cancelled Generation 2 toys, including a badly color-matched purple and silver Breakdown and some other errors. This set replaces Offroad with Brake-Neck, and includes Blackjack. G2 Menasor is available as a box set, and comes with a collector card and a poster of Combiner Wars G1 Menasor printed on cardstock paper, both presented inside an envelope.
Similar to the "May Mayhem" single release of Brake-Neck, the Superion "Collection Pack" was also a "shared exclusive" between various online retailers and the online storefronts of major "big box" retailers in the United States, but was available at general retail in Hasbro's Asian markets.

Unite Warriors


  • Stuntron Combined Soldier Menasor (giftset, August 22, 2015)
    • ID number: UW-02
    • English name: Decepticon Stunticons Combiner Menasor
The TakaraTomy Unite Warriors release of the Combiner Wars "Stuntrons" comes as a Menasor giftset and features Wildrider instead of Offroad from the get-go, but lacks Blackjack, whose sculpt (redecoed into Runabout) was released as part the Adventure line instead.



The Legacy Stunticons are the most cartoon-accurate iterations of the characters released to date, and also the the first combiner team released in mainline Generations since Power of the Primes.


  • Stunticon Menasor (Giftset, 2023)
Released as a giftset, Stunticon Menasor is formed from five redecos of the above Legacy figures, this time based on their original 1986 toy decos. Unfortunately, this toy accurate Menasor lacks the car chest and different head the original G1 Menasor actually had. Bummer.
Menasor's five components were revealed at San Diego Comic Con 2023, and sold in a Hasbro Pulse exclusive giftset. Said giftset features a similar layout to the original G1 Menasor boxset, and even includes a bio and tech specs on the back. Neat!
The set itself went up for pre-order on August 1st.
  • Known designers: Sam Smith (Hasbro; Shadowstrip only)
Thus far, three Generation 2-themed redecos of the Legacy Stunticons have been released through different venues:
In 2022, shortly after the regular Deluxe Class Dragstrip had been released, the Velocitron Speedia 500 Collection capsule line-up (which was exclusive to Walmart in the United States and Canada, and to Smyths Toys in the United Kingdom, Ireleand and Germany) contained a redeco of Dragstrip who was officially marketed as a separate character called "G2 Universe Shadowstrip", although designer Sam Smith acknowledged that the toy also works as the Generation 2 version of Drag Strip.
Then, in 2023, the Toxitron Collection capsule line-up (which was also exclusive to Walmart in the United States and Canada) contained a Generation 2 redeco of Dead End, who was actually marketed as Dead End this time.
Lastly, in 2025, the regular general retail Legacy Deluxe Class assortment contained a Generation 2 redeco of Breakdown, this first time ever that any version of Breakdown in Generation 2 colors was not released as an exclusive (arguably, the Combiner Wars Menasor Collection Pack was still an "online exclusive").
Time will tell when and how G2 versions of Wild Rider and Motormaster are going to be released.


Transformers Trading Card Game


One of the titular combiners from the Transformers Trading Card Game Wave 2: Rise of the Combiners, Menasor, Menacing Colossus can be formed by playing the Action card Stunticon Enigma while the Character cards for all five Stunticons are in Bot Mode while on the battlefield and/or the KO area.
Menasor, Menacing Colossus' art is based on the Combiner Wars version of Menasor, with Offroad replacing Wildrider. Like the Combiner Wars version of Menasor, Blackjack is depicted as a chestplate despite not being included in the card set.

Transformers Character Card

Transformers Character Card Superion and Menasor.jpg

Released as part of the sixth wave of the e-HOBBY exclusive Transformers Character Card series, this pair of holographic trading cards depict super-deformed art of Superion (with his components Fireflight, Skydive, Silverbolt, Air Raid and Slingshot) and Menasor (with his components Dead End, Breakdown, Motormaster, Wildrider and Drag Strip) along with character profiles and tech specs.


  • Not unlike Megatron himself, the Stunticons' Generation 1 character models were initially designed based on concept artwork for the toys which featured very different heads from the finished figures. These head designs survived to the characters' finished models, through other revisions and redesigns that took the characters' appearance even further away from the toys.

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Stuntron (スタントロン Sutantoron), Stunticon (スタンティコン Sutantikon)
  • French: Cascadican (Europe, "Stunticon")
  • Hungarian: Sztuntikon
  • Mandarin: Fēi Hǔ Duì (飞虎队, "Flying Tiger Gang")
  • Portuguese: Acrobaticon (Brazil)
  • Russian: Effecticon (Эффектикон Effektikon)
