Sunstreaker (SG) - Transformers Wiki

Sunstreaker is an evil Autobot from the Shattered Glass continuity family.

SG II 1 Sunstreaker.jpg

Sunstreaker is evil! Not that the other one is a prince, mind you. His brother, Sideswipe has defected to the "good" Decepticons.

He looks like Cordon.


Fun Publications Shattered Glass continuity


Hi! I'm more evil than you.

Sunstreaker was one of the earliest Autobots, having joined Optimus Prime's army in his initial sweep of the planet. Shattered Glass

Much much much later, as Optimus berated Blurr for his failure to eliminate his Decepticon-allied cousin, Blurr reminded Prime that he had not ordered Sunstreaker to murder his Decepticon-allied sibling. Prime wasn't impressed with this little comeback. Dungeons & Dinobots

At some unspecified point in time, Sunstreaker and a team of Autobots somehow under the command of both Rodimus Prime and Optimus Prime fought Thundercracker and Ravage in the Transformers' greatest battle on Earth, "Digital Doom on the Highway to Destruction." According to Ravage, anyway. Recordicons #3

Sunstreaker was a warden on the prison planet of Paradron, and died when Ultra Magnus broke free. Invasion

IDW Shattered Glass comic

Sunstreaker fought in the war's final battle on Earth and attempted to restrain Megatron. Shattered Glass #2

Later on, Sunstreaker stood guard at the gates of Pax with Whirl. When Ultra Magnus and his Wreckers demanded an audience with Optimus Prime, Sunstreaker and Whirl initially cited the law to bar access to the larger Autobot. Having written the laws himself, Magnus was unimpressed and manhandled Whirl while having some words with the duo. Before the conflict could escalate further, Optimus Prime called Sunstreaker to allow Magnus and a single Wrecker to pass through. Sunstreaker begrudgingly escorted Magnus and Jazz to meet his leader, leaving the terrified Whirl behind to accompany the other Wreckers.

When Ultra Magnus decided to commit a coup d'état, Sunstreaker was killed by Slicer's firepower. Shattered Glass II #1
